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Showing posts with label Lynne Nicoletti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lynne Nicoletti. Show all posts

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Happy Dance!

I knew if I set my mind to it I should be able to finish stitching my gift, and its done! With only an hour to spare before bedtime. I haven't quite decided how I'm going to finish this yet. Either as a wall hanging (like I did Christin's Christmas present), a flat fold, framed, or a cube-it.

Macdonald Maple Leaf
cLynne Nicoletti
Stitched on 28ct mystery evenweave
Stitched with DMC cotton

Next on my list of stitching to do's is squares for Fair and Square. Its too late tonight, but tomorrow night I'll pick out what I'm going to stitch for my partner and get started. I'm notorious for being a little late to mail things out so I am trying harder to be more on time.

February Goals and Stitching Update

Well, I'm very overdue on my goals for February! So I suppose its time I get around to it... right?

January Review

Stitch Stitching Bloggers Birthday Exchange Gift - Done and received
Get up to page 9 on Paradigm Lost - Nope, not even near it
Stitch 2 ornaments - Yes
Stitch on top secret item - Nope only pulled threads
Spend a Sunday working on Blackstone Fantasy Garden - Yes
Spend a Sunday working on Art Deco Spirits - Yes

February Goals

Finish MacDonald Maple Leaf
Stitch two ornaments
Stitch Fair & Square

I'm keeping it short and simple for February!

Here's my update on MacDonald Maple Leaf, not long to go now!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Scale Was Kind!

Sorry its been days since I've blogged. I think I've barely been able to sit still lately long enough to blog. If I've not been unsettled, I've been stitching when I can since there's a deadline on my MacDonald Maple Leaf. Also I tend to blog at night before bed, and lately I've had a headache at bedtime so I haven't exactly felt like composing a blog entry.

Finally my hard work the last two weeks has paid off! The scale moved for me today at Weight Watchers, I lost 2lbs this week! I have definitely beaten my weight loss total for January with this weigh in alone. I am now sitting UNDER 150 lbs ... I couldn't tell you when I last weighed less than 150lbs (at least grade 7)! I have lost a total of 58lbs and there's only 12 more to go until I'm at goal! Speaking of weight loss, I had a great experience Friday night, a friend and I went jeans shopping (for her, not me ... for a change). My friend had an awesome NSV (Non-Scale Victory), she's been loosing weight as well and she thought she should be in one sized jean, I encouraged her to try on the next size down. Oh we were both so happy and on such a high! We also both bought tops (well she bought me mine, as a thank you for playing personal shopper) and made each other buy something that wasn't our usual style, but looked great. There are "safe" styles and sometimes its nice to buy something that you wouldn't normally wear. You know who you are... and I'm so proud of what you've managed to accomplish so far!

Now that I've bored you with the mundane, here's my progress on MacDonald Maple Leaf!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My New Start

I know, I know, I promised all of you a picture of my new start for yesterday and well I never blogged. I was tired, I had driven home in a bad snow storm, cranky and headachy. Thus no blog entry.

So as promised, here it is my new start and a gift for a friend of mine : Macdonald Maple leaf by Lynne Nicoletti. I'm stitching it on 28ct white evenweave using DMC, I am quite enjoying it so far.