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Showing posts with label Todd's Stocking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Todd's Stocking. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

What A Great Long Weekend!

Boy, its been such a great long weekend that it was a cruel joke to go back to work this morning! Now where to start... with lots of pictures as usual????
First of all let's start with our hostess, Kathy! Christin and I arrived on Friday night, to be greeted by Kathy, and our blogging buddy Judy (who we were meeting for the first time) was there as well. We arrived to find Kathy's latest hair-do! She and her granddaughter had a bonding experience with the hairdresser and some purple dye! I know they had a ball!
Saturday morning we had a special visitor in the recycling bin. I got to deal with this little cutie and shoo him off to another location.
After dealing with our unwanted visitor I zipped into town and did a last minute grocery store run for Kathy, where I picked up some gorgeous sunflowers for the hostess.
When I returned our stitching friends were starting to arrive! Here's the entire group Saturday afternoon! In the picture are : Beatrice, Laura, Marj, Donna, Judy (of the Cows), Fran, Beth, Barb, Bonnie, Christin, Nan, Rebbecca, Kathy, Judy (new), Trista, Me, Ann, Adriana, and Angie (Felicia)
Is this just not an idyllic setting for a stitching weekend???
Rebbecca and Trista, there was a lot of stitching and a lot of laughter that day!
Hungry was ashamed to watch Judy (new) and I enjoying some of the delectable deserts after the pot luck lunch!
Judy (new) enjoying some well deserved stitching time! Like me, she has been committing a lot of her free time to loosing weight and being more active. She's done a great job and looks fantastic!
Judy (of the infamous Cows) chatting and stitching.
Laura enjoying a tranquil stitching moment on the shores of Lake Ontario.
Trista and Fran (also has pictures on her blog, check them out) stitching away in the shade.
Christin and Bonnie (they seemed to have really bonded this weekend!). I've managed to corrupt Bonnie and she's started Ink Circle's Blackstone Fantasy Garden on the exact same fabric I stitched mine on! Also Chrsitin seems to have talked her into Long Dog's Paradigm Lost! Ooooh we're so evil!
Beth looks like she's "holding court" with Beatrice and Adriana's complete attention.
In the afternoon the breeze off of the water started to pick up, so many of the ladies moved inside. There was a lot of camaraderie around Kathy's kitchen table that afternoon.
Fran's hubby who came by on Sunday afternoon to photograph our get together.
Barb also joined us for a second day of stitching on Sunday
Ann who didn't join us until Saturday evening (for dessert no less!) was busy running her shop Knowledge and Needles, which I took a van full of ladies to go shopping. Ann was able to join us for a full day of stitching on Sunday.
My favourite 93-year-old stitcher, Adriana also joined us for a second day of stitching!
On Sunday afternoon we were treated to a lovely, intimate wedding on the waterfront. None of us knew the bride or groom, there's a nearby B&B (the one I go to for fall & spring retreats) who has permission to use the common area for weddings.
The happy bride and groom after the ceremony.
After the crowd on Sunday started to thin out late Sunday afternoon, Kathy treated a few of us to an ort box tutorial. Donna cutting out her wallpaper (above)
Bonnie, putting together her ort box.
Here's Hungry modelling my completed ort box (both open and closed)
Kathy, Chrsitin Judy and I were so sad for Monday to come along. There was a lot of smiles and hugs as us overnight guests started to head out. Judy and Kathy all smiles and hugs!

Judy, Me and Kathy on the swing overlooking Lake Ontario on our last day.
To prove that the weekend wasn't a total waste, with me helping out, and playing social butterfly, and accompanying Judy (new) on her walks... I finished Todd's Stocking! The level of detail in this stocking is just insane! There was so much BS to do!
Fishing Santa Stocking
Stitched on 28ct white jazlyn using kit fibers and charms

Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Stitchy Post

Well, we're almost a week into August now, so I suppose I should review July's stitching goals and share with you what I hope to accomplish in August.
July Goals - Recap
Stitch Two Ornaments - Yes!
Work on Todd's Stocking - Oh boy, did I!
Work on Art Deco Spirits - A little
Work on Tour des Marques - Never had a chance!

August Goals
Work on Todd's Stocking
Work on Tour des Marques
Stitch 2 ornaments
Now onto the stitchy pictures!

Here's Todd's stocking, I've made great progress on it in the last month.

Tour des Marques, I managed to get in a good day's worth on Monday.

Michael Powell's Mini Cottages 6, this is my on the road project worked on it a bit in Florida
August Ornament #1 which I stared last night when I couldn't work on the stocking since Todd was still up.
A short while ago I won a draw on Deb's blog, and here's the goodies she sent me! Thanks for the wonderful goodies Deb!
Well my Mum and I finally made our plans for our little overnight trip. Initially we were going to head to the Ganenoque/Kingston/Rockport area for two days one night. Being the summer that we've had its turned cool and cloudy and not ideal for being on the St. Lawrence Seaway. Also if it rains there's not a lot to do indoors. So we've just booked an overnight stay in Montreal! This way if the weather's nice we can be outside exploring the old city and the port if its crap we can hit the botanical gardens, museums, etc. I'm actually quite excited about this little trip, neither of us have ever stayed right down town (we're within 1km of Vieux Montreal) even though I grew up in the West Island (until 1987). So once again I'll have another photographic journey to share with you and I can't wait!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Vacation Catch Up

Hello D... BBSW readers! I know I've been pretty quiet so far this week. Of course I am on vacation, a girl can't be expected to blog every day while she's away.
So far this trip down to Jacksonville has been rather quiet and relaxed, compared to my March trip which was a whirlwind! As you all know, this trip isn't for me, its to check up on Claire. Claire is doing well, and is a good place mentally and spiritually. We've had some good and frank conversations over the last few days, I'm happy to know she's got such a good head on her shoulders! I know that the loss of a child just cripples some people.

We have been busy since I arrived, just not running around seeing all the sights and photographing the world (as is my habit). Saturday we went out to lunch at Ruby Tuesday's and did the groceries (how domestic).

I have to say this is one of the worst pictures I've ever taken... I must of been hungry, its not in focus!! This is Claire and her husband at lunch on Saturday.

Sunday afternoon, once Claire and her husband got back from church (I had a nice lie in), Claire and I went shopping! We did way more walking than buying (which can be a good thing).

That would be where I saw this lovely hibiscus.
Monday (yesterday) boy did Claire and I do a lot of walking! We hit the outlet malls in St. Augustine. Once again I got some new clothes! There were also a couple of items I didn't buy back in March that I was able to pick up this time around! I also got... my bikini! Oh my gosh! Now to find the guts to wear it at the beach... of course I have no other beach wear so there's little option.

Yup, here's my pink little number from Tommy Hillfiger!

Today was a quiet day, we stitched, and I made it into the local Weight Watcher meeting. After my first week on maintenance I'm up 0.4lbs... I think being on vacation, not eating as I would at home, and being able to eat more... I did very well. However tonight I sure pushed the boat out! I had a low point dinner at Boston's , but then we went to Cold Stone Creamery, what ice-creamy decadence! I'm going to have to walk a-lot to work this off!!!

Here's where Todd's stocking stands as of tonight.
I think tomorrow we're hitting the LNS - A Stitch in Time!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Stitchy Post

Before I head off for my stitching weekend with Christin I thought I'd update you on my current project and a small happy dance I had this evening.

Here's the stocking...

Red Threads Letter "C"
c2002 Rosewood Manor
Stitched on : 28ct Opalescent Lugana
Stitched with : Carrie's Creation - Bordeaux

This is yet another monogram ornament for this Christmas.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Stitching n' Gifts

This weekend at Kathy's I really stitched up a storm! The sad thing is you can't really see it here in this picture. I started out stitching white-on-white on Friday afternoon, and I finally wrapped it up tonight... started the green YAY! I think if you click to enlarge you may see all the white I put it... its a lot! Kathy seems to think I won't get this done in time for Christmas. Well she's thrown down the gauntlet... I'm sure I'll have this stocking done by September or October!

When I left Kathy's yesterday evening I came home with two lovely hand-made gifts from Kathy! First is a stitching/pencil case. Well I call it a stitching case because it holds everything I need from scissors and needles down to lip balm and nail clippers. Its amazing how many times when you're stitching you realize boy I could use some lip balm... or look at that raggedy nail! Its all in the name of getting up less to stitch more!

Kathy was making some lovely stitched scissor fobs this weekend using pink fabric and hot pink floss. I whined one evening, showing Kathy my pink fob-less scissors. She surprised me Saturday night with a finished fob! It smells so pretty too, its stuffed with lavender! See doesn't it look perfect?

Well a couple of more days and I'm hitting the road again (Wednesday after work)! I'll be heading that evening to Ann & Dan's in Brighton (yes, back to Brighton again). From there we're going to the Holstein Rodeo! I'm looking forward to the fun pictures I'm going to take!!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Santa's Got a Brand New Bag

I might not of stitched much yesterday, but I did get to stitch today!
Todd was out of the house fishing today (I am a fishing widow on a regular basis), so it was a good chance to make progress on his Christmas Stocking. As you can see... Santa has his bag!

When Todd was around I worked on Art Deco Spirits, I'm still enjoying this piece.

Today I started the finishing on Flip Flops, but I don't have enough fabric for what I have in mind. So it'll be back to the quilt shop in the near future. I've got scraps of what I'd like to match tucked into my purse. Since I couldn't get that project wrapped up I did the finishing and put cord on my two ornaments from this month.

I think tomorrow when Todd's home I'll work on Tour des Marques.