OpenBSD Journal

OpenBSD -current moves to 7.7-beta

Contributed by rueda on from the cranking-the-handle dept.

It's that time of the year again. With the following commit, Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) changed the version of the OpenBSD development branch to 7.7-beta:

Module name:	src
Changes by:	2025/03/01 12:44:07

Modified files:
	sys/sys        : param.h 
	distrib/sets/lists/base: md.alpha md.hppa md.landisk md.luna88k 
	distrib/sets/lists/comp: gcc.alpha gcc.hppa gcc.landisk 
	                         gcc.luna88k gcc.sparc64 
	etc/root       : root.mail 
	share/mk       : 
	sys/arch/macppc/stand/tbxidata: bsd.tbxi 
	sys/conf       : 
	usr.bin/signify: signify.1 

Log message:
move to 7.7-beta

7.7-beta snapshots can be expected on the OpenBSD mirrors soon.

As always, this change should encourage testing and donation!

  1. By Prasad (prasad) on

    aargh ...I am going to miss the 7.6 artwork !!
    Donated and Thank you !!

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