
Showing posts with the label artists books

Sketching 365 by Katherine Tyrrell

Plein air sketch by Vivien Blackburn in Sketching 365 My friend, Katherine Tyrrell, spent time last year writing this excellent book, now published.  It's packed full of tips, advice and techniques.  Not only suitable for beginners but for those with experience wishing to try other media or develop their work. There are 55 artists - all good - to show examples of a wide range of approaches.  Several are friends and others known to me as people I admire. My plein air sketch of Sennen Cove, from the terrace of Rose Cottage, sharing a page with Felicity House  I had proof read it online but nothing is quite like holding the actual book in my hands, flipping back and forth and seeing images by friends and artists I admire. It's not one of those 'do as I do' books, producing clones,  but one that sets out to make you think of alternatives, observation, composition, materials to use, tone, marks, pattern and much more - all the kind of things I tell m...

Illustrated ABC for Lucy, childrens book K and L and a new page for this book

I've finished illustrating up to Z - so now the covers and then putting the book together in Publisher, printing and binding - nearly done! I'm putting the illustrations together on a page   - see the tabs at the top of the blog as those not interested in illustration may be getting thoroughly bored with these :>)   So  A-Z is uploaded there.   Covers to follow. And hopefully some 'serious' painting time soon.

abc for lucy - illustrated alphabet I and J

|Onwards ............

abc illustrated book - g and h

The book continues - I've just realised I made changes to the G page and forgot to re-write the word giraffe. It's taking a lot of time but today and yesterday I had time off - family visits and then simply chilling and curling up with a book :>)

abc for Lucy - illustrated book

and F - I did have a union jack there but it was too fussy, so simplified it to the cross of St George. The end is in view ......

illustrations for abc book: E

  And E

abc book illustrations up to D

It's flowing faster at the moment - I'm actually up to K in colour and M sketched out and ready to paint ......

abc book illustrations continued

Another page almost done.

illustrating a book for a small child continued - abc for Lucy

Now on to B - so many more to go and so little time! and the original with the print and added text - with typo - it should say big banana not bit! Only 24 more letters to go plus the covers, plus the putting it together with the writing in Publisher, plus the printing, plus the binding ..... no pressure then. And the original rough ideas sketch

An ABC book for a small child - continued

I spent some time working on the illustrations for the book for my grandaughter, for Christmas, today.   It's a mix of watercolour, pen and coloured pencil.  And  I suddenly realised the rate at which I've got to work to get 26 letters plus covers, plus put the book together in time .....  I think I'd better get on with it quickly ! I think primary teachers will frown at some of the phonics - like the aeroplane and auntie C.   Some of the words like avaricious are aimed at brother Sam, who is very articulate and will enjoy the big words.  I wanted to bring in lots of family things  and thinking up enough items for the letters isn't the easiest! This is the A4 sketchbook with the original sketch below and above is a trial print of the page as it will appear with added text.  You may be interested in the working out ideas sketches here and here  .   Other illustration projects can be found by searching under the tag Illustr...

Designing a catalogue for a group of artists

I've been working on a catalogue for the small group of friends I meet up with once a month. It's to be used for a proposal for a group show at a really good venue. The introduction page Not quite finished - but this is pretty much how the pages will look - one each, one large image, statement, small image and contact details/web addresses (which I've removed here). I'm waiting for a couple of images and statements. It is A5, will be on heavy paper and will be wire bound for ease of page turning. I wanted to keep it very simple, the covering letter etc does all the talking, this is just a flick through, who we are and what we do. Mary our secretary will do those - my responsibilites are catalogue, posters, publicity. What do you think? The rather long winded name of our group pre-dates my membership and that of several of us - we sometimes think of changing it but we've built up a reputation under that name, which makes it difficult ..... and then there's the ...

Sam's book update, another illustration

Sam and his Auntie walking on a windy beach on a cool day, but still the colours are beautiful watercolour, coloured pencil and pencil I've done another illustration for the book, of Sam and my younger daughter - yet to go are my husband, his dad an more of his mum. It's not fantastic but it does catch my daughters brisk walking and Sam's windswept exuberance :>) Now to think about the text to go with it .......

sam's book update 6

One of the pages, with text - using a painting done last year. The dotted lines around the text are Publisher text boxes and won't print. I've been doing long hours without even lunch breaks because of meetings and marking and stuff - so it's on hold for the moment. On Friday I'm meeting up with Katherine Tyrrell and Gayle Mason at Patchings - so a day for ME! Anyone who likes Gayles gorgeous work and can get there - book your ticket! She has a stand and you'll be able to see her work, buy cards and talk to her.

update 5 on sam's book

Sam looking at the tractor, illustration, Vivien Blackburn Well I more or less managed the tractor! lots of only half seen machinery there that I have no understanding of whatsoever, so I hope it makes sense. Sam was very interested in it but a bit wary of all the noise and the size :>) Tommy is the farmer/owner of the cottages we stayed in.

update 4 Sam's book

Joie de Vivre, Sam jumping down the steps. Vivien Blackburn watercolour, pencil and coloured pencil And another illustration for Sam's book done :>) The tractor still looms! shall I tackle drawing that today or ... not? I've been reading a very good book on illustrating for children . It's full of good tips - some of which I'd done instinctively in the books I've done so far, some that I'll employ in the future. Things like: different scale and viewpoints - In a previous book I'd done things like looking down on a tiny Sam playing on the beach, from the height of the kite he is flying. Or as here, looking up a flight of steps at him jumping down. showing more in the drawing than is shown in the text - like the book I did for him when he was very young where he is looking for his toy giraffe - which is peeping out from behind elements in each drawing, a visual in-joke for the child balancing text and image - I do always try to do this, treating t...

book update 3

Sam playing football on the beach with his Dad and Grandad I'm working on the illustrations that feature Sam. In this one I've re-used a sketch I did of Sam playing football in the summer. I scanned, cropped and printed it, coloured it, removed the grass, substitued sand and added the legs to suggest his father or grandfather. Yet to tackle are cows, Farmer Tommy on his tractor and Sam jumping down a flight of steps ..... mmm ....

cover update

cover update - this is how it's looking at the moment - front back cover opened out The text box and underlining in the title are just Publisher stuff that won't print better? I think so

Another book for Sam

Sam goes to Bosworlas , initial design for front cover, subject to change :>) Vivien Blackburn back cover I think I'm going to make a book for my grandson for his birthday about his holiday with us there. I'm using the painting of the farm as the cover and I'll include the painting he did. Now I need to do sketches of his activities there, like jumping down the steps, the farm cat, the farmer and his tractor, the chickens and cows, the beach ....... The painting wraps around front and back covers like this screenprint of opened cover for Sam goes to Bosworlas . Vivien Blackburn I think I need to move it up slightly on the page before printing. Unfortunately I can't take images right to the edges - unless I print A3 - or design the book a little smaller and cut it down when printed. I don't think I like the vertical type with the image when seen folded either ..... all is subject to change at this very very early stage. The font is based on my handwriting....

artists books

Bridgette Guerzon Mills has featured one of my artists books on her Amano Books blog today. This blog is about her journalling and hand made books. She also has a blog featuring her gorgeous paintings and encaustic works. More paintings to show tomorrow in the waterways series ............. (looooooong day today)

childrens books

Way back I started thinking about doing a book for Sam but family health issues ate up my time and it got put on a back burner. Are these images easily enought read by a small child do you think? I quite like the freshness of the original scribbly sketched ideas and played with adding colour on the computer in glazes. all images copyright Vivien Blackburn what do you think?