I got some company at the scrapbooking table yesterday, and the inspiration was really flowing. Here are three quick and easy cards that I made with my good friend next to me.
En snöflinga ustanstad med Martha Stewarts stora punch, sedan embossad i Reprints guldglittriga pulver. Riktigt läckert med en vintage-inspirerad brad i mitten.
A snowflake from one of Martha Stewarts large punches, embossed in Reprint's gold glittery powder. I really like the vintage-style brad in the middle!
Ännu en av Reprints fina julstämplar, embossad i glittrigt vitt.
Another one of Reprints wonderful Christmas stamps, embossed in a lovely glittery white.
Så där ja, tre klara. Då har jag bara tretusenfemhundraelva julkort kvar att göra! :)
Three done, another zillion Christmas cards to go! :)
Let it snow,