Let's Go Pell-mell to the Mall
I've walked down the Mall lots of times, but not noticed this place tucked away in the elegant buildings there before. It turned out to be a pleasant discovery yesterday. I was lured there with the promise of some contemporary garden art courtesy of the Mall Galleries and their Royal Society of British Artists annual exhibition. It promised to be a good follow-up to Painting the Modern Garden I saw in January. I wasn't disappointed. I particularly liked Melissa Scott-Miller's Front Garden with Self Painting (click to enlarge and you'll see her), which reminded me of Renoir's painting of Monet at work. Melissa's work won the Galleries Bookshop prize and also graces their shelves as a greetings card. On the left we have Morning Light by Rowan Crew, and then his Worcester Pearmain which reminded me of the plum tree paintings I saw at Painting the Modern Garden Most of Nicholas Verrall's Olive Tree amongst the Vines , a painting to ge...