This past Saturday Todd and I received an invite to spend the day with Rebbecca and her family at her grandparents cottage in the Ganenoque Lake area. It was a dreary rainy day but we all went anyhow. The boys put on their rain gear and went fishing, us girls pulled out our stitching. Rebbecca was a good girl and worked on her wolves, while I worked on Todd stocking. LOL we were both working on gifts for our significant others!

Despite the poor weather, the scenery was still spectacular! Once again, I'll let the pictures do the talking....
Caleb and Cameron Rebecca's boys
This creepy-crawlie was pretty big!
The wonderful scenery!
My fundraising for Run For the Cure is going well! Thank you to all who have donated so far! Every dollar is really appreciated! As of this blog entry my fundraising efforts stand at $175.00, this means I no longer have to pay the entry fee however I still have a ways to go to my $650.00 goal. If you would like to donate you can do so online HERE.