Showing posts with label acrylic gouache. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acrylic gouache. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Bitty Book!

A Bitty Book
{Altered Composition Book Cover}
3.25 x 4.5"

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark"
- Dante Alighieri

I was out with a girlfriend recently when she pulled out the tiniest little composition book you ever did see. Well okay, maybe you have seen one before, but I had not and I loved it! It was just like the old-school black & white books that come to mind, but only colorful. And itty-bity. And I knew right then what my next project would be. . . .

As luck would have it, an accidentally-on-purpose trip to the dollar store (where I had heard such tiny things live) shortly thereafter found me beaming over 3 little books bundled together. SO cute. And at 33 cents each, a guilt-free substrate to alter. 

I took my little books and some limited supplies with me during an outing with the family last week. And in case you wanted to see it, I took a ton of process shots along the way. Ready? Okay, go:

Protect composition book with wax paper and painters tape

Apply several coats of gesso and then sand for a smooth surface

Sketch girl and spray with workable fixative

Begin defining her features with watercolor and acrylic paints

Add heavier acrylic, gouache paints and black ink.

Final details include oil pastels, shimmer ink and plenty pops of white

And there you have it! A little bitty book. And now that she's done, I can't wait to try my hand at more. . . . 

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend and Happy PPF!

To Love & Art,
Kristin xo

Friday, April 18, 2014

YOU are the Spark . . .

9 x 12 Loose Art Journal Page

"You are the Spark that ignites the World"
-- Anonymous 

Happy Easter, Happy Spring & Happy PPF!

This little girl came about shortly after hearing the fabulous quote above. I just couldn't keep my mind off of the inspiring words and, naturally, knew that there would soon be a journal page in response to them. Here's what I came up with. Pink, polka dots, and glitter; what more could a girl ask for?

I hope this finds you knee-deep in colored eggs, jelly beans, chocolate bunnies. And that you are surrounded by those you love.

To Bunny Kisses,
Kristin xo

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Send in the Clowns . . .

Okay, so if you were paying real close attention, I told you that I'd share the rest of the journal I created while on vacation (the sneak peek is over here) in this post. But, um, I lied. Well, not really lied, but rather was derailed from finishing it because of this little one. The inspiration hit and I went with it, sooooo instead, here is my latest painting: "Send in the Clowns. . . ."

She was created on a piece of heavy watercolor paper (Arches) that had been previously painted and left in my stash. I started by ripping the paper in an organic shape and then roughly sketching the figure of a clown onto the surface. I then colored her in using a combination of acrylic paints, watercolor crayons (Caran d'ache Neocolor 11), wax crayons (my new obsession - Caran d'ache Neocolor 1), neon acrylic gouaches, glittered gel pens and charcoal.

A progression shot

The piece was then further enhanced with some faint pencil marks, molding paste mixed with iridescent Stickles glitter and white acrylic for the clown collar and Swarovski crystals to define the neckline:

Lastly, an actual piece of yellow balloon was adhered to the drawn balloon with matte gel medium:

And there you have it! My little Clown . . . .

Thanks for taking a peek here and at all of the other Party posts:

Until next time,
Kristin xo

Friday, March 22, 2013

PPF: "Just Be You"

"Just Be You"
16 x 20 Gallery wrapped canvas

Happy PPF! I had so much fun at last week's charity Auction and just read that our group donated more than $400 to help support the victims of Sandy Hook. Yay, us! Not only was I happy to contribute an item, but I was thrilled to have won one as well. Thanks again to Kristin & Eva for making it all possible.

This week I was able to finish off a large project that I had in the works, this 16 x 20 canvas with deep (1.5 inch) sides. She is entitled, "Just Be You" and has the words, "I Dare You" scribbled on the front. Here it is in it's entirety:

I Dare You

She was created on a heavily collaged background (using both vintage and new materials) and then drawn in with my non-dominant hand for the shape of the head, similar to some of the drawings I played with during 29 Faces. From there I quickly sketched in the features and then dry brushed several types of acrylics and acrylic Gouache to the surface for depth and detail. I'm still trying to be looser with my drawings for a "grungier" look and feel:

Cheek color applied with fingers. A single Swarovski Crystal earring on the left ear.

Final details include the use of color rich oil pastels, Stickles Glitter and iridescent stars on the surface.

Stickles Glitter applied to the hair

Here is a shot of the deep sides, which also serve to balance the bold magenta color on the surface:

Sides created with pigment rich oil pastels and varnish

Lastly, the words that issue a challenge:

I also wanted to share with you the gorgeous oil painting that I bid on for the Auction. It was created by the talented Gloria J. Zucaro and I am thrilled to have it. She even was kind enough to frame it for me:

Thank you Gloria, I love it! And thank you for stopping by today. I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone is up to this week . . . .

Kristin xo