My holidays are finally here! No work for two weeks, and this year I feel like I have really earned my time off. Life has been very busy for me (as usual), this last week even more so. I'm trying to remember if I even found any time to stitch at all? This past week I only got home before 9PM twice, and that's a long day when you leave the house at 7AM. I have a fairly low-key Christmas Break planned and I've been looking forward to focusing on things like blogging a little more, stitching a lot, and focusing on ME! Eating properly and being active in some form each day. I've got some trips planned into town so I can get to the gym, but barring that I have a treadmill in the basement. After Tuesday, Taekwon-Do will be on holiday as well until January 4th, so it'll be up to me to find a way to keep active. Sigh, life was so much easier when I was content to sit on my behind, stitch, and be over 200 lbs.
Sadly this year I did not get enough ornaments finished up to give them out to all the people I like to gift them to at work. Only the secretaries got their stockings this year. Normally I give ornaments to the secretaries, administration and a few of my favourite people at the school. I decided this morning when I got (too early IMHO) after I went to Weight Watchers and after I ran 3km in my basement, that I needed to put my nose to the grindstone and get ALL my ornaments finished. So I was in for a serious ornamentification session today! Sadly they're still not all done and I spent maybe about 5 hours working on it. Instead of doing each ornament individually from start to finish I did each step for every ornament at once! So I have more ornaments waiting in my craft room with just cord to put on them. They can wait for Sunday, but they will get done!
Freebie from the Alchemist's Study blog
Love by R&P
Snow Gazing by Paw Printings -- remind you of someone?
'Tis Red by La-D-Da
I was rushed to get this one done for my WW leader this AM so its not my best finishing
I thought I'd also share where Art Deco stands as of today with you, I'm hoping to finish the Air block while on holidays. So here's where I'm starting, let's see how far I get in two weeks.
The Christmas Cards have started to arrive in the mail. I must admit I feel guilty that I don't send them out anymore! What's my excuse, I just don't have the time to do them! Is that really a good excuse, that I don't have the time to write a special message for each of my friends and family. Not really. I'll try again next year! I got a lovely surprise from my good blog-friend-and-met-in-real-life Judy! She not only sent me a lovely card but these lovely skeins of floss that will get put to good use, and some gourmet hot chocolate!
Speaking of stitchy supplies, the other week I made a run for the border! Actually I went down to Ogdensburg NY to pick up a parcel I had delivered to the UPS store there. Well, JoAnne's happens to be right next door! These wonderful Ginghers came home with me! At 50% off too!