
Showing posts with the label old work.

revisited tree and old sketches

I sketched the tree again, that I'd sketched at the very beginning of spring - Link: Then it was very cold and the sun was setting, the tree only had tiny leaves beginning to show. Now it is in full leaf, fresh bright fierce spring greens and behind it - at midday - the fields of rapeseed glowed bright golden yellow with bluey muted hedgerows crossing in the distance. It was warm :>) I may well look at this tree again from time to time as the seasons and weather change. I'm not totally happy with the lights and darks in the branches that were waving in the breeze. It got a bit overworked :>( Next is a page from an old sketchbook from 1993 shortly after I first started painting and sketching again in 1992. I was really pleased with the sketch of our cat and disguised another disastrous attempt by covering it with the doodle on the left! - always disguise the mistakes! :>) I really should get that ink out, I ca...