today has been such a beautiful day!! nice enough to shut the a.c. off and open up the windows and doors to let in some fresh air! it has been so hot & humid for so long, so this was a nice break. i'm afraid the old ac will have to go back on tho as the upstairs is getting quite warm and will be to warm to get a good night's sleep, at least for me anyway, with this cold hanging on. ;(

since it was so nice this morning, i went out and cut a bunch of hydrangeas to dry. i planted this particular bush ten years ago when we moved here and this year it has produced the most blooms ever. they are just starting to turn pink. i guess you really can't see it in the photo tho...

after that, we went for our saturday errand run and drive in bud's jeep. love to do that. so as we are driving along i asked bud to stop so i could take some pictures of this beautiful little church in the downtown area. i have always loved how this church looks with it's beautifully manicured lawn, with the pretty iron gate surrounding it and ahhh the pretty red doors. all the sets of doors on this church are red and it has dark green awnings over the windows.

i just love the way this church seems to draw you & welcome you in....