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Showing posts with label stitching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stitching. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Long Awaited Stitchy Weekend

I've been very lucky this year, I've managed to get together with my stitchy friends from along the 401 corridor once a month since May! This weekend was another one of them! This time it was hosted by Rebecca in the Kingston area. Our furthest east stitcher was Lynn from the Chesterville area and the furthest east was Bonnie from the Coburg area with folk from in between!

I only took a few pictures this weekend, I stitched instead of playing the shutterbug! Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of Trista... well I did but it was out of focus! Sorry Trista. Ann and Beth couldn't join us as they both had the flu. On Sunday we were joined by Rebecca's lovely Mother and Law for a few hours too!

Rebecca, our hostess!

Judy...and Tasha by her feet, Tasha was a well behaved and constant companion for us all weekend long!
Lynn (foreground) and Barb (background)
Boy did I need this weekend! I needed an opportunity to step away from all the stuff I've got going on at work and at TKD and just enjoy my friends company and stitch! I didn't get pictures of everyone, but those I did get, you can see everyone is enjoying themselves and stitching!
Oh boy did I stitch too! I worked on Tour Des Marques from Friday night-Late Sunday afternoon. I got so much done!

Tonight when I got home I pulled out yet another monogram that I had on the go and finished it up too... there seemed to be a little speculating over my monograms going around the room this weekend. Judy has threatened my life if one of those J's doesn't end up in her hot little hands!

Red Threads Letter "P"
c2002 Rosewood Manor
Stitched on : 28ct Ivory Jasmine
Stitched with : Olde Willow Stitchery Rebekkah Green

Fingers crossed this week will be a little more in control than last and I'll get some good TKD studying in!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Creative Invite, The Stocking, and Stash... oh my!

This evening when I got home (from an extra long day at work) I had the most creative invite EVER to a stitching weekend! This is from Kathy (now all the beds are full!)...
Come one, come all
to a stitcher's free for all.

Come early, stay late
I will meet you by the lake

Bring your stitching, needle and thread.
Out of town, I'll provide the bed.

Saturday, we'll have pot luck
And please, we don't want duck.

Sunday, I'll do brunch
Believe me, you won't need lunch.

So, write it down, don't delay
Mark your calendar for the day.
September 5, 6 and 7

What can I say - Stitcher's Heaven.

Doesn't that just sound so inviting???? I can assure you, I'll be there... will you?

Fingers crossed, I'll have Todd's stocking all finished (well stitched that is) and ready to show off at Kathy's stitching weekend. All the cross stitching is done, I'm currently adding blending filament to all the blues. The it'll be the finishing touches, backstitching (and lots of it) and a few charms. After I show it off, I'll have to find just the right fishing fabric to back it with, then talk my Mum into doing the finishing for me!

From this past weekend, I never shared with you my sash purchases from Knowledge and Needles.

Cross Eyed Cricket - Sleepy Hollow
Ink Circles - Celtic Ice Kit
Gorgeous Victorian Red Lugana
Piecemaker Needles

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Quick Update

Hi everyone! Busy times again, I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped this weekend, oh well I'll have to make up for that this week.

I finished one framing job (out of 5 I bought supplies for on Saturday). Another grad composite.

I've been stitching where I can find the time, here's Robyn's RR. Not much longer and it'll be in the mail!
Tomorrow is weigh in day. I'm not sure how I did this past week, my eating was a little bit all over the map. I did pretty well in terms of following the healthy guidelines and eating my points, but I've had weeks where I've eaten better. I just wrapped up at 30-Day trial at Curves, and I have to say very happy with the results. Between diet and exercise, in a month I've lost about 5lbs, 1% of my body fat, and about 7 inches! I would of liked to have continued with a Curves membership but I can get a better deal on a membership at Goodlife through a corporate plan. So my next step, checking out Goodlife. I've got someone I met through work (a supply teacher) who has her personal trainer's certificate and is willing to put together a plan for me.
I'm looking forward to the end of June and its not far away! This means my life will calm down... photography class will be over, the framing demands will slow down (I hope), and I might be caught up with my deadline stitching. Oh what a dream!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Yes! A Productive Weekend!!!

Wow! I'm so impressed with myself tonight, and with how much I've gotten done this weekend!

Saturday I got to sleep in, which I love doing. Once I was up and conscience I did a trip into town. I picked up a new prescription from Costco (we're trying a Beta-blocker for my migraines)... a possible side effect is weight gain... I hope not! Then to the bank... and finally, to Curves for a nice sweat! I tell you I don't feel like I've exercised unless I've broken a good sweat. Then it was back home... to clean the bathroom, have lunch, and start framing! So for about 6-7 hours I cut and built 4 frames, cut 3 double mats with two openings, cut foam core, assembled 3 of the mat sets into deep mats (had a base mat, built up foam core around it then put the mat with the openings on top so you have a deep opening so something isn't smashed up against the glass. Assembled on of the pieces completely. In between all of this I had to clean off the kitchen table so I'd have a second work surface... oh yeah did a load of laundry too!

Saturday night Todd surprised me and took me out for fish and chips... well he had fish and chips, I had fish and salad. I miss fries... I know I could have them if I counted my points for them but I just don't trust myself to have them! Oh and I enjoyed a beer too! After we got home I settled down and stitched a little on Robyn's past due RR.

Today I did three loads of laundry, and finished up 3 of my 4 framing jobs. It's nice to get them all wrapped in their brown paper ready to be delivered tomorrow! I'll share those pictures with you once they've been received by their owners. Also I did a little calligraphy on a bunch of certificates for work. I had hoped to settle down and stitch some more, but I found that a challenge this evening. So I'd stitch a little then go back to my workroom and started cutting out mat board for the next batch of frames to be done... 5 of them I believe, I should hunt the person down tomorrow for a proper figure.

Before I got going on the laundry and finishing my framing jobs, it was the weekend that the Ottawa Cycling Club does its run up my road. So at around noon I popped outside with my camera to try out some panning while they went by. It took some experimenting but I finally got a few descent shots!

Oh and I found this stunning and large columbine in bloom in my front garden the other day! The sad thing is I don't remember if I bought it or it just showed up. I find things have a way of suddenly sprouting in my gardens. I must have some industrious critters in my area!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

What's This??? Stitching?

I have to say I think I'm getting good at multi-tasking!!! When I got home from work I just HAD to lie down for a nap! I was struggling to stay awake during my drive home. Once I was up I swapped back and forth between preparing dinner and cutting foam core & mat board for a framing job. While eating dinner I went through my e-mails and did some online stuff. Then while I watched "So You Think You Can Dance" (one of my guilty pleasures) I stitched, during the commercials I cut a double mat and mounted a photograph. So with this one framing job I'm down to building the frame, cleaning the glass and popping it all together. This is one item of four I need to have ready for Tuesday morning.

Soooo are you wondering what I've been stitching on and if I'm actually going to show it to you? The answer to this is yes! I've been working when I can on Robyn's RR, I am overdue with sending this piece out as the mail out date was June 1st. After contacting the moderator of the RR and the person I mail it to everyone is cool that I keep on working on it. I'm so pushed for time right now that I've started dragging this with me wherever I go, just in case I can find 10 minutes to work on it.

This is a West Coast Lighthouse from an older issue of Just Cross Stitch Magazine. I'm hoping that between waiting for glue to dry on various frames this weekend I'll be able to work on this and show you some descent progress!

Also yesterday I finally received Round 5 Fair & Square blocks from Hannah. The first set she stitched for me got lost in the black hole we so kindly call the postal system. Hanna was nice enough to re-stitch it and sent some lovely goodies along! Thank you Hanna.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Weekend's Over

I had a great but busy weekend!

Friday right after work I picked Christin up and we were off to Kingston! Friday evening we spent with her parents, went for a walk, and stitched. A good way to unwind after a busy work week, and I have to say I was pretty pooped!

Saturday morning, I was up bright and early (well for me at least, Christin and her Dad were already up!). I arrived at the church hall where the market was being held by 8:30am to help Ann and Dan set up the Knowledge and Needles booth. With the three of us working, it didn't really take us too long to put everything out, with some spare time to wander around the other booths before the doors opened at 10am. It was a fairly steady day for us with the odd quiet moment. I got to see some familiar faces, my friend Beth, some of the Brighton Ladies (Barb, Lisa, Marie-Paul, Katie and Sharon to name a few). The person I was the most happy to see was Kathy!!!! She has made it back safe and sound from Arizona. There was a quiet lull after lunch and Kathy was still there so we got to sit and visit for a little bit. I'm looking forward to when she's settled in and we can set up a weekend for me to drive down and visit her on the beautiful shores of Lake Ontario.

Over dinner with Christin, Ann, Dan & I all concluded that despite slightly lower numbers coming through the doors this year (its been a beautiful week, so I can't blame anyone) that the day was very successful. Thank you for a yummy dinner Ann & Dan! I'm more than happy to help you guys out any time!

Oh yeah, of course I got some stash too! Rosewood Manor's Red Threads, Sampler Cove's Spanish Rouge, Courtney Designs Bird of Paradise, and M Designs I&J. Oooh and I had to get this beautiful hand woven basket! I have a weak spot for beautiful baskets... I just rarely give in.

Saturday evening Rebecca invited us out to her place to visit and stitch for a few hours. Rebecca lives about a 3 minute drive from Christin's parents! Rebecca gave me a late birthday gift... I'm sad to say despite trying to be, Christin and I weren't as organized. We had planned to get Rebecca a belated gift as well. Oh well I've got a cool idea for Rebecca now she just has to wait! She stitched up this beautiful monogrammed pillow case for me (its on my pillow as I type!) and a couple of packs of piecemaker needles (every stitcher's favourite needle!). Rebecca and I both worked on our Double Flip-Its!

Today was another gorgeous day! I got home early in the afternoon, instead of giving into my urge to fall into bed I decided to go for a walk instead. My little walk turned into a 2 hour trek along the back roads with my camera. I think I must of walked about 3KM this afternoon, a little further than my poor feet can really handle. It was a lovely route and will be perfect for my bike rides... once Todd gets it off of the garage wall!

Tonight I had over 250 photos to download off of my camera! Wow! Most of them are nature pics that I hope to share with you in future posts.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Not Quite Finished

I worked on Debby's RR again tonight, unfortunately its not going to get in the mail for tomorrow's deadline but I should get it in the mail on Wednesday. Those silly willows took all evening to get the trunk and branches put in. I'd have to say right now they look like my big willow, not a leaf on it!

Tomorrow is weigh in, as usual I'm apprehensive. This is the first time since I started WW that I've used almost all of my flex points in a week. So it'll be interesting to see if there's a loss and how small or how bit it'll be. I'll share tomorrow!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Some Stitching and Stash

Well I have to say this past week there has been very little on the stitching front. Today I finally had a chance to sit and work on Debby's RR most of the time... well at least when Hunter didn't want to be on my lap. For some reason he wanted to play the lap cat, and I didn't think Debby would appreciate some black specialty fibres.

Also I got my Silkweaver grab bag on the weekend. I got lots of lovely fabrics in descent sizes!

Back to the grind of the normal world tomorrow!

Monday, December 10, 2007

An Evening With Tour

Despite spending most of my day at work debating, do I pull Tour out like I should or keep working on Christmas Elf Fairy? Of course I really, really, really wanted to keep working on CEF, she's such a nice easy stitch! However I behaved and worked on Tour for a few hours. Once my eyes started getting a little tired of working over one I did pull out CEF. So I'd say it was a win-win situation all around!
Here's tonight's progress on Tour

And my progress on CEF

Sunday, December 09, 2007

A New Start

I finally gave in and allowed myself a new start, though I do have other projects already started that could use my attention. I have started : Tour Des Marques (I did do one floss length on it on Saturday), Paradigm Lost, Pomegranates and Pears, Mini Cottages 5, and Cats in Baskets. I have two pieces at the moment I should actually admit they are UFO's now I do actually want to stitch them, so they're not in the I don't love you anymore pile. They are The Accolade and Celestial Dragon, they just keep getting put aside.

Now you're wondering what did I let myself start? Well I've had this kit for a year now, and its Christmasy! I started Mirabilia's Christmas Elf Fairy. I swapped out the linen and used 32 ct Opalescent Lugana, Precious Metals from Silkweavers. I think she'll stitch up quickly since this is what I've gotten done since I started it on Saturday.

Tomorrow I should give Tour Des Marques a little lovin'

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Time For A Little BS

Back stitch that is....

Normally I don't bore you with pictures of the same project several days in a row. However... I hit a milestone tonight, I finished all the cross stitch on the top right hand page of The Castle. I've put it away for tonight, but tomorrow I'll be ready to start backstitching! Guess what I'll be doing this weekend???

I do have some running around that has to be done, and framing supplies to pick up and a few jobs to start that need to be done and returned to their owners soon. So that will cut into the precious stitching time.

We've had more snow today... but no time to take pretty pictures for you. Needless to say we've had about 9cm in the last two days. When I grow up I'm going to be a Snowbird like Kathy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

PL Week 3

I didn't get in a lot of time with Paradigm Lost tonight. Its my Dad's 66th birthday today (Happy Birthday Dad!), and I went over for a lovely dinner of roast lamb, Yorkshire puddings, potatoes, and veg. I did take PL with me but you don't get as much done when you're visiting and talking.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Birth Of A Draggie

This morning started with a wonderful surprise! I was wrapping up the finishing of Julie's little giftie which I've owed her for months when the phone rang. LOL honestly I don't get a lot of phone calls and often its my Mum calling. However there was a familiar voice on the other end of the phone... it was Kathy! She's still down in Houston, Tx. helping out her sister, but will be on her way to Arizona soon... she says once she's there she'll have better internet access and she'll be back blogging, commenting and wreaking havoc on the net! Kathy, I can't wait to see how all your projects are coming along!

While I wasn't running about this weekend, which there wasn't too much of I was stitching (at times napping... I'd have to say that's probably my second hobby!). I've been working really hard on The Castle, the dragon is finally taking shape and here's where I am at bedtime tonight.

I'll keep working on this piece this week, except one evening for Paradigm Lost. I'd like to see this baby finished before 2007 is out.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fair & Square Round 3 Received

Wow, last night I shared with you what I stitched up for Pokua for round 3 of Fair & Square. Well what was in today's mail but her piece for me! And I just love it. The design says Amite which is french for friendship, how lovely!

She also spoilt me with some lovely blue ribbon that mimics a tape measure and a gorgeous scissor fob! I went through all my scissors and they all have fobs. Guess I'm going to have to order a new pair of scissors... oh the horror!

Tonight I finished up all the cross stitch on Of Farm and Field, tomorrow I'll tackle the backstitching. I don't know about you folk but I always underestimate when I'm going to finish a piece... I'm always off by a day to a week (depending on the size I suppose). I was pretty sure I was going to finish Heather's RR today, I even took it to work and stitched a little during lunch. I guess my 2 1/2 hr nap when I got home didn't help but I had a borderline migraine all afternoon and I pretty much passed out! Once that is done... then I'll be pulling out Paradigm Lost!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Stitching Updates

Alrighty, lets hope you all find this post much more interesting than my weekend report. Not up to my normal standard was it? Sorry about that!

Let's see what has been going on stitching wise, my Fair & Square round 3 was received by Pokua and I'm glad to see she's very happy with it! Mine is on its way and I can't wait to see it!

Full Moon (freebie)
c2000 Elizabeth's Designs
The Alphabet was added to increase the height of the design
Stitched on 32ct Natural Linen
Using GAST, WDW & Whisper

Earlier this week I finished the first panel on the Pomegranate Needlebook by Jeannette Douglas. I'm really looking forward to getting back to this and trying out her finishing instructions.

Also this week I started Heather's RR, her theme is Farm and I'm stitching up Dragon Dream's Of Farm and Field. I should be able to finish it up tomorrow night! (my part is bottom right)

Finally, on Tuesday of this week I'll be starting Paradigm Lost! Finally! Kathy says she'll be crossing into the US that day and I wasn't allowed to start until she crossed. You can follow our progress and that of our SAL mates (some are stitching Cirque des Cercles) at the Snowbird's SAL blog. If you'd like to stitch one of these two projects or have it started you're welcome to join us. Just send me an e-mail for an invite to the blog!

That Was Lovely!

Well I was too lazy to pull my camera out this weekend, needless to say we had a lovely time! Also the participants this weekend were all the usual suspects who you have seen on my blog before!

Friday night Chrisanne, Christin, and Rebecca came out to my place. We stayed up late chatted, stitched and watched movies. I mean what more can a stitcher ask for?

Saturday was just the perfect day to sit in and stitch, it was dreary and rainy. Lynn joined us shortly before lunch and the living room was just full! In the afternoon I taught Lynn and Rebecca how to make flat folds.

Now I'm home by myself, waiting for Todd to get back from Toronto and... I have wayyyy too much food left over!

I have to say sorry for being so quiet this week. Wednesday and Thursday night were spent cleaning my house and getting it ready for company. I don't know about you, but I tend to only really clean the house when company's coming. I mean it takes away from stitching time right?

I've been stitching a little the last few days, but not much. I find after I finish a model or I'm focused on getting a big pieced it takes me quite a few days to get re-focused on my next project. I've been slowly working along with Heather's round robin, and its taken me until late last night to start getting into it. Of course there's not too, too much left now.

I apologize this isn't the best or most exciting blog entry ever. I'm off to get that RR wrapped up!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SBQ, A Question and A Photo Hunt

Well I have nothing near as exciting to tell you about after this past weekend's retreat! So I'll give you a mish-mash of things tonight.

First an old SBQ for you this one from September 6th

Q : Would you ever stitch one of your BAPs a second time? (This does not include starting over because of mistakes, bad fabric, etc., rather stitching something from the first stitch for a second time.)

A : Hmmm no. If I ever did, it would be because of one of three reasons. Either one of my pieces was damaged beyond repair and I have a strong sentimental connection with it. Someone I really cared for deserved to have it stitched for them and its just the perfect piece. Or someone offered me a disgusting amount of money for it.

Now for a question from Judy

Q : The Legend of Sleepy Hallow piece from The Cricket Collection sure is a cool looking design. Do you think you'll stitch it up the same way as their model is done?

A : For sure! I think that's a huge part of its charm!

Finally, Photo Hunt #75 Plastic :
This plastic and feather tiara was given to my nephew Nick on his birthday as a joke by one of his buddies.

Oh and a stitching update ... I really, really, really want to work on my class pieces form Jeannette. Alas, I must be disciplined... I only worked on my needle case a little bit! I've got the center panel all stitched up. When I got home from work today I pulled all the floss that I'm going to need for Heather's neighbourhood RR. She has a farm theme. I've chosen to stitch for her the center panel from Dragon Dreams Of Farm and Field. I think its just perfect! I've got a small start on that tonight. I did need a bit of a nap on the couch this evening.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Finally I'm having some stitchers come out to my place! If you're one of my regular readers you know I'm quite the road warrior, its often easier for me to go to someones then for them to come out to me (life is much easier when you don't have kiddies to take care of). So coming out this weekend are : Christin, Chrisanne, Lynn, and Rebecca. If you're a stitcher that lives in the national capital region and would like to come out and stitch with us on Saturday. Drop me a line.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Stash Arrived!

A few weeks ago, I ordered some goodies from Stitching Bits & Bobs when the Canadian dollar was at par with the American. Well my order finally arrived!
I got some more piecemaker needles, a mesh bag pencil case sized, a skein of Waterlillies, Cross Eyed Cricket's Sleepy Hollow, and Homespun Samplar's The Hunt. Oh and my copy of JCS's Ornament issue.
I made okay progress on my model tonight. I dawdled a bit.... I think I was just avoiding the DMC metallic thread that I've been dreading to work with. That stuff is just evil.
Judy wanted to know how long it took for me to stitch TW's Peacock Tapestry ... Judy it took me about a year. She's also wondering if I was enjoying my model... actually yes I have been, its not too complicated of a stitch for me... except for the mentioned DMC metallic. That stuff should be outlawed!
Joanne, you wanted to know if I can share pictures of my model stitching? Not yet, at least not until its published. The design I'm working on will be published in November, it will be in the Festive 2007 issue of the Canadian magazine, A Needle Pulling Thread. Once I see the magazine is out I'll post a picture here.
I want to say thank you for all the fantastic comments about my new look. I didn't realized that you folks found it a challenge to read my old template or I would of done something sooner. I'm still getting used to it... I miss that black cat!
Gail, loosely translated the saying on my old template translated to "Come my beautiful cat. You leave footprints on my heart. Let me stare into your beautiful eyes of metal and agate"
Well I'm starting to get excited! On Friday after work I'm on my way back to Ganenoque and the Ganenoque Inn! This time without Todd, I'm going to be at the Cross Stitch Cupboard's fall retreat. This will be my third time going to the retreat, my reason for going this year... Jeannette Douglas is one of the teachers and she is such a great teacher... and person. So I couldn't resist going! Jeannette will be teaching a piece called Pomegranates and Pears (scroll down to see the model) it looks yummy! This year I'll be rooming with Lynn who I met for the first time this summer... she jumped at the chance to go when she heard that there were still spaces available. This will be her first retreat, and boy she's in for a treat!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feeling Better

Thank you for all the get well wishes. They must be working I'm feeling much better today... but then it also helps to take a sick day, which is what I did. I was going around work yesterday sounding just awful and all I kept hearing from the folk at work is boy you don't sound well, you should take a sick day. I'm not 100% but much, much better and will go into work tomorrow.

Unfortuantely there's no stitching progress to show... I'm now working away on my model. I have to stay its stitching up pretty quickly so far. I am held back in a few areas as there are questions to be answered by the designer. I don't wan't to stitch something that I'm second guessing on. There's other bits I can continue to work on so I can keep going. This weekend I'll be taking it easy at home so I can imagine possibly finishing or getting close to finishing the project.

Now that the Biscornu exchange I organized over at my BB Needle and Thread is just about wrapping up, I just introduced a new exchange. I'm hoping there will be just as much response. This exchange is a Christmas/Winter Ornament exchange. I love stitching ornaments so should be lots of fun!
Photo : One of the many gorgeous homes in the 1000 Islands on the St. Lawrence Seaway

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

First of all I'd like to wish all of my fellow Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving and that the weekend was everything you wanted it to be. Once you read this... you'll know why I've been quiet for the last few days!

Todd & I on the boat (see you Brighton non-Todd believers, its the same guy from the other pictures!)

This year Todd and I took a different approach to Thanksgiving. We didn't spend it with family at all this year back in August I booked a weekend getaway for the two of us. Its something we've not done in a very long time. Yes I know, Thanksgiving is/should be a family time where you get together, eat way too much, and often go home complaining about someone or something. However, sometimes you have to focus on your partner and your relationship with him/her. That's what we did!

Saturday morning we stared out with a nice lie in at home, as we were leaving town we had breakfast at one of our favourite spots. We first drove into Kingston so Todd could check out the shop I buy all of his die-cast car models. Boy... it was like a kid in a candy store. We went to a few other shops before it was late in the afternoon for us to head back East a little to Gananoque and the Gananoque Inn. My long time readers may recognize this as where I've gone a couple of times in past years for the Cross Stitch Cupboard's fall retreat (where I'll be going not this upcoming Friday, but the next). Its a beautiful inn, right on the St. Lawrence River, with excellent food! Saturday evening we had dinner in the dining room, and boy its fine dining... Todd and I made sure to have food off of the menu we wouldn't normally get in a regular restaurant. It was a lovely three course, two hour meal!

Bolt Castle at the top of the Hill

Sunday was a gorgeous day! Sunny and 16c with a nice breeze, my favourite type of day. We got up early that morning, had breakfast in the dining room before we went on the 1000 Islands Cruise (3 hours) with a stop over at Heart Island with a tour of Bolt Castle (2 hours). The scenery was just stunning (this was actually the 3rd time I've done this tour... once as a child, once about 7-9 years ago and this past weekend). Having been to Bold Castle three times at different points in my life has been quite cool. Bolt Castle was under construction in the early 1900's a castle for Mr. Bolt's wife... all construction stopped in 1902 upon her death, the workers just put their tools down and walked away. Over the years they have been restoring/completing the work. When I first went as a child I have impressions of graffiti, rickety floors, and an all around dump. My second trip I remember parts of the castle being open and work was in progress. This year so many areas of the castle are open and safe for us tourists to walk about. They have finished quite a bit of the main floor complete with furnishings and art original to the period. I took over 200 pictures on Sunday afternoon! Last night saw us having dinner in the bar/grill at the Inn, Muskie Jakes... another good meal!

Our boat for the 3 hour tour

On the main channel of the St. Lawrence

Heart Island & Bolt Castle

The Bolt Castle Boat House

One of several restored rooms on the main floor of Bolt Castle

This morning we woke up... unfortunately it was time to pack up ... one last breakfast in the dining room and back to reality!

Now the only downside to this weekend... after yesterday's boat tour and a bit of a nap in our room before dinner (sun and water just tires you right out!)... I found my throat was scratchy and started a bit of a cough. So yet again I'm sick! I'll be taking things easy this week, I want to be healthy for when I head back down to Ganenoque!

I didn't stitch much this weekend as it was a weekend for us. When I did stitch a little (in the car) or when we were lounging in our room I worked on Mini Cottages 5.

When I got home I finished up my piece for the Fair & Square Exchange - round 3. I'm very happy with my results this round. Oh and I never got around to it but here's my piece from round 2.

Tantes Zolder (My Aunt's Attic)

32ct Natural Linen
DMC overdyed
Also... being Monday I was very good and worked on Tour des Marques... I finished the backstitching on page 2 and got a good start on page 3.