So I'm sure some of you remember my dragon project. Well it's been sitting in the closet pretty much since my last post about it. Partially do to boredom, that's a lot of satin stitch in those trees, but also because it just wasn't going in the direction I wanted it go.

So much satin stitching!
I wanted it to be similar to my
shooting star embroidery, loads of layers colors and stitches. Of course with a needle felted body it disagreed with me and kept eating my stitches. So I tried to build up a base of accent beads to stitch around. It wasn't horrible, just not what I wanted. So this morning I had what I'm hoping will turn out to be a brilliant idea and ripped off all the beads and stitching (okay so i gently cut it out so as not to ruin the piece).
Also I don't love the background, it may get ripped out also or more likely just added to.
So with any luck I will have new, non ripped apart dragon pictures for you soon.
In other news I finally got into miniatures, the making of them since the love of them has always been there. I love it so much I was tempted for a short while to give up crochet all together...but who am I kidding, I will never be satisfied by just one crafty thing. Here's some of the tiny stuff I've made.
The project that started it all, a matchbox swap with my sister.
the hourglass is made of two gel cap halves hot glued together, then I took a hot needle and made a hole so sand could fall through it. You have to give it a bit of a wiggle but the sand will move.
the ink bottle is a deformed bead with a toothpick cork. The tiny pencils are made from plant pieces and will write for a little bit at least.
Hand dipped tiny candles, they don't have much burn time but it's fun to watch the little suckers go.
Inspired by the tequila bottle my husband found me at the craft store. they still need painting
Even tinier skulls, these are going to become plant parts for my witch room I'm working on.
Tiny frogs and a lizard
The drawer for the cuppboard.
the interior, glossy paint does not photograph well
Tiny bird skulls
And even tinier mice
This is my witch room. It's got a canopy and large bat rug now but I can't seem to located that picture.
Head and foot boards for some beds I'm making. I love making tiny furniture.