As I sit here typing this entry on my laptop, big, fluffy, white snowflakes are falling from the sky (again). We had a bit of a melt over the weekend which left my driveway a dangerous skating rink! I think when this snow is all said and done sometime tomorrow we should have another 13cm.
Sorry I haven't blogged in days, I had fully intended to blog the last few days but first I got wrapped up in Christmas. I had family over for Christmas Eve, and went to my parents for Christmas dinner. In between the celebrations I worked on Christmas Elf Fairy as much as I could, but still it wasn't enough for a Christmas Day finish, nor a boxing day finish. I put the last beads in her just 30 minutes ago! Without further ado...
Christmas Elf Fairy (kit)
c2005 Mirabilia Designs
Stitched on : 32ct Precous Metals Opalescent Lugana (Silkweavers)
Stitched with : Crescent Colours, Whisper, Kreinik #4 Braid & Mill Hill Beads
I have to say my new Tacky Bob made beading sooo much more manageable, beads weren't rolling all over the place, nor getting lost in my lap! Definitely worth the money if you don't have one! Oh yes, my chart if up for trade (see wish list on sidebar) or sale if anyone is interested its unmarked and in good shape! Just e-mail me (tkd underscore chick at hotmail dot com)!
Next up in the stitching roster is something for the Stitching Blogger's Birthday Exchange. My partner's birthday is next month and I've got to get something in the mail ASAP! Ack! I've picked out what I'm going to stitch, and its all kitted up ready to start after I'm done online.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas full of family and friends... and hopefully some great gifts (of course we all prefer stitchy gifts!). I have to say Todd totally failed this year. Needless to say he felt I didn't need any of the big items I put on my list so all I got from him was two DVD's... not wrapped nor the prices taken off just shoved in my stocking the morning of. I have to say that made me feel like crap, and it still does. After 15 years you'd think he'd know me and my likes and manage to pick up SOMETHING for me. This is twice this year he's managed to seriously disappoint me on special days (the last one was my d-day when I sat at home by myself until 11:30pm didn't even come home with a card). He used to be very good that this sort of thing and I feel at times in his eyes I'm not worth the effort anymore, or I'm just being taken for granted that I'm still here, and I still love him.
Here are my two favorite gifts this year, both from my Mum, who managed to totally surprise me! I had no idea she was making either one (yes both hand made)!
Tiger Quilt

Beaded Tiger