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Showing posts with label gifs. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

WIP Wednesday, Stash and Gifts

Its Wednesday!  Which means its WIP Wednesday!

My stitching has suffered this week, I started coming down with a cold on Thursday and for the week leading up to that I was tired and cranky.  I just thought it was the pace work has been going at, now I know my body was fighting not to get sick!  I've not had a cold in a long time!

After last week's finish I pulled back out an ornament I had started this past summer when I got my copy of the Just Cross Stitch Ornament Preview Issue.  I couldn't help myself I had to start Ink Circles, Stained Glass Holly ornament.  Of course it has to be stitched over one on 25ct.  I hope to finish it up before my next WIP Wednesday report.

On Saturday Christin and I decided to do a bit of a daytrip to one of two LNS's that are close to us.  The two LNS's that are "close" are both about a 3 hour drive! We packed our Passports and drove to the Syracuse, NY area to visit Stitcher's Garden.  We of course hit JoAnn's and I found a dress for a wedding next month.  A great roadtrip.  I picked up a few more charts, a zipper mesh bag, and two small pieces of linen.  We also managed to score copies of the Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue!  Yay!

I have two things I should of shared with you back in the summer.  I got busy with holidays and travel, going back to work, and work being insane for the last two and a half weeks!  Back in the summer I got two very lovely and generous gifts from fellow bloggers.

From my good online friend Dee... who I must meet in person some day!  We've had some great interactions through e-mail/blogs and social media for quite a few years now!  I had seen some knitted dishcloths she had made on her blog.  I not so subtly told her I might need one!  Not too much longer lately a lovely parcel showed up on my doorstep with two dishcloths she made and some red floss!  Dee I know I thanked you personally ... once again I really appreciated your parcel.

For a little while now I've been reading Jacquie's blog who is a lovely stitcher in the UK.  One day she e-mailed me and asked for my snail mail address.  I didn't have to wait long before this adorable pincushion arrived in the mail!  Thank you Jacquie!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TUSAL for August 29th

Its another New Moon which means its time for the TUSAL!

This month the ort jar is full of whites, blues, greys, and a little red.  I've worked on Enchantment of Winter, JBW Bear and currently a wedding sampler.

Today I received a wonderful surprise in the mail!  Dee was a superstar and offered to stitch up four quilt squares for me!  Dee and I have never met in person but we've got this wonderful online friendship... I hope sometime in the near future we'll have an opportunity to meet in person!

Not only did she stitch up 4 blocks but she knitted up these gorgeous cloths for me and included an adorable Mill Hill kit which I know Dee is a huge fan of!  Thanks Dee you rock!

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Stitchy Gift Received & Photo Hunt

Back in March I had a giveaway on my blog, well two actually.  It was to celebrate my Birthday and 1,501st post.  I'm waiting for the second gift to arrive, its got a long way to go but one of the two has made it to its destination.

From my Arizona Adventures: Annette on the left, me and Bette on the right

Bette, who I had the joy to meet in Arizona back in March (honestly, the random number generator picked her it was fate!).  Bette and I have also been reading each others blogs for years so it was so nice to meet!

Eat, Sleep, Stitch, Live Life Simply
c2010 Cherrywood Studios
Stitched on 28ct African Daisy Joblean
Stitched With DMC

Its Saturday, so its PhotoHunt Time!  This week's theme is : Painted

One day back in the spring when I arrived at the Dojang to teach Taekwon-Do that evening I spotted this uniquely painted car in the strip mall's parking lot!  I've never seen this car again!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thank You Kathy!

Mysteriously lately my circle of stitching friends have been receiving scissors in the mail!  Kathy did tell me recently that a little parcel was heading my way!

Earlier this week I received a new pair of fun scissors!  Thank you so much Kathy!  Just a few short weeks until I see you and I can't wait!