morning all!
check out these sweet and lovable
homespun chicken pincushions from chezsucrechez! so wonderful and adorable. i really need to learn how to sew so i have an excuse. hmm maybe i'll just get them for looks –

so cute for only $9 - chezsucrechez}
and just in time since most folks are probably ordering or finding out about their spring chicks right about now - including me!
over the past couple years we've learned a thing or two about having hens so we plan make this year
the best ever by doing all the right things. such as: 1) getting chicks and raising them with us. (since when you don't you can't really be sure what they've been eating - and they just don't love you like they do when you raise them up) 2) procuring the right variety for our land (flighty and hardy) and 3) finally - we're moving the coop up into the garden so they'll be close to the house and out of
fox territory.
check out what's coming this spring:

{the silver spangled hamburg}
they're beautiful, great brooders , a little flighty and awesome personalities.
golden spangled are fantastic too - more golden but same disposition.
and of course a few of our
standard layers - the red star + new to the scene we're going to try these funny guys...

{the polish or
top hat hen!}
plus maybe a duckling or two for easter.
whoa, am i turning into a bird lady or what?
oh well, who cares! xoxoxoxoxoxo

ps- they'll all have to share with this awesome mallard posse on the pond.
three couples hang out all day just swimming in the open water spot, sliding around on the ice and primping themselves. lucky ducks.