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Showing posts with label exchanges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exchanges. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Long Time... No Blog...

I guess I fell off of the blogisphere after my last post in... November I believe?  Not only did I not blog again but I've also not visited any blogs for months!  There's no one real reason why I stopped for awhile.  Life was busy, I'm trying to get my weight back under control (which can be quite time consuming!).  For most of December I was plagued by a headache that never really went away so many things suffered like working out, eating right, stitching, and so much.  I think also when I found time I just wanted to be stitching!  Though I was off of work for two weeks over the holidays I found we were just so busy!  Either we had company or we were company, there were also parties, get togethers and prepping for Christmas too!  On top of feeling like shit most of the time with that headache which persisted despite being off of work.

So lets get away from all of that boring and mundane stuff and get onto what this blog is all about, stitching!

I have been working away on The Accolade, but I'll save that for WIP Wednesday (yes I still want to at least do a once a week entry for you folks)!

December ended up being a flurry of stitching and finishing ornaments!  My fingers were just flying and the hot glue gun didn't get much of a chance to cool down!

 The masterpiece Todd and I collaborated on - our first ever!

My first Christmas party was a gingerbread house building party (it was a riot!) hosted by my good friend Marline and her new husband!  I love giving ornaments as hostess gifts instead of chocolate or a bottle of wine.

I decided barely a week before the party that I had to stitch Lizzie Kate's 1st Christmas for their tree!  A flurry of stitching and heartache over heart-shaped finishing here's what I produced and not only I but Marline was so happy to put it right onto her tree!  This is customized with their last name thus I covered it up when I took this picture.

1st Christmas by Lizzie Kate for Landon, Lucy, and Zach, Carter's did not get photographed

 The back of all of my 1st Christmas ornaments

Stitching the ornament for Marline started a crazy avalanche!  I decided most of the new babies I knew out there should have one!  Actually first it started with my favorite little man Zach who I stitched TW's Birth Announcement for back in the first half of 2014.  Then it just snowballed into one for the son of the little girl I used to babysit (I recently reconnected with the family on Facebook), one for the Chaplain's little girl at work , and one for my good friend Tracey's Nephew (which I stupidly forgot to photograph... I never do that!).  In all I stitched 1st Christmas 5 times!!!!

Roaming Reindeer
Blue Ribbon Designs
Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue
Stitched on 40ct tanzanite linen

I had also stitched up this lovely Blue Ribbon designs ornament since my last blog entry and did the finishing on it. I liked this one so much I kept it for my own tree.

I've done a lot of finishing since my last entry as well, in no particular order:

 A Merry Little Christmas
Lizzie Kate
Flat fold

 Merry Cats'mas
Freebie - unknown

 Peace Button
Jeannette Douglas Designs
Just Cross Stitch Preview Issue

 Ribbon Reindeer
Freebie - Daffycat Designs

Wreath Reindeer
Freebie - Daffycat Designs

In November/December I took part in an ornament exchange organized by Angela at Hooked on Stitches.  This exchange renewed my faith in exchanges as the last one I took part in did not go well, at all.

Bell Ornament
Jeannette Douglas Designs
Just Cross Stitch Ornament Preview Issue 2008

This is the ornament I sent out to my partner in the UK, and I was shocked that it arrived in under a week!

In return I got this fantastic ornament that I was just so pleased with and I want to learn how to do the ribbon trim!!!

Over the holidays there was one day the living room was off limits while Todd put together a new entertainment unit.  Its best to just stay away when he's putting something together.  So I de-cluttered my stash room and put together this little display area of smalls I've received, and my scissors in their scissor frogs.  Just love it!

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: mystery fabric

At some point I also had a small stitching finish... I can't remember when.  This will be finished into a bead edged ornament at some point when my finishative comes out to play!

Now finally onto this year, 2015!

January 1st saw the annual emptying of the ort jar!

I've also had two small finishes so far in January, I admit both of these had been started in December but they are my first finishes of 2015!

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: mystery fabric

 Fa la la la!
Freebie - Plum Pudding Needleworks
Stitched on: 40ct Natural Linen using DMC

Well, that's it!  I've been busy that's for sure!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Last Exchange Has Arrived!

 Exchange from Shannon

About a week ago my last exchange arrived in the post, it took awhile to get here.  As all good Canadians know the minute any mail hits our border it comes off of the plane/truck and immediately goes onto dog sled.  At that time we didn't have much snow, and that really slows the poor dogs down!  The dogs did us proud, and Shannon's exchange arrived before Christmas!  She sent me this adorable gingerbread man ornament and fabulous goodies!

Zeus is playing with the candy cane on the bed

 Zeus managed to abscond with the plastic candy cane tree ornament.  I have since removed the string, she seems to like to play with it!  Who am I not to indulge my... I mean Todd's cat (I've been joking that she's his Christmas gift this year since she clearly adores her!).

This is what the roads looked like at the intersection in my Little Village
(that's one of two churches in my Little Village)

Oh my goodness!  What a couple of days its been!!!  In the last two weeks of school leading up to the Christmas break we've had three yes THREE snow days!  Sadly snow days don't mean that I get to stay home too.  As school board employees we are supposed to do our best to make it into our school, if not report to the nearest school.  For me, that's the school I work at.  The first two snow days I made it into the school with little trouble.  This Friday, was not the case we had a lot of snow... and I mean A LOT!  I'm not afraid to drive in the snow, or bad weather... to a point.  Well for the first time in many, many, many years the road conditions forced me to turn around!  The highway I travel was not only snow covered (I can deal with that) but beneath that was pitted ice, it was worse than driving on a poorly maintained dirt road!  In my wee car it was a little scary.  To even drive down to the next exit, turn around and come back home took me over 30 minutes!  My drive from my house to work is normally about 20!!  I'm ashamed to say I missed the last day at work before the holidays... I make it in most snow days when other people don't.

Our long driveway after we cleared it for the 4th time today!

The snow started during the night on Thursday, went all day Friday and into the night.  Todd was a sweetie and got up super early to clear the driveway for me so I could try to go to work on Friday.  To keep up the accumulation of snow, we shoveled THREE times that day!  Once was Todd on his own, the second time I helped, and the third time I did it on my own (took over 2 hours).    After that we gave up, decided we didn't need to get out and decided to clear it out for the fourth time today.  Of course we woke up to light snow... again.  Todd was not impressed he was outside for HOURS and I even went out and helped him for about 80 minutes.  I think we're going to have to do a little more shoveling tomorrow, Christmas Eve so that the family can come over.  All said and done, we received about 44 cm of snow!  That's longer that your kid's school ruler (standard 30 cm)!  Not only did we have to deal with snow, but our power flickered several times on Friday morning and went out for a few hours while I was shoveling the drive.

The Accolade pages 1-4

I did make good use of the day, despite spending a couple of hours shoveling wet, heavy snow I did manage to stitch as well.  I finished up page FOUR on The Accolade (not a HEAD by the way)!  So that's 4/12 pages done and I've made a wee start on page 5 yesterday.

Snowflake 1 Freebie
Stitched on 28ct Antique White Jubilee
Stitched with Carrie's Creations Blue Dreams

I've decided to slow down on The Accolade for a little while and work on a few "other things".  What those other things are, I don't know.  I will still continue to do a 10x10 block on The Accolade each day if I can, but I won't be working on it for hours at a time like I have for the last month and a half.  Yesterday this freebie took my fancy.  I did the finishing on it today, I whip stitched it together adding beads every other stitch.

So I am now off of work for TWO WEEKS!  I intend to spend a lot of it, on my behind stitching!  There will be a few visits with friends, lunches out, and maybe a movie or two.  Right now I just want to stitch!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Ornament Exchanges

My fair readers will recall I've mentioned three ornament exchanges.  All three of my ornaments have arrived to their destinations!

Christmas Gift Sock Hop
Fresh Threads Studio - JCS Ornament Issue 2012

Cute beaded edge!

This first one was done with the Facebook Group Super Serial Starters and Divine Discipline Divas.  A few posts ago I shared with you what I received from this exchange, since then my ornament arrived!

Exchange from McKenna

I have also exchanged with McKenna, we agreed on a Fantasy themed ornament exchange.  Here's the wonderful parcel I received from her today.

Christmas Morning
Dragon Dreams from one of the JCS Ornament Issues (too lazy to go find out)

This cute Dragon Dreams design is what I sent her.

 HoHoHo In a Row
cLizzie Kate
Stitched on 28ct Butterfly Blue Lugana
Stitched with DMC

 I had the perfect fabric to go on the back!

My final exchange was with Shannon, her's is winging its way to me right now.  She received mine last week.  Here's what I sent her.  As soon as Shannon's arrive I'll be sure to share!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

First Ornament Exchange Received - On My End

Well all of my ornament/Christmas exchanges made their way into the mail today and they are whipping their way at a snail's pace (cause Canada Post is s-l-o-w) south of the border.  Two are individual exchanges set up with McKenna and Shannon through their blogs, the third is through a Facebook group I belong to.

Today I received the first of the exchanges heading my way.  This one is from Steph from my Facebook group, it came all the way from England!  Its just lovely, the fabric is sparklie and the chocolates... well they're long gone!

So hopefully in a week or so I'll have three reveals for you!  Finally!

Today I put a beaded ribbon edge on my last little pillow ornament.  So I need to do another assembly line of ornament finishing!  Probably this weekend!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Something For Angela

Earlier in the fall Angela and I agreed to do a fall themed personal exchange.  Then life proceeded to go sideways for Angela.  She was honest, and prompt and let me know she wouldn't be able to participate in the exchange anymore.  Since the piece was already in progress and I had no other plans for it, I finished it anyways and sent it onto Angela!

Autumn Thanks
Cross-Stitch & Needlework Magazine September 2012
Stitched on 28ct Moorland Green Linen

Its backed with the wonderful, fun fall leaf fabric its sitting on here.  I finished it to be hung on the wall, trimmed with brown cord.

So this is the first of several things that I can finally share.  The others will have to wait until sometime in December!!!

I'm off to a rock concert tonight!  Really looking forward to seeing Theory of a Deadman and Big Wreck with my friend Marline!  I'll be sure to have pictures for you tomorrow.

Monday, November 19, 2012

IHSW Report

It was nice to sit down and get some stitching in on Sunday!  I may not of gotten in the whole weekend to stitch but I used my Sunday well.

I did have a Happy Dance, but I can't share it because its for an exchange.  But it did involve the above supplies.

After I HD'ed I moved onto The Accolade, and made excellent progress!

Monday, November 05, 2012

Thank You Angela!

Earlier this fall Angela put the call out on her blog to do a fall exchange.  Life got tough for Angela, and she very gracefully had to bow out.  I was determined to stitch my piece for her anyhow and send it... its now in my car waiting for me to get to the post office!  Life has been pretty busy of late and a side trip hasn't been possible yet.  I'm going to do my best to get it in the mail this Thursday!

Late last week a surprise arrived in my mailbox, a BEAUTIFUL surprise!  Angela stitched up and finished this fantastic fall design for me.  Her finishing skills are superb and the flat fold is perfectly made!  Its now proudly on display in my living room.  I can't wait to get mine in the mail to Angela so I can share with you what I've stitched up for her!

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Birthday Canada!  Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians!!!

Earlier this week I heard from Lillie she has received my exchange so I can finally share it with you... and its very appropriate since she recieved it within days of Canada Day.  I had decided to stitch something "Canadiana" for here and did this Maple Leaf Biscornu.  I have to say it turned out perfectly... I should really stitch it a second time for myself.

I'll leave you with a few shots of mine that to me scream "Canada"

Saturday, June 23, 2012

TUSAL & An Exchange

I thought I'd double up on this post and do the two birds - one stone thing.

First of all, earlier this week was the TUSAL.  Here's my "jar" to date, there's a lot of dark and light at the top there... the darks are both from my seasonal Mandalas and The Accolade and the light is from the Seasonal Mandalas.  I really haven't stitched much lately... I've been doing a lot more reading than stitching.  That's okay though, I've really not been reading much at all over the last few years so its okay to make up for that.  I'd better get stitching if I want to meet my goals for this month!

Much earlier in the year Lillie and I set up a personal exchange.  My gift to her is still on its way to the other side of the world.  Hers arrived last weekend and I thought it would be perfect to go on display with my TUSAL.  She stitched me this fantastic year of the dragon flat fold!  She included a lovely little case and a year of the dragon bottle opener in a case.  I don't know if Lillie knew it or not, but I am a Year of The Dragon Baby!  How perfect was this exchange?  I hope she likes what I stitched up for her!