My fat, bright-eyed boy, shown here playing with big "sister" Kadi, was no more than eight weeks old when we snapped this shot. Couldn't you just take a bite out of that plump thigh?
In this one, still bright-eyed, he was about nine months old. This was after he discovered the pleasure of sleeping in my dining room "fortress" but before he chewed up the rungs on every single one of these chairs.
This is a shot from just a couple of months ago. Butch is eight years old now. His muzzle isn't as black as it used to be and, of course, he has no eyes, but I still think he's a handsome dog.
In fact, to my way of thinking, his face these days looks pretty much like a grown-up version of the sweet pup shown here sleeping under my computer desk. This is the baby boy who stole my heart. He still has it.
I just love Butch stories! He looks like such a fine dog.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Schremsgems. I wish other pet owners whose animals face this this type of eye surgery could spend half an hour with Butch. He would melt away their fears and anxiety in no time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet pup! Enjoy him :-)
ReplyDeleteI am actually toying with the idea of getting a dog again, purely on the strength of your dog tales. I read your wonderful stories and really miss having a pup around.
Good for you, Sunflower. There were a lot of years when I couldn't have a dog (moving around the country with my family, then later living in an apartment), but now I wouldn't be without one -- or two. I think next time I'll adopt an adult dog instead of a puppy. I'd miss that sweet baby stage, but I'd be glad to miss the housebreaking and chewing phases.
ReplyDeleteWell, Velvet, with both kiddies in college, we have entered another phase of life. Everyone says I'd be crazy to tie myself down with another dog. My husband would like to travel more - but has left the ultimate decision up to me.
ReplyDeleteI think this January will be decision time. There is a breeder I'm interested in who said to call then if I want a pup in the spring. I would want a new pup in the spring, because then my kids could "bond" with it when they are home from school.
I don't know what to do. The heart says "New puppy!" The brain says "What? Are you nuts?"
What a pretty boy! You can see the happiness all over his face. I love my cats, my dog is my cuddle bunny.
ReplyDeleteJanet, they grow up too fast, don't they? That chin-on-the-footrest picture is my favorite, too.
ReplyDeleteSunflower, I know what you mean. I know there are good kennels available, so I could travel more if I wanted to kennel my pooches, but I can't seem to make myself do it. There IS a price to pay for all that puppy love.
Kat, my big dogs like to cuddle, too. They're too big to be lapdogs, but they don't know it.
Hello again,Velvet, thank you for the welcome. What a lovely post to come home to, he is gorgeous aw *hugs*
Butch is a sweetie. I can see why you fell for him. -Ellen
ReplyDeleteDebi, sorry to hear about Missy. If you have time, e-mail me and tell me about what's up with her. For that matter, I'd like to hear what's up with you, too.
ReplyDeleteSandy, thanks. It's nice to have you back in Blogland.
Ellen, the older he gets, the sweeter he gets. He's always been good with people, but he used to be grouchy around Kim's little dogs. Lately he's been willing to stand still and let them lick his face. I guess we all mellow out as we get older.
Awww, Janet, I'm delighted that you keep coming back to see my sweet baby boy. I wish he knew it. He's such a happy guy, and it makes his day when he "sees" somebody who's visited him before.
ReplyDeleteI love that dog, just love him. And now that I've seen his puppy pictures, I love him even more. Thanks for the Monday morning smiles!
ReplyDeleteOK, Janet, just for you, I posted a link to these photos in my Links list (second item). By the way, did you notice his paw in Kadi's mouth in the top picture?
ReplyDeleteAlison, I'm glad you found a smile here.
Kadi still tumbles on the floor with Winston and Lucy, but Butch hasn't played like that for years. On the other hand, Kadi tried her best to just stay away from my sister's two-year-old grandson, and Butch played with him for days. They played with tug toys, wrestled on a mattress on the floor, etc. My theory is that some dogs are dog-dogs and some are people-dogs. I have one of each.
ReplyDeleteJanet, I don't think Butch would have hurt the baby intentionally, but we humans always intervened before the wrestling on the mattress got too rowdy. Butch weighs 55 pounds, way more than the two-year-old, so we didn't want to take any chances.
ReplyDeleteand I'm back for another Baby Butch fix! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI had to check to see if the Baby Butch pics link was intact. Aww. Makes me feel a little bit better!
ReplyDeleteHad to get a Baby Butch fix!
ReplyDeleteI have to confess, I still visit for a Butch Baby fix too! Oooh that thigh!
ReplyDeleteaw! love these-do you have any more Baby Butch pics you can add here? Can't get enough!
ReplyDelete*sigh* got another Baby Butch fix!
ReplyDelete*sigh* that last photo of him sleeping is irresistible!