04 September 2009

Schedule of Exchanges 2009 - 2010

Tiny Treasures Exchange, Too Rules for Exchange Participants


This exchange group will be limited to 100 members. You are not required to join each exchange but because the projects will be small, it is hoped that our members will decide to participate in most of them.

To apply for membership, email me with your name, address, blog (if you have one) and a short message about why you would like to join our group.


Each exchange will have a particular finish, such as: scissor fob, scissor case, needle case, pinkeep, biscornu, pincushion, floss tag, etc, or a particular theme. There are enough finishing variations in each of these categories to accommodate every ones finishing abilities, from novice to expert. Please keep in mind, you may be partnered with someone with more or less stitching and finishing ability than yourself, but as long as everyone does their best and sends out a piece that they would be happy to receive themselves, everyone should enjoy both the giving and the receiving!

Each project must be completely finished and ready to use.

Please use linen or evenweave fabric (your choice of color) rather than Aida. I love stitching on Aida as much as I do linen but it is harder to finish it smoothly in small projects like these. If you absolutely can't stitch on linen or evenweave for some reason, please let me know - I will confirm with your exchange partner that they will not mind receiving a piece stitched on Aida.

You have free choice of fibers used - specialty threads, metallics, silks, over-dyes, cotton floss, etc., etc.

Additional embellishments are allowed - buttons, beads, charms, ribbons, etc.

In addition to the specified finishing style, some exchanges may have a theme as well - such as a specific designer or design style. This will be decided by the answers to polls posted on the blog.


Because all members may not wish to participate in every exchange, you will need to sign-up for each individual exchange. Send an email with the name of the exchange you are signing up for in the subject line.


You will not receive from the same person you are mailing to – this adds to the fun when your package arrives and you discover who your sender is! Please keep your partner's name a secret until they receive their exchange from you.

Please remember this is an international group. I cannot honor requests to mail only within one country.


You may mail anytime before the mailing deadline (if your package is being mailed internationally - it may require extra delivery time.) Please post a brief entry to the Tiny Treasures Exchange blog when your exchange is mailed but do not reveal your partner's identity or location. Remember to put a note or card inside your package with TTE, Too, your name and email address so your partner will know from whom it came.

If for some reason you are really unable to meet the deadline, please contact me so we can determine if other arrangements need to be made or if it will just be a short delay. It is very important that everyone fulfill their commitments so no one is disappointed - everyone that sends an exchange will receive an exchange. If you do not fulfill your commitment or make other arrangements with me on an exchange, you will not be allowed to participate in another exchange until your previous commitment is met.


This exchange allows for ONE item in addition to the stitched piece and a postcard or photo of the sender's vicinity. Please keep in mind though, we want to keep costs down for this exchange so please limit the extra item to something small and inexpensive and pertaining to stitching - a packet of needles, a favorite specialty thread, a small chart, etc. Remember that this is an extra, and is not required to participate in the exchanges.

******** I love chocolate – but please do not send food through the mail. Not only might it melt or leak, ruining all your gorgeous work, but it may be impounded by Customs of the country you are sending to! *********


Because this is an international exchange group, please refrain from stitching designs with holiday, political, religious or nationalistic themes. It would be so disappointing for someone to receive a carefully stitched and finished item that they would not be comfortable using because the design may be unacceptable to the receiver's religious beliefs, etc.

You may want to check out your partner’s blog (if they have one) to get an idea of their likes and dislikes. If you don't have a blog of your own, you are welcome to post your preferences on the Tiny Treasures Exchange blog.


When you receive your exchange package, please post an entry on the Tiny Treasures Exchange blog to let all of us and your partner know that your exchange was received, even if you haven't had a chance to take pictures of it yet. If you have your partner's email address you might also send a quick email to let them know it arrived safely. I'm always on pins and needles waiting to know if the package I mailed has arrived and if the recipient is pleased with it. Please post a photo of the exchange you receive as soon as possible – we are all anxious to see the finished projects! If you are unable to post photos, check with your exchange partner, they may be able to post one for you. Hopefully everyone will remember to take photos of their finished piece before they mail it off!


Sign-ups for new exchanges will be taken for two weeks after the announcement is made. That will give us approximately six weeks for the stitching and mailing and keep us on an every other month mailing schedule.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me. I am happy to hear any suggestions that will contribute to this group's success. I want everyone to enjoy the experience whether they are new exchangers or seasoned veterans!

Happy Stitching to All!

*****PLEASE REMEMBER********

In all exchanges organized on the TTE, Too blog, the following rules must apply. Failure to comply with them will result in being banned from future exchanges, and possible removal as a member. Signing up for an exchange indicates your agreement to abide by these rules.

1. You must comply with the posted parameters for an exchange, to include all information requested by the organizer and the item(s) to be stitched and/or exchanged. For example: if your real name, e-mail address, and mailing address are requested, you must provide all of them; if an exchange is for a bookmark, you must send a stitched bookmark, not a length of ribbon or a store-bought piece of decorated plastic or paper. If you cannot comply, don’t join the exchange.

2. Please double-check your address before submitting it. The person sending the item is not responsible for sending a replacement if they have received the wrong information.

3. You MUST send the item(s) being exchanged to your partner, within the time frame specified. If the mailing deadline is July 1, you must send it BY THAT DATE – not wait until the 15th. If something unexpected comes up and you are NOT able to comply, you MUST notify one of the mods.

4. You MUST notify one of the mods of any change in the personal information originally requested at the time of sign-up for an exchange, such as your mailing address.

5. You MUST, when you have sent and received your item, POST on the TTE, Too blog, or have someone else post this information for you, if do not, for whatever reason, have your normal access to a computer.

6. You MUST respond if the one of the moderators sends you an e-mail with a question regarding the exchange.

7. If you have a question about an exchange, please post it on the TTE, Too blog. This not only helps the mods but might also help others in the exchange. Only send one of the mods a private message in order to comply with rules 1 through 4. Simple common sense is in order here!

8. If your item goes missing in the mail you will be asked to send another. If you cannot do this you will need to inform one of the mods. An item will be considered missing if it has not been received within 7 weeks of the send out date.

9. Failure to complete an exchange in a satisfactory manner is grounds for immediate blacklisting.

10. Failure to comply with any of the communications requirements, either e-mails to the mods or posts on appropriate threads, WILL be grounds for placing your name on a "watch" list - future infractions of the rules will result in blacklisting.

We recognize that events occur to disorganize the best of intentions, so we will work with you to enable you to complete your end of an exchange. It is not fair, though, that a person should send off their item, and not receive one in exchange. It is also not fair that the sender is left hanging because the receipt has not been acknowledged. There has been too much of that happening, and it will not be tolerated!