
Showing posts with the label moleskine exchange

still experimenting with still non conventional still life, working out elements in A4 moleskine

Carved wqoden cat in Crayola and Tombow pen in moleskine sketchbook A probable element in the next still life painting - it will be based on the things on the shelf above the tv. Done really fast with my grandson's Crayola pencils, some of which don't work very well on the waxy moleskine paper (but what's new!  so many things don't) and grey and black Tombow pen. I'm wondering if the finished painting might be done in Artbars and Caran d'Ache Neocolor II.   I think the ability to use  coloured line and wash might work with this and the other objects.  I'm also thinking it will need to be a full sheet of watercolour paper to weave the different things together in the way I want. Sketches to do and problems to solve ....

moleskine exchange update and more seascapes

Moleskine exchange, Sennen Cove, surf on the rocks, Vivien Blackburn These are the 2 recent pictures in the moleskine sketchbook exchange, done in Lindsay's book with its theme of maps and destinations. Lindsay, Lorraine and Brian had concentrated on the maps/aerial view side and David had taken us into outer space. I decided to give his spaceman a nice place to splash down on his return :>) and look at destination You can see the spaceman and other pages here: the next day, wild surf and rain, subtle colours replacing the vivid blue of the previous day That's a harbour wall under those waves, quite a tall wall and this wasn't even a gale! That large rock reef outside the harbour helps break the force of the waves as they come in This book is currently with Gesa and I'll be interested to see where she takes it next :>) Casey (Klahn) have you got my book? I'm dying to see what you do with it. .

slide show of work from the sketchbook exchange from the books I've had so far :>D

well this should have been a slide show - but photobucket is just taking FOREVER to load it and that's on broadband - so I give up! I'm not going to waste any more time on photobucket slide shows :>(

sketchbook exchange so far

mmm sorry I did a slide show but it takes too long to load :>(

update on the moleskine exchange

2 sketchbooks arrived from Gesa for the moleskine exchange, belonging to Brian and Lorraine - and they are looking fabulous! :>) Lorraines theme is CLOSE. She started the book off with a drawing of her beloved garden in coloured pencil , closely followed by a naughty couple in the undergrowth by David getting very close ;>) , already shown on our website. Now Gesa has followed on with this great lively view of children and tenements, washing blowing in the breeze. It somehow has echoes of the stable and Bethlehem don't you think? Gesa Helm's gorgeous lively Joan Eardley tribute - In Lorraine's sketchbook in the moley exchange. Joan Eardley is a favourite artist of mine, I love both her Glasgow tenement paintings of urchins and her beautiful free abstracted landscapes. a close up of the children by Gesa Helms The other book belongs to Brian, who started off with moody local landscapes in coloured pencil - did you use solvent Brian? the double page Marsh fe...

sketchbook and moleskine exchanges

I'm taking part in 2 sketchbook exchanges and it's fun ! 1 Moleskine exchange: Gesa Gesa sends her book to me - and it arrived this morning. :>) She's used a really interesting mix of media and integrated them beautifully - something that looks easier to do than it is - relating to the theme for her book ' Lines, Lineages, Linings' with a lovely quote from Nicholas de Stael ' a series of discontinous lines that try to define a space by exploring the emptiness of the sheet on which they appear to be hanging but that can, at any moment, take them in' H Maldiney on Nicholas de Stael 1953 - a great quote , related to beautifully by this piece. There is another as well but that photo didn't come as well. My local landscape - city/country/close up/panoramic/detail/whatever seems very ordinary in comparison. There are 8 of us in the group. Here's the cover of mine, which flies this afternoon.