Yes don't faint I finished another UFO. For a change from my Postcard SAL I picked up a small All Our Yesterdays that I'd started absolutely ages ago for my MIL. Managed to finish it in 3 evenings of stitching whilst DH was away working, I'll finish it into the ornament on Sunday when I have the sewing machine out. Onto my needlebook this weekend before back to the Postcard SAL...
The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.
Showing posts with label Jo - boosmummy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jo - boosmummy. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
A Calendar Update
I took my Postcard SAL UFO away on holiday with me hoping to do a couple of months. Didn't even finish 1 month as we were so busy during the day that I was too exhausted by the time the kids were in bed. I have managed to finish another 2 months though since the beginning of August...only 4 more to go then it's a finished UFO :-)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I'm getting there - slowly!
I've finally finished June on my French Postcard SAL and got the threads to do July. Must admit a couple of times I should have picked this up I've worked on my Castles in the Air instead. Thinking I may take this on holiday with me in August so I'll get lots done if it's my only project. Here's January to June...only 6 months to go :-)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Another UFO finished
I've managed to finish a small UFO in the last month even with builders in fitting a new's been a challenge. This is a small design I started ages ago on a sample piece of 28ct Spring Green from Sparklies. The design was from a very old copy of the UK Cross Stitcher magazine, I'd taken the chart out and thrown the rest of the magazine away so couldn't say which one. There was a series of little designs around different stitches.
I've also worked on my French SAL and finished April and May. June and July are printed out ready for the kids being in school so I can work on them.
I've also worked on my French SAL and finished April and May. June and July are printed out ready for the kids being in school so I can work on them.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Next UFO up for working on
Here is the next UFO I'm going to be working on. It's a French Postcard SAL that I started last year, I'm up to April which is only a year late! This one is going to be for DS1 as he starts his private French lessons this month. He's happy as it's been quite a while since I've stitched him something.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Finally finished it!
I know I've been a bit quiet lately (lots going on here) but I have been working on my UFO's. In fact I've managed to finish 2 of them....yes 2!
The first is my Monopoly SAL that I started intended for my mums birthday in 2010....mmmm here we are a year later and I missed her birthday this year as well LOL! With lots of perserverence it's now ready for Mother's Day which is this Sunday here in the UK. As mum has recently bought a new board all fancy in a wooden box I decided to quilt this so she can use it as a wall quilt or for when she goes away. That way she'll only need the accessories in a little bag from her old monopoly set. This is the finished item.
Then just to make things fair I found the Quaker bookmark I'd started last year for my MIL and decided that if I worked hard I could also get this finished in time for Mother's Day. I did finish it and off it went into the post today for my MIL who reads loads so hopefully she'll like it.
Going to dig out my French SAL next as I'm up to April ( a year later!) and DS1 is starting private French lessons this month so it'll be for him.
Monday, January 17, 2011
I'm finally getting there :-)
As my first UFO I picked up the Monopoly Board that I meant to have finished for my mums birthday in March last year....definitely want it done for her birthday this year. Here is a photo of my progress in May 2010 (eek was it really that long ago!) and another photo from this month after finally picking it up again. Hoping to get the streets wording all done in the next week so it looks a bit more like it's nearly done.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
First UFO up for finishing
Ok the first one up for actual finishing for me has to be my Monopoly board. I started this as a birthday present for my mum last January, her birthday has since been and gone so I said "OK Christmas present then"...ooops again been and gone and the board is still not done. Mum's next birthday is in March so with your help I'm determined to finish it in time. DH back at work on Tuesday, 2 eldest kids in school on Wednesday and DD in nursery on Thursday morning so look out monopoly here I come :-)
Hugs JO (boosmummy)
Hugs JO (boosmummy)
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