there... welcome to my blog! I have a tutorial for you today... I
don't really know if anyone will find this handy, but I've seen
tutorials on tying a mini bow using a fork, and I just don't like that
the bows are not plump, they are flat, and so I wanted to try other ways
that would make the bows rounders, and thought maybe using my 2 fingers
would do the trick, and they did!! And so, I'm going to show you how I
did it!!!
Step 1: Wrap the ribbon around your pointer finger and middle finger, and crisscross over each other like this:
Step 2: Take the ribbon on the top, and stick it between your 2 fingers:
Step 3: Take the ribbon that is facing you, and bring it to the right like this:
You should have both ends of your ribbon crisscrossed on one side, and both ends facing up on the other side like this:
Step 4: Now tie the 2 ends together, tightly... I used my teeth to help me at this step.
You can make another knot to tighten it, but the flip side of the ribbon will look like this:
Here is my finished mini bow....
Here are mini bows I created in a matter of minutes!!
Aren't they all soooo cute?? I used these on Baby Shower purse favors which I will be posting tomorrow... come back then to check them out and how cute these adorable ribbons add to them, ok??
Have a blessed day!!! Here's a scripture that I pray will bless your day!!