Wednesday, January 30, 2008
okay this is a photo of yesterday's delightful weather! yuk! it's so cold here this morning.-12 with the wind chill factor,but, it's not snowing (right now)! i'm ready for spring! i think i have said that before. i might have a long wait huh?
sooo i have been thinking i just need to do something creative and have been looking thru my rather large stash of things and hopefully i will be able to come up with something to do with this fabric,for one....we'll see....
Monday, January 28, 2008
i got some of martha stewart's glittering glue yesterday along with this beautiful ribbon called's so pretty,i'm really drawn to this color lately,no matter what they name me it is robin egg blue but, i like hydrangea too!;)
what does a person do when you have a new camera and it's the end of january in nebraska?? well,practice on what you have available at the moment i guess.....ha,that is true for me anyway....this mantel is bugging me because i like the way i have it but, want to change it but,to what? good the photos of my folks and my little whimsical thing in the glass bottle. i think i will leave it the way it is. just wish i could figure out how to cover up that ugly grate/vent in the stone.
the kitchen table....
Sunday, January 27, 2008
i'm so excited, so please bear with me if your reading this and i go on for a bit... today we went shopping and i got my new camera!!!!!!! it's a canon,sx100 and it is awesome! i have been looking on line and reading about some different cameras and this morning i called keith,vicki chrisman's,b-i-l and he really helped me and was very informative and it helped me make a (scary) decision. he even checked the adds in the newspaper for me, so i knew where to go for the best deal etc. thanks so much keith! it's so nice to have someone who knows what he's talking about and explains to you about the camera in a way that is easy to understand. so with that said i just wanted to share some "practice" photos.
these are a couple of darling tassels i got at the "nester's" etsy shop! i love them, they are very full and have cute beads and all kinds of extras on them. one is on the lamp in the livingroom and the other is in our newly painted bedroom.
after we camera shopped bud took me to michael's to use my gift card from jill and jim for christmas and i got these great boxes for the top of the chest of drawers. they had 3 sizes but, i just got the two,might have to go back and get the largest one!! i also got some canvas's and some martha stewart ribbon. used that gift card right up! thanks kids!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
our new bedroom wall color is finally on along with the new toile bedding and brown velvet curtains and a brown throw. it's so relaxing and calm.....
it's been a long journey to get here! ha!

after almost eleven years in this house i think i finally have gotten our bedroom walls/color right!!!!!!!!!! when we first moved in the room was a barely blue with a navy blue striped border. so i had to put my mark on it with a americana heart border. that was ok, for awhile but, i kinda over did the whole americana decorating throughout the whole house,so needless to say the americana decor in the bedroom did not last long AT ALL!! ;) then it was on to the over bright yellow walls with blue and red bedding! that didn't cut it so i changed the curtains to black and white checked. and that worked for me for five years but, now this has finally,finally "hit" me! i LOVE it so much,the color that is and i'm very happy with it. so is bud,poor guy, come to find out he hated the yellow but, never said anything cause i "liked" it(lol) and i was struggling with the room from day one! i usually figure things out fairly quickly as to what i like, but, this wasn't one of those times! i'm finally there now tho....yeah! it will be this way for a very long time now, i know that and i'm sure it makes my hubs happy too because he's told me several times that he likes this color and that it looks good! thanks honey for putting up with me and my decorating woes! were finally there!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
just some more random stuff today....this cloche has a photo of my parents on their wedding day,with their wedding cake topper.the pretty plate belonged to my great-grandmother.
i sewed this table runner last night with some left over toile and some red and cream ticking fabric. i put it on the coffee table in our family room to go with our toile lampshades. adds some color to my boring table for now.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
do you think this is a bit too much for the living room? the pink and green wooden stool with my floral chair( which by the way does have some pink in it) and my flag pillow?? hmmmm i think i 'm liking it for now anyway.....
got this paper mache
hand from babyberry cove and it has always kinda bothered me for some reason....i guess it just needed

hand from babyberry cove and it has always kinda bothered me for some reason....i guess it just needed
some "dressing" up!! i like it soooo much better now. a locket, a key, a little bling on the locket,and more bling around the wrist,vintage lace and some of my favorite ribbons. why have the ribbon in the drawer this way i can look at it and get a pick me up whenever i want!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
just popping in to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!
so glad to have all the christmas stuff put away and the house back to normal. i love christmas but also love the "cleaner" look of all the holiday decorations put away! my sis terri gave me this darling frame for my birthday and i found a sepia tone photo of the 3 of us as kids and put it in the fame. i hung it on the shutters in the dinning room. i love how it looks hanging there and it makes me smile each time i walk by it! thanks so much sissy for the lovely gift! you know me so well....
so glad to have all the christmas stuff put away and the house back to normal. i love christmas but also love the "cleaner" look of all the holiday decorations put away! my sis terri gave me this darling frame for my birthday and i found a sepia tone photo of the 3 of us as kids and put it in the fame. i hung it on the shutters in the dinning room. i love how it looks hanging there and it makes me smile each time i walk by it! thanks so much sissy for the lovely gift! you know me so well....
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