Wahootie I finished it!!! Its done! Last night while visiting with Ann and Dan I finished Mini Cottages 4. I finished the actual cross stitch on Thursday night and got a start on the backstitch. I figured the backstitch wouldn't take long on Friday... boy I was wrong! It took me until after dinner to finish Mini Cottages 4! Holy crap!
So without further ado :
Mini Cottages IV
Michael Powell Cross Stitch Art c2002
Stitched on : 14ct Aida using Anchor Cotton
And here's Mini Cottages 1-4 (click for bigger piccy)
Anyhow I have to thank Ann and Dan for a lovely couple of days out in Brighton! Before I could start my journey on Thursday I went and saw my Sport's Medicine Doctor to get the cortisone shot in the bottom of my heel. Oh my gosh I've gotten a lot of needles over the years, that one was painful! Then I could finally hit the road.
When I arrived an Ann's I was greeted by "the girls" Patty, Molly, and their visitor Maddie (all dogs). It didn't take Ann and I long to settle in to stitch. Shortly after my arrival, Ann's regular stitching ladies showed up. Ann and a good sized group of local stitchers get together every Thursday afternoon to stitch. (this is why I timed my visit for Thursday) We all got a wonderful surprise when Kathy showed up! Kathy and I have become very good friends in the last two years, and she's been down in Arizona for the winter. She's up to visit family over the holidays, it was so good to see Kathy! She wants me to fly down for a visit during March Break in 2007. We had a lovely afternoon of stitching and shopping in Ann's shop, Knowledge and Needles, I also came out of there a few bucks lighter. I bought Michael Powell's Mini Cottages 5 which is one of the Spanish Cottages and a couple of skeins of the new DMC overdyed cottons. Once everyone left Ann and I stitched into the evening.Friday morning Dan treated Ann and I to breakfast out. Mmmm one of my favourite meals to eat out (not that I do very often). By mid-morning Ann and I were back at it again, stitching away, Marj drove out to stitch with us for the day. I was hoping she would stay to have dinner with us but she couldn't. Dan was a sweetie that afternoon, and washed my car and vacuumed the inside. He also vacuumed Marj's car! Then he made dinner, "Dan's Chicken" for Ann and I, it was awesome! What more could a girl ask for? Stitching, good food and a clean car! I stayed one more night, as usual I always hate coming back home.
So now I'm hoping to finish Moon Dragon by Dragon Dreams before the New Year starts... hmmm can I do it?
Tomorrow I'm back on the road again, off to Cornwall this time to stitch in the New Year with Chrisanne (this has become our tradition). We'll both be putting in our first stitches on The Castle at midnight!