Sunday, March 16, 2008
Model #5 Done and Progress Pictures!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Fog, Progress and Fair & Square Revealed
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Ornament HD & Progress
While at Ann's I also bought some stash from her shop, Knowledge and Needles. I got one of the PS Santa's, LOL he's fishing perfect for Todd! Some DMC 321 which I was out of, some more Kreiniks for MG, and I discovered she had the threadpack for Ink Circles Blackstone Fantasy Garden! I look forward to going back the first weekend in March (1st &2nd) when Ann is hosting her open house after going to Nashville for market. She's asked me to come and help her out and I'm so excited about that!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Framing, Ornament, and Tour Oh My!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Time For A Little BS
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Paradigm Lost SAL Night
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Finish... Lines!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Stitching Updates
Monday, October 08, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Todd & I on the boat (see you Brighton non-Todd believers, its the same guy from the other pictures!)
Saturday morning we stared out with a nice lie in at home, as we were leaving town we had breakfast at one of our favourite spots. We first drove into Kingston so Todd could check out the shop I buy all of his die-cast car models. Boy... it was like a kid in a candy store. We went to a few other shops before it was late in the afternoon for us to head back East a little to Gananoque and the Gananoque Inn. My long time readers may recognize this as where I've gone a couple of times in past years for the Cross Stitch Cupboard's fall retreat (where I'll be going not this upcoming Friday, but the next). Its a beautiful inn, right on the St. Lawrence River, with excellent food! Saturday evening we had dinner in the dining room, and boy its fine dining... Todd and I made sure to have food off of the menu we wouldn't normally get in a regular restaurant. It was a lovely three course, two hour meal!
Bolt Castle at the top of the Hill
Sunday was a gorgeous day! Sunny and 16c with a nice breeze, my favourite type of day. We got up early that morning, had breakfast in the dining room before we went on the 1000 Islands Cruise (3 hours) with a stop over at Heart Island with a tour of Bolt Castle (2 hours). The scenery was just stunning (this was actually the 3rd time I've done this tour... once as a child, once about 7-9 years ago and this past weekend). Having been to Bold Castle three times at different points in my life has been quite cool. Bolt Castle was under construction in the early 1900's a castle for Mr. Bolt's wife... all construction stopped in 1902 upon her death, the workers just put their tools down and walked away. Over the years they have been restoring/completing the work. When I first went as a child I have impressions of graffiti, rickety floors, and an all around dump. My second trip I remember parts of the castle being open and work was in progress. This year so many areas of the castle are open and safe for us tourists to walk about. They have finished quite a bit of the main floor complete with furnishings and art original to the period. I took over 200 pictures on Sunday afternoon! Last night saw us having dinner in the bar/grill at the Inn, Muskie Jakes... another good meal!
Our boat for the 3 hour tour
On the main channel of the St. Lawrence
Heart Island & Bolt Castle
The Bolt Castle Boat House
One of several restored rooms on the main floor of Bolt Castle
This morning we woke up... unfortunately it was time to pack up ... one last breakfast in the dining room and back to reality!
Now the only downside to this weekend... after yesterday's boat tour and a bit of a nap in our room before dinner (sun and water just tires you right out!)... I found my throat was scratchy and started a bit of a cough. So yet again I'm sick! I'll be taking things easy this week, I want to be healthy for when I head back down to Ganenoque!I didn't stitch much this weekend as it was a weekend for us. When I did stitch a little (in the car) or when we were lounging in our room I worked on Mini Cottages 5.
When I got home I finished up my piece for the Fair & Square Exchange - round 3. I'm very happy with my results this round. Oh and I never got around to it but here's my piece from round 2.
Tantes Zolder (My Aunt's Attic)
Monday, October 01, 2007
TdM Monday!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
TdM Monday!
I'm back to work tomorrow for a few days.