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Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Friendship Quilt!

If you are one of  my long-time readers my recall my posts from 2011 about the quilt blocks I and my stitching friends were working on.  Follow this link and it'll take you to my posts about the quilt blocks as they were being stitched.

All of the completed stitched quilt blocks
the last blocks were done in November of 2011

Yesterday I finally picked up my very special quilt.  The process for this started back in the late summer/early fall of 2010 when I saw something similar that was made by my friend Marie Paule who made a quilt for her daughter.  I was so in love with what she had done, and the colours used.  I wanted one of my own!  I am not a quilter so I was put in touch with someone who could make it for me (for a price of course but now that I have it, its worth every penny!)

On my bed (Queen size)... and its going to be used!

Marie Paule lent me the quilt pattern and the colour conversions to match the fabric colours.  In January of 2011 I actually started the stitching portion of this project.  I stitched 13 of the quilt blocks, however there there over 49 blocks that make up the quilt block centers.  I asked my very special stitching friends to help me out. Each person stitched anywhere from 1-4 blocks for me!

It didn't take long for Zeus to show up to help model my new quilt!

I am ready for my closeup...

Friends who helped me out with the stitching were: Adriana (my favourite 96 year-old stitcher!), Angie, Ann (owner of Knowledge and Needles), Anne & Naan (mother and daughter), Beatrice (Adriana's daughter), Bonnie, Christin, Clare, Dee, Judie, KathyRebbecca, and Sheila.  With the help of these people, this ordinary project became extraordinary and very special.

 The quilt needed one more block so I did an initial block, its the center of the quilt!

Finally, a couple of years later its finally on my bed and its fantastic!!! (of course Zeus had to help with the modelling)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

2012 Army Run

A year ago, this same weekend I ran my first half marathon, the Army Run (read about it here).  I was registered to run again this year because I had such an amazing and positive experience last year.  Unfortunately life likes to throw curve balls.  I had to sell my bib for the 1/2 marathon, I've been in physiotherapy for my left foot since the end of July.  I was going weekly until my last visit this past Thursday, I've graduated to every two weeks!  I have two issues with my foot, Planter Fascitis (I've had this before, in my right foot) and something I've never heard of called Sinus Tarsis Syndrome.  One causes pain in my heel, the other on the top of the foot below the ankle.

Chateau Laurier

I never realized how lovely Ottawa can be early on a Sunday morning without all the hustle and bustle of the work week and the government workers invading!

Ottawa Congress Center

The Governor-General's Band

A nervous smile, pre-race jitters!

My good friend Marline was running the 5K today since I wasn't running I offered to play her "Race Day Bitch"... that means to play chauffeur, Sherpa, and coach!  The race started at 8am, because we had to get up at early o' dark I spent the night at Marline's we had a great time having dinner out with friends the night before race day.

Marline ready for the race!

The 5K begins!

The elite runners taking off, using the 5K as their 1/2 Marathon warm-up!

Marline after crossing the start line... GO MARLINE!

It was bittersweet being downtown today with the race atmosphere all around me!  I remember the nerves, the excitement and exhilaration from last year.  I was sad I wasn't taking part in it this year.  Watching all of this today has just motivated me to get my foot back to 100% and run next year!

Loved this couple's leiderhosen (sp?) outfits!

Marline at about the 2K mark... her music must of been loud she couldn't hear me cheer!

What's more amazing than the 18,000 people running either the 5K or the 1/2 Marathon were the injured soldiers also participating in both events.  It takes an awful lot to make me cry, wow watching these amazing soldiers walking or running either 5K or the 1/2 Marathon just blew me away!  Everywhere they went, they were greeted with cheers and applause.

 5K - Many of the injured soldiers were surrounded by family and friends


 1/2 Marathon

1/2 Marathon 

1/2 Marathon


I've got a lot of pictures so be patient!  It was hard to narrow it down to just a few!!

5K - The oldest couple participating this weekend!  So awesome!!!

 5K - A great pace bunny shot!

 I LOVED these messages written on the pavement!

 1/2 Marathon coming down to the final 5K

  Marline watching for her friend to cross the start line (we never spotted him)

My buddy Mark (in red & waving) crossing the start line.  Last year he ran in the last few KMs with me last year AFTER completing the 1/2 marathon

 Marline's friend we were keeping a close eye out for him in the 1/2 Marathon!  Great thumbs up!

 Loved this!

 1/2 Marathon... if this was a dare I hope what he got out of it was worth it!!!


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MDNA Rocked Ottawa

I've been looking forward to last night for some time now... back in the spring Tracey, my Mum and I got tickets to see the legendary: Madonna on her MDNA tour!  A week and a half prior to the show, my Mum let us know she still didn't feel up to going to a concert so we got in touch with Marline and offered her our spare ticket (we knew selling a Madonna ticket wouldn't be hard)... I think we made her YEAR with the ticket offer!

Me, Trace and Marline getting excited about the show!

The three of us got together after work and went out for a lovely dinner to one of my favorite establishments, The Glen.  A fantastic Scottish Pub that my family has been going to since we moved into the area in 1991!  Good company, good food, and a pint was a great way to get warmed up for Madonna!

Doors opened at 7 and we were there just in time to get let in with the rest of the crowd!  Then of course we HAD to buy t-shirts!

While waiting for the opening act, Tracey couldn't resist the blue cotton candy.  Well Marline and I couldn't resist being a little childish!

Despite the tickets saying that the show started at 8, the opening act, a DJ - Paul Oakenfold didn't hit the stage until about 8:30.  He played for over an hour.  I honestly think a lot of his stuff was pre-mixed cause he didn't work the tables too hard, and you couldn't see the tables which is part of the fun with a DJ right?

There was more patience on the audience's part as we waited and waited and waited for Madonna to finally hit the stage!  She didn't put in an appearance until after 10:20!  Of course once she did hit the stage she had our complete attention!

The show was an amazing, once in a life time show!  I have to say that Madonna certainly knows how to put together, and put on a show!  The stage and sets were massive!  The lights and video, perfect, and the dancers, choreography and costumes sublime!

It truly is amazing how this woman whose in her 50's can go, go, go, dancing, being thrown around, singing at the same time with constant costume changes!  I doubt even a person half her age could keep up!  Kudos Madonna.

With the show starting so late that means we didn't get out of Scotiabank Place until about 12:30, then to get out of the parking.... well with a sold out crowd that took some time!  They certainly love to direct you in, but to get out you're SOL and on your own!  I didn't get home and get into bed until after 1:30 am and I get up at 6am.  So today, I ran on 4 hours sleep!  Oh my!

I don't regret going, I just feel like Madonna completely disrespects her ticket buying (did I mention expensive?) fans when the show is an 8PM start and she doesn't hit the stage until two hours later than stated.  We are the ones that make you a superstar, get you to the top of the charts and pretty much pay your salary and you can't be on time?  This is not the first time I've experienced an artist taking their sweet time getting on stage, if you've ever got tickets for Guns n' Roses/ Axl Rose... be prepared to wait for a LONG time!

 Its sad to say... but I don't have any more concerts lined up at the moment.