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Showing posts with label My Big Toe Designs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Big Toe Designs. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

Special Gifts for Special Friends

Last May my oldest friend Andrew and his fiancee Yan had a little girl.  In the fall I stitched up a little something for their daughter Chelsey's room.  The last time I saw them in September, when they got married nither it or their wedding sampler were complete (life you know).  Earlier this week I had a chance to meet up with Andrew for dinner when he was in town for the day.  I made sure both pieces were framed and ready to go to him.

French Country Bear - JBW Designs

Two Shall Be As One - My Big Toe Designs

Friday, September 23, 2011

Finally A Finish

I've had very little stitching time since my Mum went into the hospital just over three weeks ago now.  She is getting better and stronger every day.  She will have a serious condition to learn to live with once she gets out of the hospital, its was really sketchy there for about a week we were truly starting to wonder if she would really pull through.  This last week she has improved in leaps and bounds.

How about something happy, like a Happy Dance????  This piece should of been finished during the long weekend at the beginning of the month, but life got in the way.

My childhood friend, Andrew got married in Montreal on September 10th.  I took one day off from visiting with my Mum in the hospital to go, it was just one of those moments in life I just couldn't miss.  Andrew and I have known each other since he was born (we're 6 months apart), we were neighbours, we made mud pies together, climbed trees together, built snow forts, and built wicked jumps at the bottom of the hill we would go sledding on.  No matter where we've been in life we've always known where the other was and how to get in touch!

Here is the Wedding Sampler I stitched for Andrew and his new wife Yan:

Two Shall Be As One
c2007 My Big Toe Designs
Stitched on 32ct White Lugana
Stitched with Carrie's Creation Blueberry and Monarch

 The wedding was gorgeous, the day was gorgeous!  Here are just a few shots from the day (I've got so many and not enough time to go through them).

The kiss

 Andrew, Yan & their baby Chelsey (it was her 100th day!)

 Todd, Yan, Andrew, and I

Chelsey with her Auntie Danielle!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

"My Pick Is Broken, Man I Must of Rocked It Hard"

Yes, this post's title is a little strange isn't it?

Last night Christin and I went to the National Arts Center to see Matthew Good, another Canadian band I quite enjoy, this is the third time I've seen him in concert. As usual I can't go to an event without running into someone I know and/or students from work. Of course I ran into a few students, LOL we were even sitting in the same row.
Anyhow the post's title is something Matt Good said and I thought it was just hilarious. He was talking about one thing and then matter of factly says "Oh my pick is broken, man I must of rocked it hard". I have to say he has some interesting points of view LOL.
Christin and I have another concert adventure coming up, next Sunday the 20th we're going to see Three Days Grace at Scotiabank Place.

The opening band was Mother, Mother from Vancouver. The were.... odd. I think that's the best way to put it. (in the photo above)

Matt Good

Matthew Good and his band (the guitar player on the left was just amazing)
Another ornament exchange arrived at its destination this week! This exchange was with Sadie, and the ornament had to make its way across the pond. I stitched this up at the retreat I went to in November. Its stitched over one.

Joy of Christmas
c2009 My Big Toe Designs
JCS 2009 Christmas Ornament Preview Issue
Stitched on : 28ct Victorian Red Lugana
Stitched with : DMC 5200

Today I finished up my last ornament happy dance (the Gazette finish) and gave it as a gift to a friend from work who is off on maternity leave. We got together for a great lunch today, and I got to cuddle her new baby Ella, she is so sweet.

Awhile ago I won Becky's Birthday draw on her blog and I got this great parcel in the mail this week! Heinzit's Rudolph, a Christmas fat quarter, bead embroidery needles (which I needed!), and some mini altoids. Thanks Becky that was so fun to get in the mail!