Loomy Tunes

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

New Yarn, New Warps and New projects!

Dana was busy today winding hand dyed weft that we use on our hand dyed warps. Next week Dana and Judith are going to spend some time putting together the warps and wefts we have stored in the bookcase by the door.
The yarn order came in and Marie Karin and Dana made short work of getting it on the shelf!
Susan is putting on a new towel warp and Kris is ready to start weaving some placemats next week.
Liz has an overshot towel project that she is working on and Patty has been weaving on a lovely towel warp, though I heard today that Shannon will be taking this project over for now.
Rhonda is almost but not quite finished with her warp that happens to be placemats. Before we put on another 40 to 60 yard warp on her loom she will be doing a short warp to try something else.
Betsy is weaving a very classy towel warp, Mark is doing some cool placemts and Dana was winding those hand dyed wefts all day!
It is time once again for Show and Tell! Rhonda had woven a rug using Corespun Mohair that came from her very own goats! Laura brought in a scarf that she had bought that our dear Sharon had woven and she also had 2 finished scarves that she had woven from yarn that came from Sharon's stash.
Mark finished a rug he made using velour, it is shimmery! He also dutifully wove off the rest of the warp to be used for something, we are not sure what but we will figure it out!
That is all I have for you today, so until next week, this is Tina for all!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Needs Must!

Look at this fine bunch of Weavers! They come every Tuesday, week in and week out, for 4 hours and volunteer their time to make woven goods to sell upstairs and all this to support the shop upstairs, the Craft Center and to make some for the weavers too so that we can buy more yarn to make more stuff!
I went to the cubbies that house our 8/4 cotton and found that I desperatly needed a cone of yarn in lt Jade by next Tuesday to begin weaving on a special project! So I approached Marie with the news, she wasn't too worried about it. She simply said that if she ordered yarn today it would be here by Friday!!! She took the trouble to check the shelves for other colors and she let the weavers in the room know that if they needed anything she would be putting in an order today. (If we order 100 cones of 8/4 we get the best price.)
Believe it or not we have Show and Tell today!!! Joycelyn brought in the yardage that she finished last week. She said that she had to wash the fabric 3 times and use several sheets of "color catchers" each load, til it the water was clear. Irene brought in her latest Krokbrag purse, she has even begun to inkle weave the straps she is using!
Linda brought in her latest towel project that she wove at home, there were several more towels that I didn't get photos. Then I brought in a spinning project that has been in progress for several months, it is from a Cormo/Jacobs cross fleece that I picked up who knows when and who knows where. It will be weft for a blanket project I am working on at home. Last but not least we had a visit from Pat, we are so glad that she was back with us today!
That is all I have for you today in the Studio, see you next week, until then this is Tina, for all!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Finished Projects Come off of the Looms!

As predicted last week, there were a couple of warps finished today! Susan finished her placemat warp and Shirley finished the 6 yard fabric warp she had been working on.
Dana was winding hand painted wefts into center pull balls again today, we are glad to have her back with us! Kris was winding a towel warp, and I spent some time figuring out how much yardage is in these mini warps that came to us from Sharon's stash. (for the record there are 8 bouts of each color, each bout has 24 ends and they are 10 yards long. The red is in 8/4 and the white is 8/2)
Today we do have a little Show and Tell! Dana brought in an old endfeed textile shuttle that her son had found in an antique store, Karin brought in some reeds that her husband had cleaned up and I brought the special tape I had to finish the top and bottom, they look brand new! Karin also brought in a set of bowl cozies that she had recently finished sewing. Finally, do you remember the fabric that Betsy had woven at home a couple of weeks ago from odds and ends she had, well she had made a top out of the fabric! There is a little hand work to do , but you can see how nice it is!
I stayed a little over time this afternoon and I am glad I did! I overlapped with the evening rigid heddle group and found that one of the new students was an old friend of mine! We hadn't seen each other in ages! I also managed to take a picture of one of their projects on a really nice rigid heddle loom.
That is it for today friends. We will have more for you next week, until then this is Tina, for all!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Souper Tuesday!

Every year we celebrate what happened last Sunday evening with a Souper Tuesday potluck! Another one of LouAnn's ideas I believe. This Tuesday was no exception, as you look at the photos below just know that every slow cooker has a different kind of soup inside of it! There were also sandwiches, salads and desserts of course! This is the only potluck that we do a sign up sheet to ensure variety! I was going upstairs today and I noticed in the hallway a photo collage of days gone by and I saw, and remembered the days when we all fit around one table, those days are long gone!
Before lunch I went around and took pictures of all of the new warps that are being put onto newly empty looms. The variety is astounding! Almost like we had a sign up sheet for that as well!
Some of the projects that are currently on looms are getting really close to the end so you can be sure that in coming weeks there will be even more new projects to show you making on the blog. Surprisingly, there was no Show and Tell this week! With the potluck in full gear, we wouldn't have had time for it anyway!!! So, this is it for this week, I am sure we will have more fun for you next week, until then this is Tina, for all!