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Showing posts with label Madame La Fee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madame La Fee. Show all posts

Monday, March 09, 2015

A Long Awaited Stitchy Post - WIP Wednesday A Day Early

Have you missed my WIP Wednesday posts?  Have you missed my stitching... have you missed me?

The week leading up to this year's DR Experience trip was beyond hectic!  I was trying to get so much done before I left.  Not just my home life, but my work life, and of course the kids! I should of gotten stitching pictures up last week, but well there's recovering from said trip.

 I don't get a lot of stitching done during my DR Trips, but I did have a new start that I worked on during my flights.  I did more stitching during my return flight than I did on the way down.  That might of had something to do with the fact that I had to be up before 3am to be at the airport for 4am!  My new travel project (not to be confused with purse project) is Ink Circles, Cirque Des Carreaux.  Like the previous two in the series I've stitched this one is also on 32ct Queen Ann's Lace Joblean, the floss is ThreadWorx "foxy".  This project will be getting A LOT of needle time this Saturday, while I fly down to Yuma, Arizona for my March Break trip to visit Kathy!  I've got about 12 hours of travel time between flights and layovers, lots of stitching time!  We've got a trip to The Attic planned, I can't wait!

Green + White
by Bent Creek
Stitched on: 32ct white lugana
Stitched with WDW & Crescent Colours

Before I left I had a little happy dance!  Its another seasonal small, this time for St. Patrick's Day.  Of course there's no time to actually get it finished finished to be on display in time for this years St. Paddy's Day.

Heart Of Flake
Freebie by Madame la Fée
Stitched on 32ct Raging Storm Belfast Linen
Stitched with ThreadWorx 1124

After my return I had another happy dance, this piece is my February ornament which I started shortly before leaving for the DR.  I want to try to get back to stitching at least one ornament a month.  Besides this sudden need I have this year to stitch seasonal smalls.  I quite like this little heart I stitched up.

Before I picked The Accolade back up upon my return, I put a few stitches into Michael Powell's Mini River Cottage.  As usual his pieces are so enjoyable to stitch!  The only reason I decided to pick this up is because I couldn't get fabric sorted for my March ornament so I kinda gave up for a bit.  I wasn't feeling an ornament at the time anyhow.  I finally got my ornament sorted today, you'll see it in a near future post.

I'm sure you're dying to see how The Accolade is coming along, slowly but surely.  I've found myself more distracted than focused in the last week and a half.  I hope when all of my travel is done, I'll be able to buckle down and happy dance this BAP!