Friday, January 16, 2009
a little of this
and a little of that.that's how my days seem to go this time of year. trying to clean out which i will do more of today and re-arranging areas that needed some spiffing up.
looks like i downloaded the wrong picture,oh well, i moved this over to the table and added the square plate. i like it better here.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
baby it's more than cold
outside today!!!!!!!! it is absolutely freezing! so what to do inside?? good question,i must admit i'm a bit bored. i could clean,but, then i can clean anytime and right now i'm not feeling the urge,maybe cause i just did clean. see i'm rambling,boredom has set in!lol!
anyway,i put this cloche together yesterday,do you decorate alot for valentine's day? i don't,hardly at all....
sweetpea,taken on sunday. yep that's about it for now.....stay warm or at least try....
anyway,i put this cloche together yesterday,do you decorate alot for valentine's day? i don't,hardly at all....
Monday, January 12, 2009
guess who we went to visit
yesterday? sweet pea and her momma.... jim was sleeping as he is working the night shift this week. i'm sure glad we went yesterday as it is snowing and blowing this morning and would not make for a nice trip over if we had waited.
i just saw k&j a week ago but,it struck me yesterday how much k is changing in her looks. her face seems longer and not as baby full as before and she seems to be looking a bit more like her daddy,i think anyway....
this one cracks me up,i just whispered her name and this is the look i got! like,"yesss,i'm busy here with papa what do you want?" i don't know, that's just how i think it looks,funny!

the pictures aren't the best cause this girl is on the move all the time.i'm sure she will be walking soon!wow! i can't even believe how fast she is growing!
the pictures aren't the best cause this girl is on the move all the time.i'm sure she will be walking soon!wow! i can't even believe how fast she is growing!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
january dooldrums are
setting in. it's a long winter month,i think.... little glass end table in the family room. kinda looks like a hope of spring doesn't it? not much going on right now so i'm still changing around some little vignettes for my enjoyment!lol
cully giving me some attitude yesterday!! look at the fur by his nose curling up! too funny!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
after the holiday
decorations are all down the house seems so bare but,i kinda like the simplicity of that after all the lights and baubles etc. i set these "mercury" glass ornaments in this old bowl i got at a tag sale this fall.nothing fancy just simple....and i like it,makes me happy.
i found two more "mercury" glass candle holders at the new hob lob on 168th&maple. not as reasonably/cheap as the one i got at target but,close!!

i moved this lamp over to bud's gram's sewing machine. it always sat in the front window but, never got used and always got bumped when i closed the blinds so we will try it here for awhile.
i HAD to do something with this great,funny photo of my sweet pea, so i got this frame and hung it in my laundry room. i was going to do a bunch of frames in there or a storyboard but,decided this was only one thing to dust and that idea won out! ;) the day this picture of sp was taken she was mimicking the faces i was making at her! what a doll face!
i moved this lamp over to bud's gram's sewing machine. it always sat in the front window but, never got used and always got bumped when i closed the blinds so we will try it here for awhile.
Monday, January 5, 2009
baby it's cold outside
but,my little sweet pea is all snugly in her pj's from us. her mama sent this photo to me yesterday morning. omg i can't help it, sorry, but, she is so adorable!! just warms my heart when i look at her....
and of course my cully needed some warmin up's rough when the "facilities" are outside don't you know!lol! this was taken right after he came in from the frigid cold! he jumped right up and knew he could get warmed up.
Friday, January 2, 2009
just a random post
today.the picture on the left was part of our gift from j&j&k, they went to sears and i thought the pictures turned out pretty good. the one on the right, i took when sweet pea stayed with us.
i got these very lovely paper mache ornaments from someone special. it was part of my gift,aren't they cool? i love them....
i got this "mercury glass" candlestick holder from target yesterday! it was a whole $2.24!! i love after christmas sales,don't you? ;)

this is our new chair and my faux fir throw i also got yesterday. we decided we liked the family room arranged the way we had it before so when we got $$ from my mom for christmas we decided to get a new recliner and put everything back the way it was before. sometimes it's just best that way,i guess....
this is our new chair and my faux fir throw i also got yesterday. we decided we liked the family room arranged the way we had it before so when we got $$ from my mom for christmas we decided to get a new recliner and put everything back the way it was before. sometimes it's just best that way,i guess....
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