My next surprise was the first ornament in the Retro JCS Ornament RR from Anu. I can't wait to stitch it!
And the best surprise was a RAK! That's a Random Act of Kindness, Marissasmom2 one of the members from a BB I'm on. She sent me three charts from my wish list. Dragon Dreams Dancing Dragons and Fantasy Wedding Blessing and The Butterfly fairies chart from Lanarte!
Today I received another totally unrelated RAK from my best friend Christin. She bought me the two Dracolair Charts I've been wanting, the new Red Dragon Bookmark and phoenix! Wow that's five charts in one week!
Now for the review of my stitching week : I managed to find more stitching time this week than last. That felt great, I hate it when I can't find any time to stitch! I made a little more progress on Fire and Ice, I got in a great stretch of time in on Noah's Sub... Finally! I also made noticeable progress on my stocking.
Here are the piccys...
Fire and Ice - Black Swan
Dragon By The Fireside - Black Swan
Noah's Submarine - Stoney Creek
I just got the password for part 4 of Midi Mystery 1 so guess what I'm stitching on this weekend???