More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Showing posts with label SBQ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SBQ. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

SBQ : August 7th

Q :What do you do to your thread clippings? Do you just scrap them or do you use them in something else?

A : I put them into a big mason jar. On January 1st of each year I empty that jar into the garbage and start fresh!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

This N' That

Unfortunately I have no stitchy pictures to share with you. Sorry! However I have been stitching, but on my model for A Needle Pulling Thread. Also I have finally made a start on Sally's gift for winning my 1000th post draw. Its taken me a little time to figure out what I wanted to do.

Since there's no stitchy pics, how about an old SBQ? (Eeek this one is sitting in my inbox from March 5th!)

Q : After you stitch a pattern or kit, what do you do with it?

A : Well that depends on what it is...

A Kit - If I've marked up the chart or no one I know has expressed an interested in it, it goes into a binder. I have a binder of used kit charts.

A Chart - If I want to stitch it again it goes back into the binder I found it in. If I don't want to stitch it again I'll either pass it onto a friend or arrange a trade. If I don't want to stitch it again but its autographed it'll go in a stitched charts binder.

I just realized I still haven't reviewed my goals from April and set goals for May.

April Recap :
Stitch model #6 -- Still not done!
Work on Double Flips -- Got caught up
Work on Tour Des Marques -- A little
Work on Paradigm Lost -- A little
Stitch Contest Gift -- Nope
Stitch Fair & Square Rd. 6 -- Done but not in the mail (tomorrow)

May Goals :
Finish Model #6
Finish Neighbourhood RR
Stitch Ornament
Stitch Contest Gift
Finish Double-Flips

I'm trying to keep my goals small and modest as I start my photography course tomorrow night! I don't know how much or what I'm going to get done with being in class 6 hours a week.

Friday, April 18, 2008

SBQ : April 10th

I'm cleaning out my inbox and lookie what I found! An old SBQ. I'm feeling much better today thank you for all your wishes of good health!

Q : What is the most complicated piece you've ever completed?

A : Peacock Tapestry by Teresa Wentzler.. if you've stitched it you'll understand why!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

SBQ : February 26th

Yay! Snow Day! I tried to go to work this morning, but as soon as my car got out of the garage I started spinning my tires, going sideways and almost got stuck in the snow. So back into the garage my car went, made my phone calls to work , and got back into my jammies! I'm getting caught up on the world that is Blogging, then I'm going to model stitch my heart out to season 1 of House. I should finish Model #3 minus the missing thread today.

To entertain you with something stitchy, here's last week's SBQ :

Q: What is your cross stitch weakness? (i.e., What do you have to havewhen you see it, even if you are supposed to be on the Wagon?)

A : I have no definate to die for weakness when it comes to stash. Sometimes I just want something so badly I have to have it and I break down to get it! I have to say this probably applies mostly to charts. Charts can go out of print right??? At least that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Photo (SLR) : Abandoned farm house. I just love how the light shines through the front door.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Photo Hunt #91 "Delicious"

What's more yummy than birthday cake??? Even better b-day cake with smarties on top and ice cream! This was my niece on her 7th birthday in December.

Well I did the practical thing tonight, and worked on my model! So I'll be boring you with old Photo Hunts (I'm wayyy behind) and old SBQ's I haven't answered until I can share some real stitching progress with you!

I got the next four words of the Lizzie*Kate Double Flips... too bad I don't have the time to stitch them up for you right now! But they'll be waiting!

Sorry blogger readers!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

SBQ : February 13th

Sorry about not entry yesterday. I got home from my PD Day activities and grocery shopping with Christin and I... passed out! Must be why I'm up before 6am on a Saturday! I'm sitting here getting caught up on the online world, waiting for 10am to roll around, because tickets for The Police go on sale for an Ottawa show! Yay! I imagine tickets will be going fast, so I don't have high hopes but it would be nice to get some. Christin and I will be tag teaming online, while on the phone to each other... we need 4 tickets for me, Christin, Chrisanne and my Mum. LOL wish us luck!

Alright onto the latest question...

Q : Do you have any projects that you have scrapped and started over? What made you start over from scratch?

A : I don't think I've ever scrapped anything and started over, I'm very decisive with my stitching. I know what I want to stitch and I usually have a clear idea of how I want to stitch it. I've also been told that I have a good eye for colour... which I think really helps because then you don't pick the wrong fabric/fiber combination.

Photo (p&s) : Some wee flowers found in my lawn spring 2007


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SBQ : February 6th

Well since I'm doing secret stitching yet again... this time its Fair & Square so why not answer an SBQ instead???

Q :Are there other crafts that you have tried and abandoned? Why do youlike stitching better?

A : I've tried temari, dabbled in a wee bit of quilting, and some chain maille. Why do I like stitching better? I can't really explain it, there's something soooo soothing about stitching. I like its exactness, the fact that you have to organize and be organized. Can you tell I love organization (heck its my field!). I just LOVE stitching!

Well I got my results today from my bone scan and MRI. The bone scan didn't really show anything we didn't already know, that there are signs indicative of Plantar Fasciitis. Quel suprise. However we did get an answer from the MRI (which also confirmed my PF), the exact wording is : "Focal fluid accumulation on the plantar aspect of the fourth tarsal-metatarsal joint outlining ligamentous structure." So this translates to I have also dammaged the ligaments in the top of my foot! My Dr. suspects it probably happened at the same time I partially tore my P.F May 2007 the reason this pain didn't present itself until months later is because my P.F. hurt more! LOL. The Dr. was very frank and said there was nothing he could do for me to treat it, but he had consulted with some colleagues of his.

He's referring me to a doctor specializing in musculoskeletal medicine for a treatment called prolothereapy. Essentially I'll be injected with a saline or sugar/water solution in the area where the ligaments are dammaged. This will cause inflammation which in turn my ligaments will go into healing mode and my ligaments will start producing collogen (which is what they're made of). The idea is that through this process my ligaments will begin to heal/strengthen and the pain will go away (we hope). So if you've had this treatment I'd love to hear your input. Did it work for you? For me the down side, nither the provincial health care plan nor my insurance plan cover this treatment and its not cheap. But what am I to do???

Also I'm being put on the list to see one of the two foot/ankle surgeons in the region. Unfortunately the list is a long one and I won't get in to see the surgeon until the fall. This doesen't mean surgery is a sure thing but if this prolotherapy doesen't work a surgeon is most likely my last resort... if he can do anything.

Photo (SLR) : Ice sculpture at Winterlude 2008

Monday, January 28, 2008

SBQ : January 23rd

Q : Have you had a happy dance yet this year? If so, tell us about it! (Or just point to the entry that mentions it.) If not, when do you predict it will be?

A : Yes, my first HD for this year has been a Mill Hill Ornament. Here's where you can check it out.

I had yet another migraine this afternoon. Urgh! It got pretty bad, when I got home from work I had to take some meds and lie down for a few hours. I have tried to stitch on model #2 tonight (and yes I'll be able to share it once its released) but between two lengthy phone calls and some frogging I'm afraid to say I didn't get too far!

Photo (SLR) : Rustbucket amongst the trees. I spotted this sitting back in the bush while out for a walk on Sunday, I never would of seen it in the summer.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

SBQ : January 16th

Q :What is your favorite past time while stitching? Do you just enjoy silence, listen to music/audio books or do you "watch" TV/movies? Do you have specific favorites you listen to/watch while stitching?

A : If I'm stitching during the morning/early afternoon on a weekday (rare I assure you!) I prefer to have the radio on, listening to my favourite rock station. In most cases I'm stitching in the evenings and weekends so I've got the TV on I'm either watching TV or movies. Week nights its usually to television because there are the shows I tend to follow. On the weekends its usually movies because there's either nothing on. Or I don't want to waste precious stitching time looking for something to watch. I have to say if I've got some serious stitching to get done I'll put on a movie I'm fairly familiar with such as Lord of The Rings, Star Trek/Star Wars, ect. Especially series because you can just work your way from start to finish you don't have to think about what to watch next!

Today I had my bone scan on my feet. I have to say for one test it certainly takes up a big chunk of your day! I had to take the day off from work because of it. I had to be there just before 11am to fill out paper work. It turned out I didn't have to fill out said paperwork because I had been there in the past year (its where I had my mammogram done in the spring). I was scheduled for 11:15AM for an injection, its a radioactive tracer that first goes into the blood then is absorbed into the bone. Then I had my first series of scans on my feet. These first scans are to check blood flow (the tracer is only in your blood at this point) then I was told to come back at 3PM. So I put myself and my stitching into my car and took advantage of Chrsitin's apartment for the afternoon. I didn't want to have to drive back to my home in the country only to turn around and drive back again. Christin lives in the city, so I used her couch, ott-lite and watched her movies (oh and ate some of her Cadbury Mini Eggs... they were right there, couldn't help myself!). I was able to get in a few hours on model #1! Then it was back for my last series of scans, these ones took much longer, almost an hour. My new Dr. (who I saw for the first time last week) should have the results in a week... now I'm waiting on an appointment for an MRI.

I have to say I was able to make great progress on model #1 today/tonight! The main subject is done and backstitched. I've got almost 1/4 of the border done. Expect a happy dance (which I won't be able to share probably until March/April) this weekend. Then I can get onto model #2.

Photo (SLR) : At dusk, the profile of one of the three churches in my village. This one in particular has be deconsecrated (if that's a real word?)and is now used as a home.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Old SBQ December 12, 2007

Q :Do you do anything special to your threads before putting them throughyour fabric to make them more manageable?

A : To most threads, no. The only thread I do anything to is rayon, before I thread the needle I dip my fingers in water and run the thread through my damp fingers. This tends to tame the thread a little and work those kinks out.
I'm still plugging away at my first model, so no interesting stitching news to pass on.
Here's today's photo, the moon through the bare branches of one of my trees at dusk.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

SBQ : January 9th

Q : What was your favorite finish of 2007?

A : Why Teresa Wentzler's The Castle of course! I just luuuv how it turned out on the hand dyed fabric I stitched it on!

Well I didn't get far on my model tonight! Boo hoo! I kinda passed out on the couch when I got home after dinner tonight. I always find after being off of work for awhile that I'm exhausted when I get home. I'm hoping to make major progress this weekend.
Thank you everyone for your wonderful comments and well wishes about my feet.

Friday, January 04, 2008

SBQ : January 3rd

Since this one was kinda time sensitive I figured I should answer it sooner rather than later so thus... two posts in one evening!

Q : Are you starting something new to celebrate the New Year or participating in "Guilt Free January?" If so, what are you planning on starting?

A : The answer to this, if you haven't already figured it out from my last few entries is YES! I've been following this tradition for a few years. This year's start is usually planned in conjunction with my good friends Christin and Chrisanne however Beatrice was around when we were discussing it and she happily jumped on the bandwagon as well! We all started Moonlight Guardian from Dragon Dreams.

Now I don't go to the extent of participating in Guild Free January. I don't think I could life with the stress of starting so many projects (because I want to start them all), then not being able to pay adequate attention to all of them!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Answering An Old SBQ

Gosh I've been just horrible, not answering SBQ's at all for ages. I keep "saving" them for days I have nothing to blog about... but I always seem to find something to prattle on about.

Here's the one from December 19th

Q : Have you ever helped anyone else learn to stitch? Have you ever helped anyone learn a new stitch or technique?

A : Oh yes! Its a requirement to be one of my friends! LOL! Just kidding, however if you're a friend of mine I'll certainly try to teach you how to stitch. I've even been successful with my two best friends, Claire and Christin, I've even taught Christin's aunt Sue! I often see/think about how fast these people have progressed in their stitching knowledge/abilities. I spent YEARS afraid of linen and evenweave fabrics, I had these girls on them ASAP! They have really gotten to benefit from all of my trials and errors.

I've often helped other stitchers with new techniques and stitches! From sitting down with someone whose frustrated with french knots, teaching the colonial knot instead to teaching other stitchers finishing techniques. I like to help other stitchers, teach them tricks, and tips that make stitching so much easier and enjoyable!

I think deep down at heart I am a teacher... I like to help!

Today I've done my best to keep myself busy so I'm not sitting here sulking over the present thing that I mentioned yesterday. I started yesterday and finished today my gift for the Stitching Blogger's Birthday Exchange. I spent a few hours this afternoon on the finishing, and I got to try a new technique! Yay! I'm very impressed with how it turned out and I hope my recipient (who I don't know at all and her blog isn't in English so its hard to figure out her likes and dislikes... Babelfish didn't do a good job with translating either so I gave up) likes it.

When I'm done online I'm going to pull Paradigm Lost out for the first time in a few weeks.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SBQ, A Question and A Photo Hunt

Well I have nothing near as exciting to tell you about after this past weekend's retreat! So I'll give you a mish-mash of things tonight.

First an old SBQ for you this one from September 6th

Q : Would you ever stitch one of your BAPs a second time? (This does not include starting over because of mistakes, bad fabric, etc., rather stitching something from the first stitch for a second time.)

A : Hmmm no. If I ever did, it would be because of one of three reasons. Either one of my pieces was damaged beyond repair and I have a strong sentimental connection with it. Someone I really cared for deserved to have it stitched for them and its just the perfect piece. Or someone offered me a disgusting amount of money for it.

Now for a question from Judy

Q : The Legend of Sleepy Hallow piece from The Cricket Collection sure is a cool looking design. Do you think you'll stitch it up the same way as their model is done?

A : For sure! I think that's a huge part of its charm!

Finally, Photo Hunt #75 Plastic :
This plastic and feather tiara was given to my nephew Nick on his birthday as a joke by one of his buddies.

Oh and a stitching update ... I really, really, really want to work on my class pieces form Jeannette. Alas, I must be disciplined... I only worked on my needle case a little bit! I've got the center panel all stitched up. When I got home from work today I pulled all the floss that I'm going to need for Heather's neighbourhood RR. She has a farm theme. I've chosen to stitch for her the center panel from Dragon Dreams Of Farm and Field. I think its just perfect! I've got a small start on that tonight. I did need a bit of a nap on the couch this evening.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. Finally I'm having some stitchers come out to my place! If you're one of my regular readers you know I'm quite the road warrior, its often easier for me to go to someones then for them to come out to me (life is much easier when you don't have kiddies to take care of). So coming out this weekend are : Christin, Chrisanne, Lynn, and Rebecca. If you're a stitcher that lives in the national capital region and would like to come out and stitch with us on Saturday. Drop me a line.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another SBQ - August 15th

Q : How did you get started stitching? Was there a person that inspired you?

A : Back in the late 80's when I was in middle school "Santa" (aka Mum) got a little cross stitch kit of a calico cat and put it in my Christmas stocking. That first project was a... ahem disaster. Since my interest was peaked my Mum got me a few kits from Wal Mart. Now keep in mind there wasn't a lot of cool stuff out there for someone to stitch in the 80's. Mainly pastel flowers, which my second project was. I messed up sorting the colours so off to the garbage it went too! My next project was a stamped kit, which after loosing interest went into my closet. Then it got moved from Texas to Ontario... the from my parent's house to my first apartment. I re-discovered that project in the spring of 1997 while I was between contracts in my field (unemployed). I can assure you once you've spent your morning searching the papers for any job you might be qualified and putting resumes in the mail, then cleaning a tiny one bedroom apartment, and going for a walk... there was a lot of day left. So out came the cross stitch project... and the rest is history!

This is the project in question, which now resides at my parent's house.

My model project is going very well, I'll be done in a day or two.

Ooops Behind on SBQ's

I've been going through the folder where I've been storing the SBQ questions and boy... I'm behind!

Here's one from July 19th!

Q : Which project (finished or in progress) are you most proud of? Explain why.

A : I think that's a simple answer.... Peacock Tapestry by Teresa Wentzler!

Why? Because its big, daunting, colourful, full of blends, quarter stitches... pear leaves need I say more????
I've made good progress on my model today, I'm looking forward to finishing it and getting back to The Castle.
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone whose joined up so enthusiastically for the Snowbird's SAL blog! Kathy and I are overwhelmed and never imagined it would grow this big or grow this fast! More stitchers are always welcome!

Monday, July 16, 2007

SBQ for July 3rd

I've been plugging away at Noah's Sub tonight... more hull, more green blues and blue greens.

Tomorrow night I'll announce my 800th post draw winner so please come back to see if its you!

Q: Do you consider yourself a "floss miser?"

A: Not in any way what so ever! I used to be a floss miser and then I realized that stitching to the end of the thread makes your stitching looks like crap. As you stitch the eye of your needle freys your floss, if you stitch with that last bit you'll notice a those last few stitches look a little fuzzy wuzzy. Not nice at all. I don't even bother with specialty fibers either. The nice thing about not being a miser is when you need that last bit of floss and you've run out... going "ort jar diving" is actually a worth while activity. I've often found a length long enough for what I need.

Photo : Daylilly 2007

Monday, July 09, 2007

SBQ from June 22nd & A Question Answered

As you've probably noticed, I don't necessarily rush to answer SBQ's. I have a simple reason for that... I like to save them for days I don't have stitching progress or any news of merit to share with you.

So, here we go....

Q : When you start a new work do you look for something small, do you look for another huge project or do you consider your UFOs?

A : I really don't like to have too many projects sitting around... so when I finish a large project if I have another one I may have started when I had a serous case of start-itis.... or as I'm likely to do start a SAL then get hit by another project that has to get done . I'll pick that up as my next project. Of course that doesn't mean I'll go a little crazy on small designs for awhile! Which you'll definitely see me do when Noah's Sub is done. My next project to finish after Noah's Sub (which Kathy wanted to know) will be The Castle. I started this as a SAL back in January and due to my desire to get Noah's Sub finished I've kinda abandoned that. I'd say I'm close to 1/2 done on The Castle.

I got a question via the comments today from Margaret, she wanted to know when did I start Noah's Sub. Well I've gone back into my progress pictures the earliest one I can find is from July 3, 2002... that's when I finished page one. So I must of started it in 2002... and its now 2007 five years... wow the longest I've ever had a WIP! You know what, I'm going to finish it this year... this summer! The drive is on and I feel that urgency I often get when a project is finally taking shape and the end is in sight.

I did work on the Sub again tonight... I finished the waves, and started the water below the surface, even the outlines of the portholes! I'm looking forward to working on it tomorrow when I get home from work.

Tonight I also started my first flat fold while Todd was watching a show on TV... he likes it, it makes me leave the room. So I started the flat fold process. Will I finish it tomorrow, I don't know, we'll see what the day brings (besides physio... yuck!).
Oh... and Jenna, yes I did get highlights done in late May... I've never had so many compliments on my hair in my life!

Photo : Sunset at Black Lake (outside Perth, Ont.) this is an oldie... from my files in 2002!

Monday, June 25, 2007

SBQ from June 14th

Q : How do you store your WIPs and other projects that you have kitted up?

A : Well that answer is simple, I store my WIPs in zipper mesh bags! I think they're the best thing since sliced bread... honestly! I started out using ziplock bags... but I'm fairly abusive with my projects in transit, so they didn't hold up very long! I'm actually still using the first mesh bags I bought five years ago now. They really hold up nicely and come in a great variety of sizes!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

SBQ for June 6th

Q : What has been your most challenging project and why?

A : That's easy to answer... Peacock Tapestry. Why? Because its big, full of quarter stitches, and blends!!!