OpenBSD Journal

Videos from EuroBSDcon 2022 now available.

Contributed by grey on from the Watch at 2X speed if you can handle it dept.

We had previously reported on EuroBSDcon 2022. As of October 27th, 2022 the EuroBSDcon YouTube channel has been updated with a variety of OpenBSD related talk recordings for those who didn't catch the streams live, with the salient ones linked below:

Theo Buehler - Recent progress in and around LibreSSL
Ken Westerback - How OpenBSD transforms a bag of blocks into a set of useful filesystems
Marc Espie - Architectures vs the ports tree: a losing battle?
Landry Breuil - Taming the fox
Philipp Buehler - Puffy presents video conferencing (Jitsi) part I part II

Those are all mentioned and linked (along with corresponding slides) on

Additionally, there are some recordings of OpenBSD related EuroBSDcon 2022 talks not linked there, such as:

nsh: Network Shell on top of OpenBSD made for network administrators - Tom Smyth
Reviving and evaluating Thompson's backdoor in OpenBSD's make - Samuel Aubertin

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