The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.
Showing posts with label 2012 WIP Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012 WIP Challenge. Show all posts

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Update on WIP Challenge

I went out of town on Sat and Sun for a funeral of a dear and sweet 92 year old Aunt.
Here is my progress of what I did get to stitch last week although.
The Alphebet Samplings Book-With My Needle
 ABCs of Aging Artfully-Lizzie Kate
 November Snowman-Vermillion
Happy stitching to all.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Weekly update

Joyce's update
Here is my progress on my WIP challenge: Alphabet Samplings Book-With My Needle
 ABCs of Aging Artfully-Lizzie Kate
 First finish of 2012-February Violets - EMS
 Red Birds-JCS nov/dec

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New year, new challenge!

To start with I all want to wish you a happy and healthy 2012.
And with a glimpse at my challenge list I have to admit it wasn't realistic. Look for yourself:

1 Chatelaine Designs - Holland Springtime *done*
2 HAED - Foregone *WIP*
3 HAED - Call of the Raven *WIP*
4 HAED - Vibrant Vista *WIP*
5 Carriage House Samplings -Village of Hawk Run Hollow *half way*
6 The Goode Huswife - The Raven's Roost *done*
7 LHN - Series of Christmas Ornaments (All Dolled Up) (three done) *done*
8 Ink Circles - Cirque des Carreaux *WIP*
9 Canterbury Designs - Plantation Sampler *WIP*
10 Mary Wigham Sampler *WIP*

So instead of making a new list, I am going to use the 'old' one and make some changes in it.

1 Chatelaine Designs - Classizism (start and get the Teahouse done)
2 HAED - Foregone *WIP* (add at least two pages)
3 HAED - Call of the Raven *WIP* (add at least two pages)
4 HAED - Vibrant Vista *WIP* (get 50% done)
5 Carriage House Samplings -Village of Hawk Run Hollow *half way* make it a finish
6 SAL Tree of Stitches
7 SAL Maryse
8 Ink Circles - Cirque des Carreaux *WIP* (add at least one page)
9 Canterbury Designs - Plantation Sampler *WIP* (get 25% done, is now 9%)
10 Mary Wigham Sampler *WIP* (get 40% done, is now 32%)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Joyce's 2012 WIP Challenge

Here is my 2012 WIP Challenge along with some new projects included for the year.

2012 WIP’s and new starts

1.    WIP- Alphabet  Samplings Book-Ellen Chester/With My Needle

2.     WIP-Red Birds-Just Cross Stitch Magazine Nov/Dec Issue 2010

3.     WIP-ABC’s Of Aging Artfully-Lizzie Kate

4.     New-The Halloween House-Ursula Michael -Sal

5.     New-Teenie Graduation Announcement-The Sweetheart Tree (Gift  for Sarah)

6.    NEW- Ornaments For 2012 Exchanges

7.     New-LHN  Pillow Series-Summer and Autumn-Gifts for Deanna

Completed Spring And Winter

8.     WIP-The Library –Littlehouse Needleworks

9.     WIP-Flower Of The Month Series – Ellen Maurer Stroh

WIP –February/Completed – January

10.  WIP- Snowman Series –Vermillion

WIP-November/Completed-January,Feb(Sold),March, April, May, Dec.

11.  WIP Garden Of Joy-Friendly Stitchers Sal 2009

Completed 22 Squares Of 52

12. WIP  Christmas Animals – Heaven And Earth

13.   WIPNoel 2009 Sal-Novelee2.Com

14. WIP  Weather Poems-Britian’s #1 Crossstitch Magazine

WIP-September/completed July-August

15.   WIP-Pumpkin Patch Kitchen Towel

16.  WIP- Stitcher’s  Alphabet – Brooksbooks

WIP-Letter D/Completed “A””B””C”

17.  WIP Holidays All Year Ornaments

WIP-Thanksgiving Wreath/completed 2-St  Patricks, Valentine, Easter(card),

July 4th,Halloween,Thanksgiving

18.  WIP Christmas Cards for 2012

19.  WIP All Occasion Greeting Cards

20. NEW  2011 LHN Ornament Series

Winter forest

Cardinal winter

Bringing home the tree

Deck the halls

Gingerbread village

Silent night

Pine tree inn

Baked goods


Joy and peace

Snow in love

 Good Tidings

21.  WIP Victoria Sampler Button-Up  Birdies Series #1-#6 – by Cathy Jean

Completed Nov, Dec, And Robin(JCS)

22.  NEW Victoria Sampler  Woodland Babies by Cathy Jean

Baby Squirrel (JCS)

Happy New Year