Did you miss my WIP Wednesday posts? I know I missed doing them its so nice to be able to share the progress on your projects with other people who are actually interested and excited about your stitching, rather than your significant other who just humor you.
First I'm so excited to share my progress on The Accolade (not a HEAD chart) with you! When you last saw it I was just starting page 9, well this past weekend I finished up that page and I've made headway into page 10 (of 12). The end seems like its in sight but I'm finding on average each page takes 4-6 weeks of focused stitching to complete. Right now I'm estimating end of April to finish this project. I've got two trips coming up, my annual Dominican Republic Experience trip the last week in February. Two weeks after I get back from my "work trip" (yes its work, I work in a high school and I've taken 14-16 students for the last 5 years, this is my 6th) I'll be heading out for March Break to visit
Kathy in Arizona! I'm looking forward to leaving these -28c (-35c windchill) temperatures behind!
As has been my stitching tradition for many years, besides emptying my Ort Jar on New Year's day I also start a new project on the stroke of midnight. The New Year's start is a very serious affair,
Christin and I have made it a SAL for at least the two of us for many years. Discussion on what our New Year's start will be often starts in August or September for the last couple of years the SAL has included many of our Eastern Ontario stitching friends. This year it was just Christin and I, we both fell in love is Alessandra Adelaide's Peacock design when it was released last year and rather quickly agreed this had a lot of potential as our January 1st start. Unfortunately the design just appeal to the rest of our "crew" so it was just us. Also as per tradition I put my first stitches in while celebrating the New Year with my friend
Rebecca and her wonderful family, I love our tradition of a great meal ... made by her husband, good company and of course stitching!
Another project that has come to see the light of day again, is Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage. During my holidays I was invited out Janice's cottage (which turns out to be minutes from my house!) to spend an afternoon stitching with her. She has the most spectacular view of the river, which maybe on a future visit I'll get a chance to take a few pictures. As wonderful as The Accolade is I find its one of those projects that's just best worked on at home. So I needed to find something that would be easier to work on in friendly company and this fit the bill! I always forget how much I enjoy working on a Michael Powell piece.
Finally this past weekend I started a new ornament. After finishing page 9 on The Accolade I felt like I needed a little over one break. This one is called Stitchers Joy by Prairie Moon, from the Just Cross Stitch 2010 Ornament Issue.
I've got a great stitching weekend coming up and I can't wait!