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Showing posts with label photos. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

WIP Wednesday, Summer Holiday Edition

Thank you everyone for the comments wishing me a speedy recovery from my dreaded summer cold.  I'm almost over it which is a relief I was feeling pretty awful for awhile!  While battling this cold we've been dealing with quite the heat wave.  I'm so grateful we have central air conditioning!  I could just imagine how awful I'd feel not only battling a cold, but the extreme heat as well.

Stitching-wise I feel like I've had a pretty productive week, when I wasn't sleeping!

Bluebird Tweet
Just Nan
Stitched on: 32ct Linen from Silkweavers
Stitched with: DMC & Mill Hill Beads

I started and finished another Just Nan critter.  I now have two stitched up for the JN Critter finishing day Kathy and I are going to have in the fall.  This time at the top of the pile was Bluebird Tweet which I picked up at The Attic back in March.  I have pulled out and kitted up a third Critter but I've not started it yet.

Instead I started this Lizzie*Kate, Be Naughty.  I kitted this one up in early June and its been in my basket waiting to be started.  I've been stitching up one or two letters each day before I pick up Fortunate Traveler.  Except for yesterday, I didn't touch it at all.  When I first posted my start on this on Instagram, I thought it would be best not to hashtag the name of the chart like I usually do.  Imagine the traffic I'd get with the hashtag "benaughty"!!??  Though I do have some fun coming up with some creative hastags!!! (don't forget you can follow me @tkd_chick and see stitching almost daily!)

I finally hit a milestone with The Fortunate Traveler by Teresa Wentzler!  Last night I finally finished the cross stitching on the border!  Of course as you can see there are miles of backstitching to be done now.  I like to get areas completely done on TW's before I move onto the next.  There's always a lot of BS on her pieces, and leaving it to the end could be overwhelming!

As you can see from this close up of the corner I've got a start on the BS, there will be a lot of work putting in the netting you can see started here as well.  It took quite a few hours last night and today to get the outermost line of stitching on the borer and the inner most line backstitched.  I'm not sure what section I'll tackle next, probably all the writing both the "Fortunate Traveller" which I will spell correctly with the Queen's English and the story before I get to the fun part... the dragon!!!

Calabogie Lake

 Water's Edge at Calabogie

Drgonfly On The Rocks

I managed to get out for a bit on Monday with my brother and Dad, I have to admit half a day out left me pretty drained by the time I got home.  My brother and I went in his sports car and my Dad followed on his motorcycle.  We drove out to Calabogie, through White Lake, a stop for lunch in Arnprior, and a final stop in Packenham before heading home.  It was SO nice to get out!

 5 Span Stone Bridge over the Mississippi River in Packenham

Monday, July 06, 2015

Update : Places I've Been

Now the last month has not only been stitchy-busy but I've been busy as well, doing things and visiting friends.  I've become really bad at sharing my little trips with you and taking pictures!  I invested in a new wonderful DSLR back in September and I find myself barely taking any pictures these days!

The first weekend in June I hit the road to go visit Kathy and help her start the finishing on the wonderful Etui I shared with you during my last blog post.  Saturday morning we met up with Beatrice and went to the Trenton Quilt Guild's annual show.  It was a spectacular quilt show, they certainly have a lot of talent, it almost makes me want to take up quilting... almost.  I have inherited a huge stack of quilt tops from my Mum that I should finish someday.  I know I could pay someone to do it but that just feels wrong.

Here is a sampling of the quilts that caught my eye!

The following weekend my friend Tracey and I decided to go check out the Carp Farmer's Market.  Another opportunity to make good use of my lovely camera.  We had a gorgeous day to be out and about!

 Local Strawberries - I just got to enjoy some yesterday!!

 I LOVE Sunflowers

 As you can see the Lupines really caught my eye!

That's it for now, I'm hoping this summer I'll be motivated enough to share more of my adventures with you.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

WIPwednesday, B-Day Surprises and Arizona

Happy Wednesday stitching friends!  This week Wednesday finds me relatively cheerful as I have a 4-day weekend coming up so tomorrow is technically "Friday"

I'm trying to keep myself as engagement free this weekend as I can so I can stitch my heart out and my butt square!  I am finally seeing the home stretch on The Accolade!  I even took it into work today so I can stitch during my lunch hour!

I have finished page 11 and I'm moving nicely into page 12 on The Accolade.  I have absolutely no other stitching to show you this week... for obvious reasons!

Friday I celebrated my birthday.  This year I was spoiled by my friends and at work.  Lets just say there was almost too much cake!  I received two lovely stitchy surprises from stitching friends (as I always say the kindest, most generous people in the world).

My friend Janice happened to be popping into Stitcher's Garden on a trip back home.  I asked her to pick up two charts and a thread I couldn't get while I was at The Attic.  Janice gifted me with the March/Arpil Year In Chalk charts and a skein of GAST I was missing.  She also added a beautiful piece of 40ct linen!

Annette of the blog California Stitcher so kindly sent me this handmade birthday card, Ink Circles chart (which could only be gotten with a donation) and nice threads!  Thank you so much Annette!

Finally here's a few pictures I took while in SW Arizona a few weeks ago.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

WIP Wednesday

My week is all out of wack with Friday being a PD Day at work and Monday being Canadian Thanksgiving that I almost forgot it was not just Wednesday but WIP Wednesday!!!

I get accused (yes accused) all the time of being a fast stitcher.  I don't know if I really am or I just manage to get in a lot of stitching time.  That has definately not been the case lately!  When I visited Kathy the other weekend I came away with her San-Man Originals Round Robin to do a quick little 60x60 backstitched block.  Well... as you can see its not gotten very far!

I've been dealing with exhaustion and headaches lately, to top it my appetite has been off the last few days too.  Also on the weekend a friend of mine got married and she asked me to shadow her for the day with my camera.  She did have a professional photographer for the ceremony and important parts of the reception.  I was there to capture all the getting ready, candid and genuine moments.

Here are a few of my favourite shots out of the over 900 I took.