More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Showing posts with label ornamets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ornamets. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some Stitching For You!

Wow, I think its been a very long time since I've talked about stitching or shared any stitching with you.  So finally, the stitching post is here!!!

As you know I've been pretty much focusing on two pretty big WIPs, Enchantment of Winter and The Accolade.  I've had the urge for a finish lately since its been quite some time since I've had one.  So last night after all my running around and housework was done, I picked up my quilt blocks and finished my 7th one.

Quilt Block #7

I've now got a small start on an 8th quilt block but I've put it aside for now to stitch up this little motif.  Christin picked up the JCS ornament preview issue for me and while I was flipping through it I noticed this motif as part of a corner design in the magazine.  So I thought why not?  Started it last night and finished up the stitching and finishing today.  I was surprised that I had the exact matching bead in my stash to edge it with!

French Rooser II: Welsummer Rooster Corner Motif
cSharon Pope
Just Cross Stitch July/August 2011
Stitched on: mystery fabric
Stitched with; Caron Waterlillies Willow

I'm still in a mood for smalls so I've started another Christmas ornament, this one a freebie I found somewhere online... don't know where it came from anymore.  So I should have more stitching to share with you soon.

Its Saturday, which means its PhotoHunt day, today's theme is "Backwards"

I took this photo last weekend at the Holstein Rodeo, one of the parts of the Rode Show were these trick riders from Florida.  Unfortunately I couldn't capture a clear shot... but you get the point.  She's riding the horse backwards!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Long Awaited Update

I had another wonderful stitchy weekend, but this time no pictures were taken!  I think we were all too busy stitching, and I mean who wants to see the same faces again, and again?  On Friday after work Christin and I headed down to Kathy's for the weekend.  On Saturday we were joined by Beatrice for the day, and Bonnie who stayed until Sunday (like we did).

Zipper bag, with Kathy's help I made two from the same fabric

Oh boy did we stitch?  Also Kathy was kind enough to show Bonnie and I how to make the adorable zippered bags she had gifted us with some time ago.  It was my first time sewing anything with a zipper on it ever!  I made two of them at Kathy's with her close guidance.

When I got home this evening I also took the time to be creative in other ways, and made three scissor fobs.

Of course you want to see some stitching right?

I finished up this ornament last weekend, but had yet to share it with you.

A Nordic Mitten
c2007 JBW Designs
Stitched on 40ct Linen using DMC overdyed cotton

Here are my two current WIPs both, I'm really enjoying!

 The Accolade, page 1 finally finished and started page 2

 Enchantment of Winter, focusing on the over one portions!

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

February Ornament

This is just a quick drive by posting... I really should be going to bed!  My stitching group was cancelled tonight because there was no heat in the church and well its too cold to do without!  My hair wasn't completely dry when I left the gym and in the short walk to the car my wet hair was frozen!  Not as cold as it has been, but cold enough.  Now I did take advantage of the evening and when I got home I stitched my little heart out!

I was lucky enough to get the last backstitches and beads into my ornament and happy danced tonight!

Byzantine Ornament #3
cTeresa Wentzler
Stitched on 32ct Antique White Lugana
Stitched with DMC, Kreink Cord and Mill Hill Beads

I then put quite a bit of work into The Accolade, I actually did 3 10x10 blocks tonight, making up for those last days where I ignored everything except Art Deco Spirits.  After that I pulled out Enchantment of Winter and quite enjoyed putting some stitches into that tonight!

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Slowly Stitching

Its been a busy week and I've managed to squeeze in a little stitching here and there not enough to make me happy though.  I've noticed I've been a little grumpy when I haven't gotten my stitching in.

I have been working away on Teresa Wentzler's 2nd Byzantine Ornament, I just have backstitching and beads left.

I finished another ornament and I've got a few more in the wings, I just wish I had more time!

Students promoted at black belt testing

This weekend was full of Taekwon-Do stuff!  Saturday was black belt testing, I wasn't testing this time around but I was helping out Tasha with parts of her testing.  Also my buddy Jason got his 4th degree!  That's a big deal!!!

Me & my Little Tiger students

Today, was the Santa Clause parade in the town where I go to Taekwon-Do.  I was on the fence about going, but since my little tigers were going to be on the float, I kinda needed to be there.

I'm anxiously awaiting my Christmas Holidays!  I can't wait to be able to just stop for awhile.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Biscornus, Ornaments and Fobs Oh My!

It was a busy evening creativity wise!

I came home and immediately sat down to make two scissor fobs.  A stitcher I know asked me to make a pair as gifts for her.

Then I finished up 'Tis Green #2 into a lovely biscornu

Finally just before bedtime, I finished up my ornament too!

Stitched on : 40ct linen
Stitched with: DMC 115

Monday, December 21, 2009

Last Concert For 2009

Tonight Christin and I went to our last concert for 2009, but don't you worry we've already got two concerts lined up in 2010!

This concert was a great one to wrap up 2009, it was Three Days Grace and opening for them was Default and The Used. I had a great time tonight, and here are a few highlights.


The base player for Default had great dreads!

Default's Lead Singer

The Used, quite a heavy band... I didn't like this band at all. Christin and I spent this whole act texting each other.

Three Days Grace lead singer
What's a rock concert without pyro???
Their drummer was really rocking it too!
I could of taken this guy home he looked like a big cuddly teddy bear!

Last night Todd and I went to a Christmas party, and I finished up this ornament as a hostess gift.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"My Pick Is Broken, Man I Must of Rocked It Hard"

Yes, this post's title is a little strange isn't it?

Last night Christin and I went to the National Arts Center to see Matthew Good, another Canadian band I quite enjoy, this is the third time I've seen him in concert. As usual I can't go to an event without running into someone I know and/or students from work. Of course I ran into a few students, LOL we were even sitting in the same row.
Anyhow the post's title is something Matt Good said and I thought it was just hilarious. He was talking about one thing and then matter of factly says "Oh my pick is broken, man I must of rocked it hard". I have to say he has some interesting points of view LOL.
Christin and I have another concert adventure coming up, next Sunday the 20th we're going to see Three Days Grace at Scotiabank Place.

The opening band was Mother, Mother from Vancouver. The were.... odd. I think that's the best way to put it. (in the photo above)

Matt Good

Matthew Good and his band (the guitar player on the left was just amazing)
Another ornament exchange arrived at its destination this week! This exchange was with Sadie, and the ornament had to make its way across the pond. I stitched this up at the retreat I went to in November. Its stitched over one.

Joy of Christmas
c2009 My Big Toe Designs
JCS 2009 Christmas Ornament Preview Issue
Stitched on : 28ct Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC 5200

Today I finished up my last ornament happy dance (the Gazette finish) and gave it as a gift to a friend from work who is off on maternity leave. We got together for a great lunch today, and I got to cuddle her new baby Ella, she is so sweet.

Awhile ago I won Becky's Birthday draw on her blog and I got this great parcel in the mail this week! Heinzit's Rudolph, a Christmas fat quarter, bead embroidery needles (which I needed!), and some mini altoids. Thanks Becky that was so fun to get in the mail!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Personal Ornament Exchange Received

This year I paired up with two other bloggers for personal ornament exchanges. The first one has arrived at its new home! I stitched up this freebie for Heather

Beginner's White Work Ornaemnt - Freebie
cTeresa Wentzler
Stitched on 30ct Macaroon Lakeside Linens
Stitched with DMC 5200

We're expecting a huge snow storm to blow in during the wee hours of the night. It'll be interesting to see how long its going to take me to get into work!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Received a Lovely Giveaway!

Last month I won the giveaway at Mylene's blog, she sent me this GORGEOUS floss tag (my first). Its got a lovely black cat on it, reminds me of Hunter! As you can see from this picture I've already put the floss tag to good use!

Can you believe, I've finished two more monograms (yup getting a little tired of these)? These are for the ladies at work this Christmas.

Red Threads Letter "C"
c2002 Rosewood Manor
Stitched on : 28ct Ivory Jasmine
Stitched with : Six Strand Sweets Wintergreen

Red Threads Letter "S"
c2002 Rosewood Manor
Stitched on : 28ct Ivory Jasmine
Stitched with : Six Strand Sweets Mint Julep
I finally got my hands on a copy of the JCS Ornament Issue. Is it just me? I have to say I'm very disappointed with the selection this year. There's not one ornament in there that I had to drop everything and stitch. Almost every year there's been something I just HAVE to stitch, not this year. Its not only the JCS Ornament Issue that isn't jumping out at me most of the new designs out there don't either. Am I jaded? Do I have too much stash? Or is it just the current trends that don't do it for me? Who knows. I can assure you I'm saving a fortune not having to run out and buy the latest charts.
I've got a busy weekend ahead of me! I'm hoping to squeeze in some time to stitch, and some time to study.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Camping TKD Weekend and an Ornament

Well, another weekend another trip! This one wasn't so far, we went to a nearby Provincial Park in Fitzroy Harbour for the 2nd Annual Taekwon-Do Outdoor Training. Todd and I (yes... we spent a weekend together!) decided to partake of the group campsite that was booked for the weekend, instead of just going for the day. We really enjoyed camping, the company at the group site, and being together. It was a VERY hot weekend with temperatures in the 30's (Celsius), a little hot for Taekwon-Do outdoors but we took it easy, and had lots of water breaks. Master Lu, from Lu's Taekwon-Do came out to teach. Its was a treat since I used to train with Master Lu until I moved out to Almonte Taekwon-Do when I bought my house.

Here's a few shots of my friends and students at Almonte Taekwon-Do. Unfortunately I have no action shots since I was in the middle of the action!

I finished up my second ornament for August. I was a masochist, and stitched this one up on 40ct linen!

Coeur d'Hiver
Elisapasson - Internet Freebie
Stitched on: 40ct linen
Stitched with: Silk'N Colors In the Burgundy

This upcoming weekend is one of my favourite weekends of the year! Its Ann's annual stitching day retreat! Its a simple retreat, there's no registration, no hefty fees, you show up with some stitching, and a potluck dish! I think last year's attendance topped 30 stitchers! I look forward to seeing everyone there!!!!
So have you been keeping track of all my travels this summer? You never know, there could be a pop quiz at some point!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Stitchy Post

Well, we're almost a week into August now, so I suppose I should review July's stitching goals and share with you what I hope to accomplish in August.
July Goals - Recap
Stitch Two Ornaments - Yes!
Work on Todd's Stocking - Oh boy, did I!
Work on Art Deco Spirits - A little
Work on Tour des Marques - Never had a chance!

August Goals
Work on Todd's Stocking
Work on Tour des Marques
Stitch 2 ornaments
Now onto the stitchy pictures!

Here's Todd's stocking, I've made great progress on it in the last month.

Tour des Marques, I managed to get in a good day's worth on Monday.

Michael Powell's Mini Cottages 6, this is my on the road project worked on it a bit in Florida
August Ornament #1 which I stared last night when I couldn't work on the stocking since Todd was still up.
A short while ago I won a draw on Deb's blog, and here's the goodies she sent me! Thanks for the wonderful goodies Deb!
Well my Mum and I finally made our plans for our little overnight trip. Initially we were going to head to the Ganenoque/Kingston/Rockport area for two days one night. Being the summer that we've had its turned cool and cloudy and not ideal for being on the St. Lawrence Seaway. Also if it rains there's not a lot to do indoors. So we've just booked an overnight stay in Montreal! This way if the weather's nice we can be outside exploring the old city and the port if its crap we can hit the botanical gardens, museums, etc. I'm actually quite excited about this little trip, neither of us have ever stayed right down town (we're within 1km of Vieux Montreal) even though I grew up in the West Island (until 1987). So once again I'll have another photographic journey to share with you and I can't wait!