Showing posts with label TQB Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TQB Designs. Show all posts

Monday, October 20, 2008

Doing what I can to help...

Okay - so I've been contemplating for some time on what I can do to keep my paper products for packaging to a minimum (aside from using newspaper that I get for free and re-using cardboard boxes from time-to-time) . For those of you that have purchased a piece from me, you know how I take pride in the packaging and presentation. I figure since I put so much work into the piece inside the box...well, the box should be something special too.

So, I think I have come up with another small re-purposing solution. I have decided to stop buying packaged Japanese paper for making my origami cranes and started making my own. I have discovered that, while looking through some of my very occasionally purchased magazines (and those scavenged from family and friends), not to mention the junk mail and catalogs I get, there are some really fantastic images that can translate into my paper origami cranes! Hurray - I love when I can save some money, save a tree, and re-purpose something that is normally forgotten and thrown out after a week.

Also, come Spring, I will be adding a new item (however, technically it isn't
really) to my store. I have been making my crane cards for many years and sell them to stores in the Portland area and feel that I can now share them with others in my Etsy store. They are really beautiful and I will have then listed singly and you can also purchased them in groups of 3, 5 or 7 for slightly less. And, who knows what else may develop out of my crazy fascination with these folded wonders...

These cards are very similar in feel to how my jewelry is packaged when you receive a piece. I would love to list these in my store before the Spring - but, I think I should focus on trying to get work in my store and filling the many, many special orders still outstanding by all my VERY patience and WONDERFUL customers out there.

Thanks all - and here's to the beginning of a beautiful and festive Holiday Season - each and every one of us:)

- Pink

Friday, March 28, 2008

Color Block Friday: What's in a Word? - 2008.03.28

Now, since I've been making these beads the most common likeness people use is berries. I love this, mainly because I could exist on berries everyday for the rest of my life! Okay, well... maybe not everyday but, you know what I mean. Organics, things in nature, etc... inspire me in what I do and how I work. Even the smallest phrase; collection of words, can bring about a different point of view with what I do. I take words very seriously...

For instance, take my newest color story "Bryant Park". I think of a big city with all its diversions. Cement, trees, colors of purple and gold - like royalty. This was my inspiration for this particular color story. Earlier this month I highlighted one of my newest colors "Crocus" in a gorgeous flowery shade of purple. I wanted to stay on the purple path and continue with Bryant Park by highlighting the other purple in that series: Mulberry.

This brings us back to the berry likeness. I can remember my earliest memory of my beads and how someone wanted me to make a bowl full and eat them like berries. Of course, in the early days, I didn't see this. Now, I wish I could remember who it was that gave me this image of organic delight. I now see my beads hanging from every tree, shrub and exotic plant. They are little pods, berries, and seeds. Droplets of water that glisten. Or, honey ladened buds of gold.

Next month I will have a new color story featuring some shades not yet used. 1st Friday in April... check it out!

xo - Pink

Friday, March 14, 2008

Color Block Friday - Luck O' the Irish - 2008.03.14

...and I don't even have a smidgen of Irish in me... But, how could I resist but to do Green for the Spring Season selection Color Block! Green is renewing, fresh, and representative of new growth, not to mention St. Patrick.

St. Patrick was credited with driving the snakes from Ireland (an early version of Samuel L. Jackson with "Snakes on a Plane"). St. Patrick's day came from his original Christian Feast Day (also may have also been the date of his death in 1737). When Irish immigrants came to American they started to celebrate this day, first in Boston, and then with the first St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City in 1766 (The History Channel).

Now that the history lesson is over (okay, I'm a history geek, I admit it), let's get on with the colors. I love green. I also have over 10 selections of green in my bead collection. Crazy I know but, I sometimes have a difficult time thinking up a color collection without adding some green.

With a fantastic selection of green in my Etsy Store - take some time to check out my newest earring design, made with cilantro - "Chained Earrings". These have a great, contemporary feel, especially with the long ear wire to balance out the chain dangle. I also have some new bracelets and necklaces in this mighty shade!

I think the bottom most images here has the best views of all my green shades and here's the list - starting clockwise from the top left: wasabi, vine, mint, granny smith, dill flower, pine, emerald, chartreuse, leaf, cilantro, olive, sage - 12 in all.

So get your green on this Spring!