More Black Belt Stitching Wizard Stuff

Showing posts with label JBW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JBW. Show all posts

Sunday, November 03, 2013

TUSAL and Some Finishing

It's TUSAL time again. 

This month it's quite a mix of threads as I've been working on all kinds of smaller projects. 

This weekend has been rather productive, too productive to share it all in one post!  Since I'll be blogging daily for the rest of November I'll need to spread things out a little.   I did the finishing on my exchange ornament for next weekend. 

Being in the finishing groove, I also did the finishing on the six JBW Doves I stitched up earlier this year.   I like the simplicity of this finish. 

In the last few weeks I've started running again, albeit slowly and with frequent walk breaks. This weekend I braved the cooler weathers and got out on Saturday for a "long run" on my favourite trail!  I did over 7km walking 2 minutes, running 2 minutes. There's something about being on this trail that I just love that I'm willing to bundle up and risk getting rained on to spend time on it. I pretty much had it to myself, only running into one person in the 70 minutes I was on it. 

Today I did a shorter run in my village, over 3K. This time in increased my run intervals since it was a shorter distance. I walked 2 minutes and ran for 4. 

I'm so happy to be running again, I had to stop due to a foot injury, a month ago I hand a cortisone injection and so far it seems to be doing its job... For now. The last one I had only lasted six weeks. When I run I feel powerful, I feel alive, unstoppable. I just ordered a new pair of running shoes and I look forward to hopefully picking them up this week.  I'm taking it slow and trying not to push myself too hard hoping that my foot will hold up. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Productive Weekend

Well a productive stitchy weekend that is! I've been on the road so much this summer that I forgot what it was like to stay home, stay in my pj's and stitch all day! That's exactly what I did! Here are the results of my lazy weekend!

Bleeding Hearts
c Sweetheart Tree

First I finished up my contribution to Kathy's Sweetheart Tree round robin. I'll be passing it onto Christin this week so she can add the last heart. This was quite enjoyable to stitch, with its specialty stitches and threads. A quick stitch too!

I took a stitching break, and did the finishing on this freebie ornament that I had stitched earlier in the year. I think you'll be seeing a lot of bead edged ornaments in the future (since I've now got so many!).

French Country Dove - Christmas Doves II
c2012 JBW Designs
Stitched on 28ct black Luganda
Stitched with DMC B5200

When I was ready to get back to stitching, I picked up this JBW which I had kinda started the previous weekend, it stitched up super-quick! I've also started another one, I need to stitch up six doves for gifts this year. I've got four stitched, one in progress and one left to start! I imagine there will be beads involved in the finishing.

Sunday morning I got a start on stretching a piece I teased you with earlier in the summer so I can get it framed and to its new owner. She's been known to read this blog so no peeking! Sorry! I then picked up The Accolade for the rest of the day, you'll be seeing a 1/2 way happy dance soon!

Lets get back to goal setting! It's been month since I've talked about what stitching I'd like to accomplish each month.

September Stitching Goals
Stitch Kathy's Sweetheart Tree RR
Stitch one ornament
Finish page 6 on The Accolade
Finish The Cat's Meow
Work on Fortunate Traveller

- thanks for reading!