The only rule is to have fun, keep an eye for you threads and be always in stitches.
Pick 15 projects that are ALREADY STARTED and FINISH them.
ha, there you are, my challenge to you. Not new ones coz we all know there are far more than 15 to which we would like to start.
Showing posts with label Faye R. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faye R. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finish 11.... Could I possibly finish 12 this year???

I am so so excited to have finished this over one on 40 ct is a little intense for me...But, I had so much time already invested, I HAD to finish it!!!

 My Full Heart
Hands to Work
Pale Blue 40 ct mystery linen
HDF silk threads

See a little more about this finish and more on my blog  ** here**....

That's it for me for now...... Happy stitching everyone~~~


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Finish 10~~A Quaker Christmas by ByGone Stitches...


May I present you, finish 10 in this challenge.......

A Quaker Christmas by ByGone Stitches

36 ct coffee dyed linen
Victorian Motto hand dyed threads

This one was 20 months in the making....picked up and sat back down several times...
It has been a wonderful journey with this design.... I did modify it by omitting the Christmas words and substituting family initals in their place.... And, I am happy that a fellow stitcher is taking the pattern and she will be creating her own creation with it.... You will love it Kim~:~

Here's hoping everyone is enjoying their time stitching~~

Always,  Faye

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

From this to this, to this, to this.....I'm getting there~~

Here's a peek at my progress since Dec 2010 on this design by ByGone Stitchers...

~~~A Quaker Christmas~~~

December 2010....

What a fun journey this is......stay tuned!~


Monday, September 5, 2011

Ninth finish.....yippee~~

Going from this in 2010....

 School Days
La d da, JCS magazine Oct 2003
40 ct flax Newcastle
converted Belle Soie/AVAS silks

(sorry for the shadows.....I just sat the frame over it to see if it would work...)
To read more about this one, visit my blog......
Have a great week everyone~~

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8th month of 2011....8th challenge finish~~ yeah~~~~

May I present to you my latest "up for a challenge" finish....


To find specific details, please visit my blog

Well, we will have to see what Sept will bring out of the WIP's to get finished~!~

Happy stitching, Faye

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fredricka progress......

From this.....

To this as of yesterdays progress......

I just had to pull her back out since I am in a fallish state of mind....Those great oranges, reds and browns are putting me in a cooler mood....Now, if the weather would just co-operate!

Happy stitching, Faye

Monday, August 15, 2011

Finish #7...And, its a big one~~~

This should actually count as 15 WIP finishes......But rather than counting each block, I am counting the entire piece as a finish in my challenge.............  Blackbird Designs Anniversaries of the Heart is finished~~  YIPPEEE!!!!

 The overall design on 36 ct linen ended up measuring 25 inches by 13 inches...

 The last row looks like this....

 The first two blocks are dedicated to my husband and our wedding date...

 I am a graduate of NCState University in Raleigh and wanted to always remember my beloved School of Textiles and the design classes that contributed to inspiring my creativity....

These two blocks were stitched in honor of our two sons....

More photos can be found on my blog **here**...

Happy stitching everybody~~~

Monday, August 8, 2011

One more square...

This is the block that is in the last book....Then I have a "double block" in that same book and will be finished!!! Wow....can't hardly believe it~~~ Since it is a double block, will take me a little while...And, of course, I still have to go back and stitch all the personalization and dedication information in the blocks.....I CAN see the light at the end of the tunnel~~
Happy stitching everyone,


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer progress of Anniversaries of the Heart....

I have been concentrating so much on my Americana and Patriotic themed stitching, that I have barely put a dent on any of my "Up for a Challenge" pieces~~~Look here to see what I mean!!
 Summer is getting away from me and I had committed myself to finish up many ongoing projects!!!  I have put a little attention to my largest WIP, Anniversaries of the Heart by Blackbird Designs.....  And, here is my latest block, without the personalization of course....

Until next time,  Faye

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finish number 6~~~~

Yippee!!  I finished my third and last piece of this Prairie Schooler exchange "Friends and more friends".....I had stitched 2 of the 3 when this challenge began and just couldn't seem to finish that last one until now.............

You can see a little more about this exchange on today's post on my blog here...

Ok....we are all on a roll....we are now in June and have 7 months to finish our "up for a challenge pieces"... Where is this year going????

Have a great week everyone,   Faye

Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Sampler by LHN progress....

I have pulled out another one of my challenge pieces to work on this past week....

From this in Jan 2011....

To this as of today....

(sorry for all the wrinkles....)

Family Sampler
Littlehouse Needleworks
32 creme Belfast
specified threads

Have a great week everyone!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

AotH progress....

Chipping away little by little on my BBD Anniversaries of the Heart project...

Another block completed...

 Pumpkin Farm
36 ct Winter Frost R&R linen
specified overdyes

Have a great weekend~~~


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blackbird Designs AotH progress...

Hey everyone!!!  This week I managed to finish another block in my BBD project~~~  Yippee....

Moonlight Visitor
36 ct Winter Frost by R&R linens
GAST, CC, WDW overdyes

Have a great day everyone:!!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Progress on my red quaker.....

From this.....

to this....
Not a lot of progress, but every little bit counts...I would really like to know this will be finish #6 for me in this wonderful challenge....

I am so enjoying seeing everyone's progress and finishes!!

Keep up the great work everyone,


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

~~The America Pillow~~~

YIPPEE~~~   Here is finish number 5 in this wonderful challenge..... When I started this design in early 2010, I never thought I would put it up only half finished... So, I thought if I completed it now, I would have time to find the perfect backing fabric in time for summer 2011.....

The America Pillow
Handwork Primitives
32 ct Autumn Fields Belfast Linen
(specified overdyes except I used GAST Midnight
in the border rather that GAST Black Crow)

Which WIP will I pick up next????   5 finished with 7 to go....I am nearly at my half way mark~~~

Enjoy the rest of your day,   Faye

Monday, March 7, 2011

wip five progress..... The America Pillow~~~

With my basket still overflowing with MANY works in progress, this is the one that "floated" to the top to be worked on next~  Hopefully this will be my fifth 2011 completion....I hope it will be a March finish~~

Here is where things stood as of Jan 1, 2011.....

And, here is how things are after yesterday's rainy day stitch-in progress....

The America Pillow
Handwork Primitives
32 ct Belfast Autumn Fields
Victorian Motto overdyed flosses

Back to stitching..... Faye

Friday, March 4, 2011

...with my Needle... finish~~

Just so you know...I have fallen in love with Belle Soie.....I am headed back to my WIP basket to pull out another one of my "up for a challenge" projects.....But this is what I have been busy with this week though.......

Did I mention how much I love the feel of  Belle Soie silks????
This shade is Blue Lagoon....

 Quaker Sampling II
..with my Needle~..
35 ct Weeks "Straw" linen
Blue Lagoon silk thread by Belle Soie

I sure am enjoying seeing everyone's finishes....Isn't this challenge really working for you???

Happy stitching this weekend~~~


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Love Spoken Here has spoken.............

Well people, here is my latest 4th completion of 2011....

I had shown you my progress as of Feb 15,
 and here it is as of today....Fini~~~

Love Spoken Here
36ct pale grey linen
specified npi threads

Love Spoken Here was truly a quicker stitch than I anticipated...And working with npi silks made it all the more dreamy....
Now to see what will be next in my "up for a challenge" basket of wip's .....

~~~Until then, Happy Stitching~~~


Friday, February 11, 2011

My third challenge finish!~

After many years, this reproductive sampler is finished!!! I had hoped it would be a February finish for me.....This "up for a challenge" has motivated me SO much!!!

I present to you Elizabeth Emma Bice Wade Sampler~~

 Elizabeth Emma Bice Wade
Threads of Gold
40 ct creme linen
DMC threads

There are cross stitches, Algerian Eye stitches and 4 sided stitches in this sampler....The large flowered border is a favorite of mine....even if alot of the flowers were tedious being ecru stitched on creme fabric. 

Well, now I need to decide what wip will be my next victom treasure to rescue from the basket!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
