Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Instagram. Show all posts

Friday, November 22, 2013

My Girly Guide . . . .

"I think every person has their own identity and beauty. 
Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring."
-- Tila Tequila

If you've seen some of these girls on Instagram, then you know I've been trying my best to keep the creativity flowing by creating quick sofa sketches (new term; I kinda like it ;) whenever I can. Some of them I've completed in 10 minutes and some have taken much longer. But either way, each are in pencil, with my only other tools being an eraser and blending stumps.

Along the way, I have amassed quite a few sketches. I know that there are several that will eventually turn into completed, painted pieces but in the meantime, I wanted a way to store the ones I like to be used for future reference. I decided to take my favorites and turn them into a visual deck of cards (of sorts). I selected 9 sketches that I have deemed, "My Girly Guide" and went to work cutting them out and adding them to pieces of decorative cardboard I cut from a storage box for wine. To keep them together, I punched holes in the corner of each and attached them with a chain. I can now have them all in one place, all at a glance. Wanna see?

Tidy, right? It was fun to make and if I'm lucky, the deck will continue to grow and grow. All I need now is to find a longer chain. . . .

Thanks for taking a peek,
Kristin xo