First, this chart Lives to Stitch from Stitchy Kitty. I have this vision of someday having this wall near my stitching chair (aka nest) full of all these little stitched pieces all about stitching! I've already got two up there, two more are stitched but not finished. It's a nice vision, but I've got to get un-lazy and actually do some finishing.
I also had Bonnie pick up from a local quilt store a couple of spools of Sulky Blendables in 12wt. I've seen some chatter on blogs about using this to stitch, you only need to stitch with one strand over two on 28 or 32 ct. I've started a little Ink Circles piece to test out the purple one (iris). I'll save that for tomorrow!
I got out for another run today. I thought it was a great idea to tackle this hill on the edge of the village before hitting my regular route. (It's steeper than it looks here) My quads assure me it was not (a good idea).. It is good to get some hill work in to be a better runner. I'm still not running non-stop, but I managed to run for 4 minutes and walk for two. On this run I managed to run for about 26 minutes. I'm impressed with how well I'm progressing, I know that going to the gym twice a week since September is paying off.