2-9-2011---actually started this post on 1/17/2011, saved it, went back to do some editing, and could not figure out how to do it. Was messing around with it tonight and the edit worked. So Here is my list...will try to post pictures soon.
Spent the whole weekend sorting and finding the projects I want to concentrate on this year. If I actually do get some finishes, I have more waiting in the wings. For now i'll just list the top 15.
Pictures will follow as I get around to the next turns........
1.Leopardess and Cub by Dyan Allaire...doing for my sister...she has been waiting almost 2 yrs...time to concentrate and get some stitching done on it. I just finished page 2...actually pulled it out before Christmas.
2.Maryse Dupont 2011 SAL....started in December...a monthly calendar page of houses and flowers.
3.Historical Sampler Company...Childrens birth sampler...working on first of 3 for my grandchildred. Can't find the name of the first one...misplaced the pattern...in one of the bags on the floor.
4.ANG-American Needlepoint Guild...Autumn Palette Geometric by Debbie Stiehler..a freebie on the ANG website. Have done in Christmas colors, now doing in Halloween colorway.
5.Blackwork SAL by Benu Demirel of SEBA Designs. Such pretty colors.
6.Lavinia by Stickideon von derWiehenberg. A canvas project in Purple colorway as listed.
7.Liz Turner Diehl Deck the Hall pillow. Took as a class at the Spirit of Cross Stitch Festival many years ago.
8.Bargello Christmas ornaments by LizArt-right now doing a blue bell
9.Blue Ribbon Designs Tiny Trees and Gifts for Thee. I just love her patterns.
10.Pamella Kellogg, Kitty & Me, first Robin of Spring...lots of lavendar colors which I love.
10a. Pamella Kellogg 2007 Christmas Mystery...a Poinsettis design....beautiful bright colors.
11.Christmas ornament on canvas I am doing for a friend for pay...Making it us as I go.
12.Lorri Birmingham