# Translat of gstreamer messages to Croatian. # This file is put in the public domain. # Copyright (C) 2004-2010, 2019 GStreamer core team. # This file is distributed under the same license as the gstreamer package. # # GStreamer Application Development Manual # https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/manual/html/index.html # # Tomislav Krznar , 2012. # Božidar Putanec , 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2024. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gstreamer-1.24.0\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-04 23:51+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-08 10:47-0800\n" "Last-Translator: Božidar Putanec \n" "Language-Team: Croatian \n" "Language: hr_HR\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address.\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 3.2.2\n" #: gst/gst.c:245 msgid "Print the GStreamer version" msgstr "ispiše inačicu GStreamera" #: gst/gst.c:247 msgid "Make all warnings fatal" msgstr "svako upozorenje tretira kao da je fatalno" #: gst/gst.c:251 msgid "Print available debug categories and exit" msgstr "ispiše postojeće kategorije za debugiranje i iziđe" #: gst/gst.c:255 msgid "Default debug level from 1 (only error) to 9 (anything) or 0 for no output" msgstr "RAZINA poruka za debugiranje od 1 (samo greške) do 9 (sve) ili 0 (bez poruka)" #: gst/gst.c:257 msgid "LEVEL" msgstr "RAZINA" #: gst/gst.c:259 msgid "Comma-separated list of category_name:level pairs to set specific levels for the individual categories. Example: GST_AUTOPLUG:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3" msgstr "POPIS parova (odvojenih zarezom) u formatu „category_name:level“ za postavljanje razine debugiranja za pojedine kategorije; Primjer: GST_CAT:5,GST_ELEMENT_*:3,oggdemux:5" #: gst/gst.c:262 msgid "LIST" msgstr "POPIS" #: gst/gst.c:264 msgid "Disable colored debugging output" msgstr "onemogući obojeni ispis poruka za debugiranje" #: gst/gst.c:268 msgid "Changes coloring mode of the debug log. Possible modes: off, on, disable, auto, unix" msgstr "mode za bojenje poruka za debugiranje je jedan od: off, on, disable, auto ili unix" #: gst/gst.c:272 msgid "Disable debugging" msgstr "onemogući debugiranje" #: gst/gst.c:276 msgid "Colon-separated paths containing plugins" msgstr "popis STAZA (odvojenih dvotočkom) koje sadrže plugine" #: gst/gst.c:276 msgid "PATHS" msgstr "STAZE" #: gst/gst.c:279 msgid "Comma-separated list of plugins to preload in addition to the list stored in environment variable GST_PLUGIN_PATH" msgstr "popis PLUGINA (odvojenih zarezom) koje treba učitati pored onih iz popisa spremljenog u varijabli okoline GST_PLUGIN_PATH" #: gst/gst.c:281 msgid "PLUGINS" msgstr "PLUGINI" #: gst/gst.c:284 msgid "Disable trapping of segmentation faults during plugin loading" msgstr "onemogući presretanje segmentacijskih grešaka tijekom učitavanja plugina" #: gst/gst.c:289 msgid "Disable updating the registry" msgstr "onemogući ažuriranje registra" #: gst/gst.c:294 msgid "Disable spawning a helper process while scanning the registry" msgstr "onemogući stvaranje procesa „helper“ tijekom skeniranja registra" #: gst/gst.c:299 msgid "GStreamer Options" msgstr "Opcije GStreamera" #: gst/gst.c:300 msgid "Show GStreamer Options" msgstr "pokaže opcije GStreamera" #: gst/gst.c:1015 #, c-format msgid "Unknown option" msgstr "Nepoznata opcija" #: gst/gsterror.c:136 msgid "GStreamer encountered a general core library error." msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška u osnovnoj (core) biblioteci." #: gst/gsterror.c:138 gst/gsterror.c:180 gst/gsterror.c:204 gst/gsterror.c:246 msgid "GStreamer developers were too lazy to assign an error code to this error." msgstr "Ovoj grešci nije dodijeljen broj greške." #: gst/gsterror.c:141 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: code not implemented." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: rutina nije realizirana." #: gst/gsterror.c:143 msgid "GStreamer error: state change failed and some element failed to post a proper error message with the reason for the failure." msgstr "Greška GStreamera: nije uspjela promjena stanja i neki elementi nisu poslali ispravnu poruku o grešci s razlogom za neuspjeh." #: gst/gsterror.c:146 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: pad problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem sa sučeljem." # Rač.: nezavisni skup naredbi koji se samostalno izvršavaju u programu #: gst/gsterror.c:148 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: thread problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s dretvom." #: gst/gsterror.c:150 msgid "GStreamer error: negotiation problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem u dogovaranju (za povezivanje elemenata)." #: gst/gsterror.c:152 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: event problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s događajem." #: gst/gsterror.c:154 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: seek problem." msgstr "Interna GStreamer greška: problem u pozicioniranju." #: gst/gsterror.c:156 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: caps problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem sa sposobnostima" #: gst/gsterror.c:158 msgid "Internal GStreamer error: tag problem." msgstr "Interna greška GStreamera: problem s tagom." #: gst/gsterror.c:160 msgid "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." msgstr "Vašoj instalaciji GStreamera manjka plugin." #: gst/gsterror.c:162 msgid "GStreamer error: clock problem." msgstr "Greška GStreamera: problem sa sinkronizacijom (clock)." #: gst/gsterror.c:164 msgid "This application is trying to use GStreamer functionality that has been disabled." msgstr "Aplikacija pokušava koristiti funkcionalnost GStreamera koja je bila onemogućena." #: gst/gsterror.c:178 msgid "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error." msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s dopunskom pomoćnom bibliotekom." #: gst/gsterror.c:183 msgid "Could not initialize supporting library." msgstr "Nije moguće inicijalizirati pomoćnu biblioteku." #: gst/gsterror.c:185 msgid "Could not close supporting library." msgstr "Nije moguće zatvoriti pomoćnu biblioteku." #: gst/gsterror.c:187 msgid "Could not configure supporting library." msgstr "Nije moguće konfigurirati pomoćnu biblioteku." #: gst/gsterror.c:189 msgid "Encoding error." msgstr "Greška u kodiranju." #: gst/gsterror.c:202 msgid "GStreamer encountered a general resource error." msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s resursom." #: gst/gsterror.c:207 msgid "Resource not found." msgstr "Resurs nije pronađen." #: gst/gsterror.c:209 msgid "Resource busy or not available." msgstr "Resurs je zauzet ili nije na raspolaganju." #: gst/gsterror.c:211 msgid "Could not open resource for reading." msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za čitanje." #: gst/gsterror.c:213 msgid "Could not open resource for writing." msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za pisanje." #: gst/gsterror.c:215 msgid "Could not open resource for reading and writing." msgstr "Resurs nije moguće otvoriti za čitanje i pisanje." #: gst/gsterror.c:217 msgid "Could not close resource." msgstr "Resurs nije moguće zatvoriti." #: gst/gsterror.c:219 msgid "Could not read from resource." msgstr "Nije moguće čitati iz resursa." #: gst/gsterror.c:221 msgid "Could not write to resource." msgstr "Nije moguće pisati u resurs." #: gst/gsterror.c:223 msgid "Could not perform seek on resource." msgstr "Nije moguće pozicioniranje na resursu." #: gst/gsterror.c:225 msgid "Could not synchronize on resource." msgstr "Nije moguće sinkroniziranje na resursu." #: gst/gsterror.c:227 msgid "Could not get/set settings from/on resource." msgstr "Nije moguće dobiti/promijeniti postavke resursa." #: gst/gsterror.c:229 msgid "No space left on the resource." msgstr "Na resursu nema slobodnog prostora." #: gst/gsterror.c:231 msgid "Not authorized to access resource." msgstr "Neovlašteni pristup resursu." #: gst/gsterror.c:244 msgid "GStreamer encountered a general stream error." msgstr "GStreamer: otkrivena je opća greška (problem) s protokom podataka." #: gst/gsterror.c:249 msgid "Element doesn't implement handling of this stream. Please file a bug." msgstr "U ovom elementu nije realizirana manipulacija s ovakvim protokom. Prijavite ovaj bug." #: gst/gsterror.c:252 msgid "Could not determine type of stream." msgstr "Nije moguće odrediti tip toka (strream)." #: gst/gsterror.c:254 msgid "The stream is of a different type than handled by this element." msgstr "Ovaj element ne može manipulirati tok (stream) ovog tipa." #: gst/gsterror.c:257 msgid "There is no codec present that can handle the stream's type." msgstr "Nema kodeka koji može manipulirati s ovim tipom toka (stream)." #: gst/gsterror.c:259 msgid "Could not decode stream." msgstr "Nije moguće dekodirati tok." #: gst/gsterror.c:261 msgid "Could not encode stream." msgstr "Nije moguće kodirati tok." #: gst/gsterror.c:263 msgid "Could not demultiplex stream." msgstr "Nije moguće demultipleksirati tok." #: gst/gsterror.c:265 msgid "Could not multiplex stream." msgstr "Nije moguće multipleksirati tok." #: gst/gsterror.c:267 msgid "The stream is in the wrong format." msgstr "Tok je u krivom formatu." #: gst/gsterror.c:269 msgid "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported." msgstr "Tok je šifriran a dešifriranje nije podržano." #: gst/gsterror.c:271 msgid "The stream is encrypted and can't be decrypted because no suitable key has been supplied." msgstr "Tok je šifriran i ne može se dešifrirati jer nije dobiven prikladni ključ." #: gst/gsterror.c:311 #, c-format msgid "No error message for domain %s." msgstr "Nema poruke o grešci za domenu %s." #: gst/gsterror.c:319 #, c-format msgid "No standard error message for domain %s and code %d." msgstr "Nema standardne poruke o grešci za domenu %s i za kȏd %d." #: gst/gstpipeline.c:600 msgid "Selected clock cannot be used in pipeline." msgstr "Odabrani sat ne može se koristiti u cjevovodu." #: gst/gstregistry.c:1871 #, c-format msgid "Error writing registry cache to %s: %s" msgstr "Greška pri zapisivanju u predmemoriju registra u %s: %s" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:109 msgid "title" msgstr "naslov" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:109 msgid "commonly used title" msgstr "uobičajeni naslov" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:112 msgid "title sortname" msgstr "naslov (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:112 msgid "commonly used title for sorting purposes" msgstr "uobičajeni naslov (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:115 msgid "artist" msgstr "artist" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:116 msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording" msgstr "osobe odgovorne za snimanje" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:120 msgid "artist sortname" msgstr "izvođač (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:121 msgid "person(s) responsible for the recording for sorting purposes" msgstr "osobe odgovorne za snimanje (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:124 msgid "album" msgstr "album" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:125 msgid "album containing this data" msgstr "album koji sadrži ove podatke" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:128 msgid "album sortname" msgstr "album (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:129 msgid "album containing this data for sorting purposes" msgstr "album koji sadrži ove podatke (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:132 msgid "album artist" msgstr "izvođač albuma" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:133 msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be displayed" msgstr "Izvođač cijelog albuma (pokazan onako kako treba)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:137 msgid "album artist sortname" msgstr "izvođač albuma (za sortiranje)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:138 msgid "The artist of the entire album, as it should be sorted" msgstr "Izvođač cijelog albuma sortiran kako treba" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:140 msgid "date" msgstr "datum" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:140 msgid "date the data was created (as a GDate structure)" msgstr "datum stvaranja podataka (kao GDate)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:142 msgid "datetime" msgstr "datum-vrijeme" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:143 msgid "date and time the data was created (as a GstDateTime structure)" msgstr "datum i vrijeme stvaranja podataka (kao GstDateTime)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:147 msgid "genre" msgstr "žanr" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:148 msgid "genre this data belongs to" msgstr "žanr kojem pripadaju podaci" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:151 msgid "comment" msgstr "komentar" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:152 msgid "free text commenting the data" msgstr "tekstno komentiranje podataka" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:155 msgid "extended comment" msgstr "prošireni komentar" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:156 msgid "free text commenting the data in key=value or key[en]=comment form" msgstr "slobodni (tekst) komentar o tim podacima u obliku ključ=vrijednost ili ključ[hr]=komentar" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:160 msgid "track number" msgstr "redni broj zapisa" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:161 msgid "track number inside a collection" msgstr "redni broj zapisa u kolekciji" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:164 msgid "track count" msgstr "ukupni broj zapisa" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:165 msgid "count of tracks inside collection this track belongs to" msgstr "količina zapisa u kolekciji kojoj pripada ovaj zapis" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:169 msgid "disc number" msgstr "redni broj diska" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:170 msgid "disc number inside a collection" msgstr "redni broj diska u kolekciji" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:173 msgid "disc count" msgstr "ukupni broj diskova" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:174 msgid "count of discs inside collection this disc belongs to" msgstr "količina diskova u kolekciji kojoj pripada ovaj disk" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:178 msgid "location" msgstr "mjesto" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:178 msgid "Origin of media as a URI (location, where the original of the file or stream is hosted)" msgstr "Porijeklo medija kao URI (mjesto gdje se nalazi originalna datoteka ili originalni izvor protoka)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:183 msgid "homepage" msgstr "internetska stranica" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:184 msgid "Homepage for this media (i.e. artist or movie homepage)" msgstr "Internetska stranica ovog medija (tj. internetska stranica izvođača ili filma)" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:187 msgid "description" msgstr "opis" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:188 msgid "short text describing the content of the data" msgstr "sažetak koji opisuje sadržaj podataka" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:191 msgid "version" msgstr "inačica" #: gst/gsttaglist.c:191 msgid "version of this data" msgstr "i