Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My Neighborhood Is Ready To Go!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Photo Hunt #58 "Cooked/ing" & 59 "Colourful"
Friends & Stitches
I was back down to Brighton again, my excuse ... well I had to be in Kingston for Christin's Dad's 60th birthday, also to bring Christin back to Ottawa. So why not make a weekend out of it right?
Soooo... Friday after work after a little bit of running around to find a DMC rayon colour for Kathy (which after three places I couldn't find it!) I hit the road. It was a windy day for driving, and the clouds constantly threatened to open up... but the rain pretty much held off. I got to Kathy's much later than expected but she was a sweetie and fed me dinner anyhow! I got to meet a number of Kathy's friends that evening, so there wasn't much stitching done. What little stitching I did, was done on my Neighbourhood Round Robin.
Saturday was a full and busy day! We stitched in the morning, Kathy on her project... which she'll be posting pictures of soon ... go on over and take a look she wants to see if anyone can guess what she's working on (if she's posted the pictures yet!). For me it was more of my RR, by lunch time I had finally finished my outlines and wording and was ready to start my castle (my neighbourhood is a fantasy one). For lunch we drove to a nearby chip wagon where we ordered ourselves lunch... also chips for Ann, Christin, Lynn (Christin's Mom), and Sue (Christin's Aunt). We drove over there with chips and it was so nice to catch up with everyone for a bit. Ann has finished a beautiful project ... I'm not sure if she's going to blog about it since its a gift.
Our next stop after lunch was to visit with Beatrice who had some serious surgery earlier in the week. I was so happy to see Beatrice, I didn't expect to see for for weeks! She was looking better, but still pretty tired (I can remember being the same way after my surgery a few years ago). We visited for a few hours and stitched... Beatrice did try, but I think she was too tired. Also we all know the results of stitching when we're tired/not feeling well... rip it-rip it! Beatrice is almost finished her Celtic Banner (by Butternut Road) and it looks wonderful!
After our visit with Beatrice it was back to Kathy's for a quick stop for me. Since Kathy and her hubby (who is kind enough to put up with my visits and our stitching talk that sounds like a foreign language to him!) had an even to attend. So I was having dinner with Ann and her wonderful husband/cook! Another stitcher I've met in the past was also over for dinner (Sue I believe... sometimes I'm horrible with names). Dan cooked for us while we visited, then we spent on evening playing cards which I haven't done in ages!
Today ... my last day on the road ... my morning was spent stitching with Kathy. I made it to Christin's parents just as they were pulling the hamburgers off of the BBQ for lunch. Do I have an amazing sense of timing or what? We managed to surprise her Dad later that afternoon with a small get together for his 60th b-day. All too soon it was 5pm and time for Christin and I to hit the road.
Sorry no stitching update pictures yet but I should have my RR done soon and ready to show off!
Photo : Finches feeding on the shore of Lake Ontario
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Finished an Old Finish
SBQ time!
Q : If you could only stitch one more piece what would it be and why?
A : Enchantment of Winter by Terrance Nolan, because my Mum said my Dad really admired a model he saw of it years ago... he's been to Russia. Its also not like my Dad to pay attention to things like that.
Well on the personal stitching side, I'm plodding along very slowly with the outlines on my Neighbourhood RR. I just want to get that done... its sooo boring!
I'm glad this is a short week for us Canadians (yesterday was a statutory holiday for us), I'm realy looking forward to Friday. After work I'm hopping in my car and I'm going to visit with Kathy, with a Saturday visit with Ann. I love going down to visit Kathy and Ann!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Annual Garden Shop!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Photo Hunt # 57 "Five"
Some HD's
My second HD was my third and final Hedgehog Quaker freebie. I stitched three of these to test out colours on the fabric I'm planning to stitch Paradigm Lost on this fall. I am definitely going to go with this blue!
Hedgehog Quaker
cThe Workbasket
Stitched on : 28ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean
using DMC Colour Variations 4240
At the moment I'm focused on getting my next round robin ready for the mail. This one is the Neighbourhood Round Robin I signed up for quite some time ago. I've got all the basting done now I'm adding my personal touches to it. I'll probably work on it all weekend... it goes out in the mail at the end of the month!
Computer's Back!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Its All Good!
Good news! My Doctor left me a message today... my biopsy came back clean! There's no cancer. I have no other details than that right now.
I'm soooo relived!
Thank you each and every one of you for the prayers, hugs, and vibes! You've all been an awesome support through this!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Its Going To Be Awhile
I'm currently hijacking my brother's computer. My laptop will be in the shop for at least another 3-5 business days. They're replacing the battery, top strip, and cooling pack. Thank goodness the salesman talked me into the extended warranty!
So until I get my laptop back I'll be popping in sporadically like this, without lovely pictures to share with you.
Friday, May 11, 2007
A New Blog to Check Out
Yay Ann!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Off To The Laptop Hospital
If I'm not online for the next bit that's why. Unless its a quick simple fix????
You can continue to get in touch with me via my hotmail... I will have the opportunity to check it from time to time.
Take care everyone, and thank you for all the prayers, vibes, thoughts and cyber-hugs!
Monday, May 07, 2007
May 2nd's SBQ
B... Day And I Don't Mean Birthday
Photo : This photo was taken just last week as the sun was setting and the moon was rising. This is a view from my kitchen.
Amazing Weekend
It started out with a finishing frenzy Friday night after getting home from my running around. My friend Beatrice I thought really needed a pick-me-up. She's going into hospital soon for some very serous surgery so I took my Quaker Hedgehogs I stitched up a few weeks ago and turned them into this flanged pillow. I just love how this turned out... and I made Beatrice cry!
Saturday morning I piled myself and my stitching into my car and headed for Ann's! Ann and I had the most fantastic afternoon. Dan, her husband BBQ'ed up burgers for lunch, then we finally settled into Ann's sun room and we started stitching. Honestly not a lot of stitching got done Saturday afternoon. First Kathy (who I stayed with in Arizona) showed up. Then one of Ann's customer's who I've met in the past Marie-Paul came by there was much admiring of stitching. She was in just to pick a few things, must of stayed for at least half an hour. Next another customer (don't remember her name) from Trenton came in. She had on this great jean jacket she had stitched with Harry Potter designs! She also had one of Lynne Nicoletti's new fortune teller designs all stitched up and finished, it was sooo cool! Then later in the afternoon Beatrice came in after work. One by one, everyone started to head out, until it was just Ann, Dan and me. Dan cooked us a fantastic dinner and we spent the rest of the evening stitching. Before bed, I managed to finish my current page on Noah's Sub! That's 5 pages down, 3 to go!
This morning Ann was off to stitch with some ladies in Toronto so after one of Dan's fantastic breakfasts and a bit of a visit in the morning and I bought supplies for the Ornament RR that's starting up this month. I packed my stuff back into my car and I headed to Kathy's. We had a great visit, just Kathy and I... and she made an awesome lunch! When I first got there I was musing about what to stitch... Kathy not so subtly suggested (Kathy is not subtle and I love that quality in her!) that I get that ornament RR started! While there I actually finished it! The chart came with three ornaments and since I had enough left over fabric and plenty of threads I started the second one. After lunch it was back in the car then Kathy and I drove over to Beatrice's where we stitched and visited with Beatrice and her Mom Adriana... I so want to grow up to be Adriana... she's 91 and still stitching on 28ct evenweave! Is that not inspirational?? While I was there I kept working on the second ornament. Next thing I knew it was after 3pm and I needed to hit the road.
Silver Thaw #1
c2004 Wren Song Designs
Stitched on 28ct Jubile Using DMC & Kreinik
On the way home I stopped in and had a nice visit with Rebbecca. When I first got there Rebbecca was at the neighbours with the kids. So her husband pulls out an ATV (four-wheeler) and asks me if I've ever been on one. Ummm no. I'm just chuffed... today I drove my first ATV! It was fun! I think I could of ripped around on that thing for an hour! Anyone who knows me well, know I love TOYS! Anyhow, Rebecca's hubby is a nice guy we chatted, I got along with both of them really well. They fed me a great dinner and once the kids were settled into bed for the night we got to stitch for about an hour (where I finished the second ornament) before I realized it was almost 9pm and time for me to get home!
Silver Thaw #2
So here I am... its 1am I've finished the 3rd ornament and I'm wide awake...
Silver Thaw #3
Hmmm wonder why?
Mum and Dad will be picking me up bright and early in the morning for my biopsy. Then I can come back home, settle in on the couch watch movies/TV ... probably sleep and stitch!