Tuesday, July 31, 2007
i found this photo of bud when we were looking thru old photos over the weekend. it was taken in his "cool" new oldsmobile when we were dating! isn't it great? not the quality of it, cause that is bad but, just the big smile and the amount of dark hair? i don't mean to sound like he doesn't look good now with his much shorter/less dark hair,well, you know what i mean ;).looking so young. it's hard to believe he turns 57 today. wow, where did the time go?? it seems as tho, yesterday we were in our 20's! you still look 24 to me hon!
Monday, July 30, 2007
wow did the weekend ever go to fast!! had a nice visit with my mom. on friday morning after she got here it was back in the car for a little shopping at village point in omaha. this outdoor mall is so pretty. every where were planters like this one just overflowing with beautiful flowers and looking very healthy! not like mine here at home unfortunately! anyway, it was gorgeous there. mom had gift certificates that were burning a hole in her pocket for coldwater creek so that's where we went! had to get that taken care of! and she did and got a very pretty outfit. she did have to add a bit of $$ with her certificate's but, it was worth it!
by the time we were done at cc we decided to head to mimi's cafe for lunch. just love that place! so cool! the decor reminded me of when we were in france. loved it! oh, the food was good too! ;)
we seemed to have ate too much all weekend so i just made an egg casserole and we had toast and juice for a sunday brunch. just right....jarrod came over too. jill and her friend jim were here saturday afternoon and i forgot to get my camera out! it's probably a good thing, i didn't want to scare jim off!my family is used to me and my camera but, like i said i didn't want to scare jim so i guess it will have to wait until next time!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
company is coming!!! yeah, my mom is coming for a visit tomorrow and is staying until sunday! it's been awhile since she has been here. seems like we were going up home for something every 2 weeks to a month since spring so this will be a nice change. i plan on taking her to the local farmer's market on saturday and shopping in omaha as she has a couple of gift cards she'd like to use. jill and her friend jim are going to be here saturday afternoon and hopefully jarrod will be able to make it too. so i thought i better do some baking. i love the look of a full cookie jar. i know that it won't stay that way very long but, that's ok too. i really don't need or want to many left over. these that ae in the jar are cranberry lemon cookies and i also baked snicker doodle cookies. sounds like i worked hard doesn't it? it was frozen cookie dough that i bought from my nephew for something at his school.trust me i'm not that ambitious when it's 95 outside and making two different kinds well, that's more for fall and winter if you ask me. and even then that's questionable!lol!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
no matter how my tastes in decorating change i still love the color red! i was so excited to find these 2 little red work pillows at one of my favorite places to get treasures! they will go on my bed,along with all the other pillows. yep, they are red too!
i did/started this canvas over the weekend. i just finished it yesterday as i kept adding stuff to it. i've been trying to get back in the creative mood/mode and making myself sit down and create something. guilt has taken over with all the stuff i have in my scraproom and never use! i guess i should really purge and get rid of alot of it. i have been just getting the surface cleaned out and need to dig deep! i love paper and have sooo much i will probably never use it all up!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
just some random stuff today i guess....look at how beautiful my hydrangea bush is!!! i love it!
so full of blooms. i plan on going out in the morning which they say is the best time and cut a bunch for a bokay! i can hardly wait, i thought it would give them a chance to open a bit more if i waited a day or so. i hope my other hydrangea bush, which is a different type, eventually blooms too. it had huge blue blooms on it last year.

we rented these two movies over the weekend and of course bud didn't really care for them but, i sure did. "premonition" makes you think how you should appreciate what you have in life as far as your family is concerned. that was the message i got and i liked the movie. and "miss potter" well, i loved that. i thought it was very sweet and entertaining and more of a girl movie i guess.
we rented these two movies over the weekend and of course bud didn't really care for them but, i sure did. "premonition" makes you think how you should appreciate what you have in life as far as your family is concerned. that was the message i got and i liked the movie. and "miss potter" well, i loved that. i thought it was very sweet and entertaining and more of a girl movie i guess.
have a nice day!
Monday, July 23, 2007
the weekends always fly by so fast don't they? ours was pretty low key and quiet. not much going on at all. we took a drive sunday afternoon and cully went along to help bud drive!lol! he would not sit by me he had to be just where you see him in this picture! he loves to go for a ride and if he can" help" drive he will! lol! i won't let him do that, when i take him with me, he has to stay in the passenger seat, and he does for me but, when bud is in the car forget it! guess who spoils him?;)
i tried to be a little creative this weekend and make some things. i got this idea from the new foof-a-life book. mine is pretty plain compared to the one in the book but, i like it. i hung it on the mirror in the front entry. adds a splash of color in there.
well, i best get busy i have lots to do today, it's monday and that means laundry,groceries to buy etc.
have a great day!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
my poor little back door wreath gets such abuse! the hot beating sun, the constant bumping into it....i keep thinking i should take it down but,, i really do like it so much, i always just leave it there. maybe i should spruce it up at bit with some ribbon or or something....
looky what i got!! the vintage white runner is from italy and i just love it. it is in really good shape aside from some rust stains on one end and they aren't all that big. the little towel is cute. love the red work on it!
looky what i got!! the vintage white runner is from italy and i just love it. it is in really good shape aside from some rust stains on one end and they aren't all that big. the little towel is cute. love the red work on it!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
yesterday, was quite the day around here....i called bud(dh) about 11:30 and asked where he was at. he had to go to omaha early, so i wasn't up when he left for work. anyway , he said "wellll, i'm back in town" & i said," well, where are you then at the shop"?? "no, i'm at the emergency room"!! " oh my gosh, what happened"?? "my finger got caught in the forks of the fork lift"! instant queasy stomach for me...
needless to say i went right out to the hospital and got there just in time to see the doctor take the temporary bandage off so he could put the stitches in! blech!!! queasier stomach for me...
(yes, dear you are still number one, with me!)
i can handle lots of pain for myself and blood and whatever but, when it comes to someone else i care about, i don't do so hot! i have gotten better over the years but, i still can't stand it!! bud is pretty tough tho, he said it really didn't hurt so much after he got to the hospital and last night he didn't even want any tylenol or anything. this morning however, he said his arm hurt more than his finger?? i thought that was kinda strange but, not impossible. why did his arm hurt more than his finger? they gave him a tetanus shot and that hurt more than his almost ripped off finger tip! guys!! go figure! glad he has a sense of humor and isn't a whiner tho...they are much more enduring when they are "tough"!! lol!!
i can handle lots of pain for myself and blood and whatever but, when it comes to someone else i care about, i don't do so hot! i have gotten better over the years but, i still can't stand it!! bud is pretty tough tho, he said it really didn't hurt so much after he got to the hospital and last night he didn't even want any tylenol or anything. this morning however, he said his arm hurt more than his finger?? i thought that was kinda strange but, not impossible. why did his arm hurt more than his finger? they gave him a tetanus shot and that hurt more than his almost ripped off finger tip! guys!! go figure! glad he has a sense of humor and isn't a whiner tho...they are much more enduring when they are "tough"!! lol!!
have a nice day!
Monday, July 16, 2007
just some random monday stuff....anyone who knows me, knows i love the color red. to me it is a rich, warm color. so i thought i would just share some of my favorite red items. this little vintage chalk and letter board just jumped out at me one day when i was in one of my favorite treasure stores! i can just picture some sweet little child,way back in the day using this to practice his/her alphabet.
this little whimsical "branch" was a find in a cute little shop in blair. you know how it is, just one of those(un)necessary things you had to have for no reason other than you love it!;)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
wow the weekend went by so fast! my sweet friend vic stopped by saturday and brought me a bag full of fun things to alter,plus a few accu-cut goodies! isn't she just the best? yep she is, for lots of reasons not just cause she brought this stuff over, of course.
this morning oh @ 6:15 i could hear this very loud whoosh sound coming from outside...hmmm looked out the window and there were hot air balloons in the sky right above our house! so i quick grabbed my camera and out the door i went to get some pictures.in my p.j.s no less. thank-goodness we have a fenced in backyard! it was so fun. cully, was not amused however. he barked and dashed around like crazy trying to chase the balloons! ;) he is so funny sometimes.
this balloon was descending right above our heads!! they landed in the field behind the school, which is right across the street from us.

i guess they were giving rides and everything! there was nothing in our local paper about that or this mornings activities! it was the local town celebration,this weekend so you would have thought they would have listed this along with all the other activities but, we didn't see it. oh well, maybe next year!

we went out to bud's(dh) brother's house today for dinner and a boat ride. it was a nice/very hot day! poor little louie was beside himself with all the kiddos around today. he didn't know who to run to first! isn't he a cutie?

bud and bob's nephew, doug and his family were here for the weekend.good to see them. the kids have grown so much since we saw them last! taylor will be 16 next month! so much going on i was only able to get a couple of photos of doug and his uncles.this was after we came back from our long boat ride around the lake. by that time everyone was ready to head home. time just flew by today...hope you all had a good weekend too!
i guess they were giving rides and everything! there was nothing in our local paper about that or this mornings activities! it was the local town celebration,this weekend so you would have thought they would have listed this along with all the other activities but, we didn't see it. oh well, maybe next year!
we went out to bud's(dh) brother's house today for dinner and a boat ride. it was a nice/very hot day! poor little louie was beside himself with all the kiddos around today. he didn't know who to run to first! isn't he a cutie?
bud and bob's nephew, doug and his family were here for the weekend.good to see them. the kids have grown so much since we saw them last! taylor will be 16 next month! so much going on i was only able to get a couple of photos of doug and his uncles.this was after we came back from our long boat ride around the lake. by that time everyone was ready to head home. time just flew by today...hope you all had a good weekend too!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
it's hard to believe that bud (dh) has been working for his brother for over 10 years now! anyway, bud received this nice "little" thank-you gift from his brother the other day, 2 vip passes to a vikings football game,passes to the "party" before the game and lower level seats! very nice! bud was thrilled and so am i! we will also be staying at the grand hotel in a luxury suite,in downtown minneapolis as part of the gift! i looked at it on line and well needless, to say it's a very nice hotel. while we are in minneapolis i hope to get to a few places, like ikea and crate & barrel! no mall of america for this girl. i've already been there anyway, so i would like to see some stuff that i haven't seen before.
any other suggestions for the minneapolis area? i have only been there once and that was probably fifteen years ago already so i would love to hear any suggestions you might have. :)
i'm hoping to find some places that have a quaint feeling to them. also a flea market or two! ;) i'm sure bud will love that part of the trip! lol! well, you know he might....
have a nice day!
i'm hoping to find some places that have a quaint feeling to them. also a flea market or two! ;) i'm sure bud will love that part of the trip! lol! well, you know he might....
have a nice day!
Monday, July 9, 2007
we had a nice time yesterday at mom's to help her celebrate her birthday! as always, lots of good food and laughter. sure wish my brother dan and his kids could have been there but, it didn't work so it was my sissy terri and her family and my family and mom. it was fun but, we missed dan,kiri and logan that's for sure. here's my mom with one of her gifts.
this is my sweet blayne, so tan and cute, esp. to put up with her auntie and the camera in her face all the time. she just told jill(dd) to just go ahead and pose cause she knows me! i don't give up. they (my whole family) are used to me always having the camera ready at every get-together!so good to have blayne home! we missed her while she was gone!

my two girls giving me the smiles i wanted! love them both sooo much! i probably should have had them step outside for the photo, it looks a bit wonky, but it was so warm i didn't. 100 degrees, when we went out for a tour of the hometown! ;0

woke up today to an overcast sky and a bit of rain and thunder! yeah! it wasn't much but, it's better than nothing. hopefully, we will get some more today, it's in the forecast anyway! we need it, everything is so dry. our lawn looks terrible and brown and we water everyday. nothing like rain tho....
my two girls giving me the smiles i wanted! love them both sooo much! i probably should have had them step outside for the photo, it looks a bit wonky, but it was so warm i didn't. 100 degrees, when we went out for a tour of the hometown! ;0
woke up today to an overcast sky and a bit of rain and thunder! yeah! it wasn't much but, it's better than nothing. hopefully, we will get some more today, it's in the forecast anyway! we need it, everything is so dry. our lawn looks terrible and brown and we water everyday. nothing like rain tho....
Saturday, July 7, 2007
this is my salad i made to take to my mom's tomorrow to celebrate her birthday! i got it from matthewmeadstyle.com. it looked really yummy so i thought i would give it a try. it's called,mexican twist corkscrew salad. check out his site, it's really pretty cool.
can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. esp. my little niece, blayne!! it's been close to 2 years since we saw her last so i'm pretty excited!! i plan on taking lots of pictures so hopefully a couple will turn out so i can share!
have a nice evening!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Monday, July 2, 2007
sorry these pictures aren't so good. don't know why i have such trouble with the flash on my camera but, i do as you can see. anyway just wanted to share a photo of the re-do on my dd gun case! ;( hate that it's a gun case, with some guns in it, that never get used because,(dh) he is not a hunter, at all, BUT, his oldest brother gave him the gun case and all and it's got sentimental value to him because of that and the fact that his brother passed away 12 years ago.i understand that but still, well anyway i best try and deal with it cause i think it's here to stay ! so, in dealing with that this is part of what i came up with. covering up the windows so you can't see"anything" in the case! a few butterflies and some foof across the top!
not so great but, better than looking at the stuff in it all the time! i'd like to paint it a creamy white! ;) hmmmm i'll have to work on dh about that!
ok i have rambled enough! have a nice evening!

well, I've been tagged by vic! i've never done this before so bear with me please!
My roommate & I once:soaped this poor guys car windows so bad he had to use his ice scrapper to "try" and get the soap off! needless, to say he was not happy! but, we were! lol! btw,he was/is a real jerk!
High School: was good for me except for math classes! yuk!
When I get nervous: i get very quiet, hmmm i don't get nervous very often do i,people that know me can vouch for that? lol!
My hair: is my one good thing i inherited from my dad's side of the family! the being short and other lovely things, well that's another story.ha!
When I was 5:i was slightly spoiled and the center of attention with my parents. then, my baby brother came along and well,that was the end of that! the baby, the baby, the baby, is what i would say, i guess. that's when i was 5! love him so much then(eventually) and now! i was much better when i was 8, when my baby sissy came along! love her so much too! :)
When I turn my head to the left: i see my sewing machine, my paper star from vic and too much stuff!
I should be: thinking of something for supper, but, nah, not now!
My favorite aunt:well, i really have only one true aunt,cause mom has 2 brothers and dad had 4 brothers and 1 sister.so my aunt shirley would be my favorite aunt!
I have a hard time understanding: cruelty to children and to animals! also, child molesters are so horrible. i just don't get their terrible sickness! :(
You know i like you if: i talk to you 100 miles an hour and smile alot at you.
If you spent the night at my house: we would have to yak about everything and have a pajama party!
My favorite blond:carter
Animal I would like to see flying with birds: what??
Shouldn't have been: driving without a drives license when i was a teenager(15)! what was i thinking? i wasn't, that's the problem! lol!
A better name for me:Grace! only because i'm kind of a klutz at times! you know,"grace"ful!
If I could have any car it would be: a white 65 mustang convertible! with red interior!
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