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Showing posts with label Michael Powell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Powell. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

WIP Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!  I'm actually on schedule this week and I'm actually getting my WIP Wednesday post up on the right day!

 Mini River Cottage
Michael Powell
stitched on: 27ct eveweave

After last week's post I finally settled on a WIP to work on, Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage... well I finished it Monday night!  I just love the look of these and stitching them!

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched on: mystery fabric
Stitched with: Threadworx

I also had a small finish as well, I pulled out this little Red Threads motif by Rosewood Manor, one of my purse projects.  It had been started awhile ago, so it was nice to have that finished as well.  Its gone into my finishing pile, I've already picked the coordinating beads for when I'm ready!

Of course with the finishing of one focus project that leaves the tough decision of "what's next?".  A few texts back and forth with Christin and for the moment, I've settled on Teresa Wentzler's Fortunate Traveller.  I started this back on May 1, 2013 as a stitch-a-long with Bonnie, Beatrice and Christin.  Of course none of us have really made any serous progress since then.  I think we keep getting distracted by other projects!

I've also put a couple of more thread lengths into A Year In Chalk - June.  I'm planning on putting an hour into this each day until its done or I decide to put my head down and finish it.  Once this one is done, I'm caught up until I get a chance to buy/pick up July & August.

Tiny Tidings
Lizzie Kate

Over the weekend I also completed another ornament, and a floss ring tag.  I started a second ornament, but haven't managed to find the time to complete it yet.  I guess that just gives you something to look forward to next week!

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor

Nothing exciting has been going on to share with you, I've been back to work this week after an extra-long, long weekend.  Just the stitching you see here!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

WIP Wednesday... on Thursday

A day late and a dollar short, but here's my WIP Wednesday post!

Parliament Hill as seen from the opposite shore of the Ottawa River
I'm lucky to be living in the Nation's Capital

Yesterday was Canada Day and we had dinner and spent the evening with two other couples.  We all get along so well that an evening is gone before we know it!  Needless to say at almost 11PM last night I didn't really feel like blogging.

I'm already enjoying my extra long weekend, I've been off since yesterday and I don't go back to work until Monday morning.  While I've been sitting here editing pictures for blog entries, and re-watching Star Trek: The Next Generation (my inner geek is very happy right now!), I keep thinking about what I want to stitch over the next couple of days.  So here is what I've got in progress and that I may have worked on since my last post ... since I can't remember what's had my attention and what hasn't.

A Year In Chalk - May
Hands on Designs
Stitched on 32ct WDW Gunmetal
Stitched with GAST

First up I did have another Happy Dance yesterday!  Since my last post I've started and finished the next chart I had in line for the series A Year In Chalk, May.  I love how these stitch up so fast but the whole time I was working on it I kept thinking I wanted to work on something a little more complex.

Year In Chalk Jan-Jun(started)

After finishing up May in the Year in Chalk Series I started up June yesterday, but as you see I didn't get very far, I have one whale stitched up and I've started on a second.  The whole time I was stitching the whale I kept thinking of the whale in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and its monologue (again, happy inner geek).

“Another thing that got forgotten was the fact that against all probability a sperm whale had suddenly been called into existence several miles above the surface of an alien planet.

And since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this poor innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity as a whale before it then had to come to terms with not being a whale any more.

This is a complete record of its thoughts from the moment it began its life till the moment it ended it.

Ah … ! What’s happening? it thought.

Er, excuse me, who am I?


Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life?

What do I mean by who am I?

Calm down, get a grip now … oh! this is an interesting sensation, what is it? It’s a sort of … yawning, tingling sensation in my … my … well I suppose I’d better start finding names for things if I want to make any headway in what for the sake of what I shall call an argument I shall call the world, so let’s call it my stomach.

Good. Ooooh, it’s getting quite strong. And hey, what’s about this whistling roaring sound going past what I’m suddenly going to call my head? Perhaps I can call that … wind! Is that a good name? It’ll do … perhaps I can find a better name for it later when I’ve found out what it’s for. It must be something very important because there certainly seems to be a hell of a lot of it. Hey! What’s this thing? This … let’s call it a tail – yeah, tail. Hey! I can can really thrash it about pretty good can’t I? Wow! Wow! That feels great! Doesn’t seem to achieve very much but I’ll probably find out what it’s for later on. Now – have I built up any coherent picture of things yet?


Never mind, hey, this is really exciting, so much to find out about, so much to look forward to, I’m quite dizzy with anticipation …

Or is it the wind?

There really is a lot of that now isn’t it?

And wow! Hey! What’s this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like … ow … ound … round … ground! That’s it! That’s a good name – ground!

I wonder if it will be friends with me?

And the rest, after a sudden wet thud, was silence.

Curiously enough, the only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias as it fell was Oh no, not again. Many people have speculated that if we knew exactly why the bowl of petunias had thought that we would know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.”

― Douglas AdamsThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Prior to Cirque des Carreaux obsessing all of my needle time, I was working on Lanarte's Arabian Woman.  She is well under way now.

Also receiving a bit of my needle's attention is Michael Powell's Mini River Cottages.  I really should get this one finished sooner or later, its been in my stitching basket since last year.  Being that its not that big or complicated, it really should of been finished a long time ago.

I also pulled out my "purse project" (this is the project that goes with me everywhere so if I find myself with some free time I have some stitching with me) it hasn't received any attention in a long time.  This is one of the many motifs I've been stitching up from Rosewood Manor's Red Threads chart.  Its a great one to have in your stash, not only do you have about 24 various motifs but there's a set of monograms from the alphabet and numbers!

While in that same zipper mesh bag, I also found this!  A cute, little, simple kitty cat I had picked up at The Attic while in Phoenix, Arizona this past March!  I had completely forgotten I had started it a few months ago!

So that's it for this week's stitching progress.  I think you're going to enjoy the next blog entry I have planned for Saturday, its all the awesome finishing I've done in the last month or so.  If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you'll have an idea of what I've been up to.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WIPWednesday, Small Finishes and What's Next?

Happy Wednesday fair readers!  Which means its WIPWednesday and one of my blogging days!

As usual I like to start with the happy stuff, and I've had two small Happy Dances since my last post.

Red Threads
Rosewood Manor
Stitched with NPI Silk
Stitched on 32ct Natural Linen

This first little guy, was already well under way, so there wasn't much left to do.  This has been my "purse project" and I've been dragging it around with me most places but not really working on it.  So I finally put the last stitches into it.

French Country Star
JBW Designs
Just Cross Stitch - Ornament Issue 2010
Stitched with WDW Garnet
Stitched Over One on 25ct Sand/Gold Lugana

Next up is this month's ornament, I had a hard time settling on which one I wanted to stitch.  I finally picked up this sweet little stitch by JBW which was in one of my Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issues.  If I can, and it may be rather ambitious I'd like to finish this star-shaped!

I haven't settled on a new focus project yet, and really that's okay.  This week I've picked away at two different projects.

I kind of have it in my mind to finish up my January 1st start from this year, Peacock by Alessandra Adelaide.  Christin and I started them together, but she's been done hers for awhile now. Usually I'm the first to finish!  I've had a hard time getting "into" this project.

When I haven't been able to get "into" Peacock I've pulled out an oldie, but goodie Arabian Woman a kit from Lanarte.  I fell in love with and bought this project a long time ago, and it cost me a fair bit.  A few years ago I put some stitches in it to make myself get back to it.  I've enjoyed working on it this week.  The fabric on this piece comes painted and there's a little "+" where to start so I've slowly worked my way from that start point, to my happy place, the top left hand corner.

As promised last week here are the other projects I have started in my stitching basket... Which project would you like to watch come to life?  Leave me a comment!

Mini River Cottage - Michael Powell

The Big Red - The Silver Lining

 Cirque des Carreaux - Ink Circles

Fortunate Traveller - Teresa Wentzler

Monday, March 09, 2015

A Long Awaited Stitchy Post - WIP Wednesday A Day Early

Have you missed my WIP Wednesday posts?  Have you missed my stitching... have you missed me?

The week leading up to this year's DR Experience trip was beyond hectic!  I was trying to get so much done before I left.  Not just my home life, but my work life, and of course the kids! I should of gotten stitching pictures up last week, but well there's recovering from said trip.

 I don't get a lot of stitching done during my DR Trips, but I did have a new start that I worked on during my flights.  I did more stitching during my return flight than I did on the way down.  That might of had something to do with the fact that I had to be up before 3am to be at the airport for 4am!  My new travel project (not to be confused with purse project) is Ink Circles, Cirque Des Carreaux.  Like the previous two in the series I've stitched this one is also on 32ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean, the floss is ThreadWorx "foxy".  This project will be getting A LOT of needle time this Saturday, while I fly down to Yuma, Arizona for my March Break trip to visit Kathy!  I've got about 12 hours of travel time between flights and layovers, lots of stitching time!  We've got a trip to The Attic planned, I can't wait!

Green + White
by Bent Creek
Stitched on: 32ct white lugana
Stitched with WDW & Crescent Colours

Before I left I had a little happy dance!  Its another seasonal small, this time for St. Patrick's Day.  Of course there's no time to actually get it finished finished to be on display in time for this years St. Paddy's Day.

Heart Of Flake
Freebie by Madame la Fée
Stitched on 32ct Raging Storm Belfast Linen
Stitched with ThreadWorx 1124

After my return I had another happy dance, this piece is my February ornament which I started shortly before leaving for the DR.  I want to try to get back to stitching at least one ornament a month.  Besides this sudden need I have this year to stitch seasonal smalls.  I quite like this little heart I stitched up.

Before I picked The Accolade back up upon my return, I put a few stitches into Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  As usual his pieces are so enjoyable to stitch!  The only reason I decided to pick this up is because I couldn't get fabric sorted for my March ornament so I kinda gave up for a bit.  I wasn't feeling an ornament at the time anyhow.  I finally got my ornament sorted today, you'll see it in a near future post.

I'm sure you're dying to see how The Accolade is coming along, slowly but surely.  I've found myself more distracted than focused in the last week and a half.  I hope when all of my travel is done, I'll be able to buckle down and happy dance this BAP!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

WIP Wednesday is BACK!

Did you miss my WIP Wednesday posts?  I know I missed doing them its so nice to be able to share the progress on your projects with other people who are actually interested and excited about your stitching, rather than your significant other who just humor you.

First I'm so excited to share my progress on The Accolade (not a HEAD chart) with you!  When you last saw it I was just starting page 9, well this past weekend I finished up that page and I've made headway into page 10 (of 12).  The end seems like its in sight but I'm finding on average each page takes 4-6 weeks of focused stitching to complete.  Right now I'm estimating end of April to finish this project.  I've got two trips coming up, my annual Dominican Republic Experience trip the last week in February.  Two weeks after I get back from my "work trip" (yes its work, I work in a high school and I've taken 14-16 students for the last 5 years, this is my 6th) I'll be heading out for March Break to visit Kathy in Arizona!  I'm looking forward to leaving these -28c (-35c windchill) temperatures behind!

As has been my stitching tradition for many years, besides emptying my Ort Jar on New Year's day I also start a new project on the stroke of midnight.  The New Year's start is a very serious affair, Christin and I have made it a SAL for at least the two of us for many years.  Discussion on what our New Year's start will be often starts in August or September  for the last couple of years the SAL has included many of our Eastern Ontario stitching friends.  This year it was just Christin and I, we both fell in love is Alessandra Adelaide's Peacock design when it was released last year and rather quickly agreed this had a lot of potential as our January 1st start.  Unfortunately the design just appeal to the rest of our "crew" so it was just us.  Also as per tradition I put my first stitches in while celebrating the New Year with my friend Rebecca and her wonderful family, I love our tradition of a great meal ... made by her husband, good company and of course stitching!

Another project that has come to see the light of day again, is Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  During my holidays I was invited out Janice's cottage (which turns out to be minutes from my house!) to spend an afternoon stitching with her.  She has the most spectacular view of the river, which maybe on a future visit I'll get a chance to take a few pictures.  As wonderful as The Accolade is I find its one of those projects that's just best worked on at home.  So I needed to find something that would be easier to work on in friendly company and this fit the bill!  I always forget how much I enjoy working on a Michael Powell piece.

Finally this past weekend I started a new ornament.  After finishing page 9 on The Accolade I felt like I needed a little over one break.  This one is called Stitchers Joy by Prairie Moon, from the Just Cross Stitch 2010 Ornament Issue.

I've got a great stitching weekend coming up and I can't wait!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wipocalypse 2014

Besides getting caught up on my PhotoHunts you really haven't heard from me at all this month!  January is almost over and its been an exhausting month physically and psychologically!  I've alternated between not being able to sleep/sleep through the night the first few weeks of the month to now barely being able to stay awake!  Friday night I laid down for a bit at about 5PM I didn't get up until 7:30AM!

I have been stitching when I've had the energy to, but lets get caught up on all of the blogging activities I decided to take part in this year!  The first thing I've missed is the first Wipocalypse of the year!  This month it took place on January 16th!

With this first Wipocalypse we are to introduce ourselves, our projects and our goals for the year.

The Stitcher:
Most recent picture of myself

I'm know by my friends and the stitching community as Dani, I'm in my late 30's.  I am a Library Technician in a High School which I've been working at for 12 years now.  I live with my partner Todd and our two cats Hunter and Zeus, no kids.

My first finish - started in grade 8 (1988ish) finished 1997

My Mum first taught me how to cross stitch when I was around 12-13 years old when "Santa" left a little cross stitch kit in my stocking.  That first project, was a disaster!  I started another project as a teen in middle school but I never finished it until I was an adult, when I was unemployed for a few months in 1997.  Since that time, I've never stopped.  I've been stitching for 17 years now... wow!

I started blogging in September of 2003, that's 11 years now.  I like to think that I'm one of the early Stitching Bloggers.  I'm hoping to keep blogging for many years as long as the ability exists and the audience is still there.

Through stitching and blogging many wonderful people have come into my life.  I am very grateful for what stitching and the online communities have brought into my life.

The Projects:

 The Accolade (NOT a HEAD)
Started in 2006 most of the work has been done in 2012/13
Almost done pages 1-7 of 12
Stitched one over one on 25ct lugana

 Arabian Woman - Lanarte Kit
Started November 2013

 Prarie Schooler - Christmas Favorites
Started January 2014

 Camelot Mini Samper - Teresa Wentzler
Started January 2014

 Mini River Cottage - Michael Powell Kit
Started January 2014

 The Big Red - The Sivler Lining
Started January 2012 - barely touched since
One over one on 25ct Lugana

 The Fortunate Traveller - Teresa Wentzler
Started May 1 2014
Combination of over two and over one on 28ct

 Stitching Row - Bent Creek
Started January 2014

Three Little Miads - Heritage Stitchcraft
Started January 2014
Goals for 2014:
  • Finish all of my January Crazy Challenge Starts
  • Finish The Accolade
  • Finish borders and story on Fortunate Traveller
  • Make progress on Big Red
  • Stitch and finish a minimum of 12 ornaments

And there you have it... the first WIPocalypse of 2014

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Crazy Challenge Day Two

January 2nd and day two of the Crazy Challenge (15 new projects in 15 days!).  I was undecided on what I wanted to start when I got out of bed this morning.  So I had a sit, had a think with a cup of tea and decided what to start today.

I had a few projects lined up in my head before the Christmas Break started and decided to work on Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  My reasoning was that River Cottage was one of the bigger projects I had lined up so I could make significant progress since I wasn't working or going anywhere today.  Also was the simple reason that its a kit and was all ready to go... I didn't have to pull anything, think of fabrics or fibers.  It easy to just pick up and go.

I also want to share with you a new start from the days between Christmas and New Year's.  I wasn't really able to focus on stitching those few days so I decided I needed to start something small and colourful.  I pulled out Just Nan's Cardinal Tweet... I love how the reds pop on the Natural 32ct Linen I'm using.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Smalls Rotation

Yesterday was my final day in my Smalls Rotation, this rotation was VERY productive.  I'm sure my friends like Christin, Bonnie, Tracey and Leslie were a little tired of me iMessaging Happy Dance pictures to them this weekend!

Gift Tag Set
Cross Stitcher Issue 260
December 2012  

 Gift Tag Set
Cross Stitcher Issue 260
December 2012 

 Gift Tag Set
Cross Stitcher Issue 260
December 2012 

Cross Stitcher Online Freebie

With one of my finishes I wanted to share to you the fantastic example it is for the difference backstitching can make!  Out there on the web I always see/hear a lot of complaining about backstitch.  I actually quite enjoy it and it must makes such an amazing difference on a piece!!!  Its like focusing your camera!

Michael Powell's Winter Cottage BEFORE Backstitching

Winter Cottage
Michael Powell
The World of Cross Stitching Issue 196