Welcome to my first February Edition of WIP Wednesday!!!
Winter here continues to be pretty brutal. If its not been colder than -20c with windchills in the -30c then its been snow, blowing snow, snow drifts and black ice. I've had enough and I'm counting the days until I head out on this year's Dominican Experience Trip ... 16 DAYS! Not to mention in 37 days I'll be heading Arizona!!! Neither trip can come soon enough.
So after my Sleep Study just a few weeks ago, I was back in the hospital today. This time for a Day Study, in a day study you're still all hooked up to wires and stuff. In a Day Study you're told to take a 15 minute nap, if you're not asleep in 15 minutes they come in and get you out of bed, or as soon as you fall asleep they set the clock for a fresh 15 minutes before coming to wake you up. You get to sit up, watch movies ... I stitched for about two hours before its time for another nap. This is done four times.
I kitted up another freebie for my future seasonal basket of smalls. I'm still working on the Valentine's Day/Hearts/Love theme. This will be the last one before I move onto St. Patrick's Day. I worked on this while at the hospital today. I didn't have any of the colours the chart called for so I pulled my own. The border wasn't supposed to be green at all, it called for Crescent Colours Bamboo which was a brown-ish colour. I really like the green MUCH better.
The Primitive Hare
Stitched on: 28ct Tropical Pink Linen
Stitched with: Threadworx 1124
Last week I showed you my start on a freebie by Primitive Hare, I finished it on Sunday during the Superbowl. Actually I stitched most of it during the Superbowl, not that I was really watching anyhow. I embellished it with a pink heart button on the stitched heart. I love how this turned out with my "outrageous" pink fabric! I think I'm going to need to do some finishing soon!
Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: 32ct Natural Linen
Stitched with: Carrie's Creations Holly Days
After I finished Valentine I pulled out another Red Threads motif to stitch up. I got a fair amount of it done in the last quarter of the Superbowl and finished it up the other day. I love using the little motifs (and there's a great alphabet too!) on the charts for those long, narrow strips of fabric I used to just throw away. Its also great for using up that last bit of a skien of a specialty fiber. I hate throwing things out, but I also hate holding onto things hoping that someday I might come up with something to do with it.
Finally, what you REALLY came here to see... The Accolade! I'm still drowning in grey! I'm still not done page 10, but I've got two more rows of 10 by 10 to go! So hopefully this time next week you'll see the start of page 11!!!