I had a lovely couple of days visiting and stitching with
Ann of
Knowledge and Needles. I also had a great Thursday afternoon with the Thursday Stitchers then the same again the next day with the Friday Stitchers. I don't have any pictures from my visit, it just didn't seem to be one of those ones where you're taking pics.
Next Saturday there will be LOTS of pictures Ann is hosting her Annual Open House and any and all stitchers a welcome and non-stitchers too. There's going to be food galore, as visitors are asked to bring something for the potluck lunch/snacks/dinner... really we eat all day! There is also a huge and wonderful array of stitching on display as we all bring with us everything we've finished during the last year! There's lots of visiting, laughing, hugs, and some stitching going on as well. Oh yeah, and there's shopping too. Buying stuff at Ann's shop Knowledge and Needles isn't a requirement but its a nice bonus, if you're a stash collector. Ann mentioned to me that her kits (
Michael Powell and more) and
Victoria Sampler charts/charpacks will be going on sale. She is also thinking about putting
Jeannette Douglas items on sale too, but hasn't decided yet. I can also tell you that she's got a huge variety of fabrics, colours, counts pre-cut and in stock!
Speaking of stash, it was a little hard to leave Ann's on Saturday without buying some myself. I also know that next Saturday will be a busy day and I'll be helping Ann in the shop so I may not get a chance to shop and well I got a pick of the good stuff ahead of the crowd ;-) I bought some charts, some threads and a piece of fabric I just couldn't let get nabbed up by someone else... what I'll do with it I don't have a clue (as usual)?
Zeus as usual must check out all recent acquisitions
Carrie's Threads, the blues are for a wedding sampler I will start next week
Rosewood Manor's Spring Quakers with Valdani Threads needed
Its probably hard to see but this fabric has a gorgeous, subtle swirl to it.
32ct Vintage Belfast in Stormy Cloud. This actually could work quite nicely for Spring Quakers
Two of the latest JBW's I just love having these in my stash!
After a productive couple of days stitching for both Ann and I, I packed up my stuff and started to make my way home. Todd and I recently purchased a GPS to share (we'll see how long that lasts) and though I knew how to get home I let the "Bitch In The Box" (as we kindly call her) guide me. I have to say she took me on a route I never expected, it was gorgeous, past many lakes and through hilly/curvy roads (which I just love... would of been a blast in Dan's Corvette or on a motorcycle!). It took me through the very picturesque Merrickville (which I've never been to before), if the town hadn't been so busy with tourists/day trippers I might have stopped, and through Perth. It was in Perth where I blame my GPS for this part of the day, it happened to take me right past the
Naturalizer Shoe Factory Outlet Store. I just couldn't drive past! Once upon a time Naturalizer shoes where considered quited homely/dowdy old lady and nurse shoes. Today they're sexy and oh so comfortable! I came home with THREE new pairs of shoes, all for $90 normally these would of cost me over $200!
I had spotted these at another Naturalizer Store a few weeks ago but they didn't have my size!
These will be great for work and a change from my usual black shoes!
Must have red shoes!
I think I'm going to have to take this route again, but take the time to stop and take pictures along the way its very picturesque!
Sadly tomorrow is my LAST day of my summer vacation! I'll have to face the hard reality on Tuesday morning that I can't sleep in to 8:30 am anymore and stitch all day!
Poor Hunter was feeling left out from the photo shoot so he showed up in time for some solo shots!