Saturday Beth and I both woke up pretty tired and found it hard to get going! The gloomy weather I'm sure had a part in that but so did all my running around over the last couple of months! The three of us piled into my car (you wouldn't believe the mileage I have on my 2002 Hyundai Accent... 155,000 KM) and went off to Ann's (owner of Knowledge and Needles) to meet up with some of the local ladies for our annual Ornamentification Get Together. Since I was all caught up with my ornament making, I taught a little class... how to make Cube-Its. I think I must of done a good job stitching, my 4 students all produced beautiful cubes!
My Cube - Teresa Wentzler's Tole Heart
Beatrice Decorating Her Cube
Ann received a pleasant surprised while we were visiting... her quilt using the prairie Schooler alphabet charts was coming home! Ann had done part of the blocks as an RR, stitched the rest her self and did all the quilting too. She had a local lady put on the binding and a pocket in the back so she could hang it on the wall. Ann did a beautiful job, it looks amazing Ann!
The rest of the afternoon was left for stitching! I honestly didn't really get any done. I was so pooped I spent most of the time listening to the chatter while I rested my eyes or started off into the distance. I was exhausted! Before leaving I made a small purchase at Ann's shop, A fat quarter of 28ct white Jazlyn and a skein of Waterlillies needed for my Sweetheart Tree RR. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to Kingston.
When I got back to Beth's I had to lie down for about an hour before dinner! I was struggling to stay awake! We were treated to stew for dinner put together by Beth's husband, according to her this is a rare treat! The rest of the evening was spent stitching. I worked on my Needlecase Guardian and Beth worked on Rosemarkie. I finally made noticeable progress too!
Sunday, it was time to go home...
I spent a couple of hours doing some more finishing... I put together my Celestial Fob by Teresa Wentzler and Jennifer Aikman-Smith. For a change I did the finishing by hand so that I could put beads all around the edge. I'm so happy with how this turned out. Do you think this deserves a tutorial???
Tonight I enhanced my stash a little more. First I received a wonderful surprise in the mail from my friend Kathy. She sent me The Dragon Dreams Dragonlet Birt Sampler! Thank you Kathy that's so kind of you! I also did a little shopping tonight online at Traditional Stitches. Nothing special really... just a bunch of perle cottons, Needle necessities and one Waterlillies all needed for the Sweetheart Tree RR.
Back to work on that Needlecase Guardian.